Online Film Critics Society Awards / Best Cinematography

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The OFCSA for the best camera has been awarded every year since 1998.

Most frequently honored cameraman Roger Deakins (6 wins)
Most frequently nominated cameraman Roger Deakins (10 nominations)
Most nominated cameraman without a win Matthew Libatique , Rodrigo Prieto (3 nominations each)

Winners and nominees

All nominees for a year are listed, the winner is always on top.

1998 to 1999


Saving Private Ryan - Janusz Kamiński

Pleasantville - Too good to be true (Pleasantville) - John Lindley
The fine line - John Toll


Sleepy Hollow - Emmanuel Lubezki

American Beauty - Conrad L. Hall
Eyes Wide Shut - Larry Smith
A true story - The Straight Story - Freddie Francis
Three Kings - It's nice to be a king - Newton Thomas Sigel

2000 to 2009


Tiger and Dragon - Peter Pau

Gladiator - John Mathieson
O Brother, Where Art Thou? - Roger Deakins
Requiem for a Dream - Matthew Libatique
Traffic - Power of the Cartel - Peter Andrews


The Man Who Wasn't There - Roger Deakins

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Andrew Lesnie
Moulin Rouge - Donald McAlpine
Mulholland Drive - Peter Deming
AI - Artificial Intelligence - Janusz Kamiński


So far from heaven - Edward Lachman

Gangs of New York - Michael Ballhaus
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Andrew Lesnie
Minority Report - Janusz Kamiński
Road to Perdition - Conrad L. Hall


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - Andrew Lesnie

The Girl with the Pearl Earring - Eduardo Serra
Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Robert Richardson
Last Samurai - John Toll
Nomads of the skies - The secret of the migratory birds - Olli Barbé , Michel Benjamin , Sylvie Carcedo-Dreujou , Laurent Charbonnier , Luc Drion , Laurent Fleutot , Philippe Garguil , Dominique Gentil , Bernard Lutic , Thierry Machado , Stéphane Martin , Fabrice Moindrot , Ernst Sasse , Michel Terrasse and Thierry Thomas


Hero - Christopher Doyle

Aviator - Robert Richardson
Collateral - Dion Beebe and Paul Cameron
Forget Me Not! - Ellen Kuras
House of Flying Daggers - Zhao Xiaoding


Sin City - Robert Rodriguez

2046 - Christopher Doyle , Kwan Pun Leung, and Yiu-Fai Lai
Good Night, and Good Luck. - Robert Elswit
The New World - Emmanuel Lubezki
Brokeback Mountain - Rodrigo Prieto


Children of Men - Emmanuel Lubezki

Apocalypto - Dean Semler
Babylon - Rodrigo Prieto
The Fountain - Matthew Libatique
Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo Navarro


No Country for Old Men - Roger Deakins

Atonement - Seamus McGarvey
The murder of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford - Roger Deakins
Butterfly and diving bell - Janusz Kamiński
There Will Be Blood - Robert Elswit


The Dark Knight - Wally Pfister

Che - Revolución (Che - Part One: The Argentine) - Peter Andrews
The Strange Case of Benjamin Button - Claudio Miranda
The Fall - Colin Watkinson
Slumdog Millionaire - Anthony Dod Mantle


Inglourious Basterds - Robert Richardson

A Serious Man - Roger Deakins
Avatar - Departure for Pandora - Mauro Fiore
District 9 - Trent Opaloch
Deadly Command - The Hurt Locker - Barry Ackroyd

2010 to 2019


True Grit - Roger Deakins

127 Hours - Anthony Dod Mantle and Enrique Chediak
Black Swan - Matthew Libatique
Inception - Wally Pfister
Shutter Island - Robert Richardson


The Tree of Life - Emmanuel Lubezki

The Artist - Guillaume Schiffman
Drive - Newton Thomas Sigel
Hugo Cabret - Robert Richardson
Melancholia - Manuel Alberto Claro


James Bond 007: Skyfall - Roger Deakins

Life of Pi: Shipwreck with Tiger - Claudio Miranda
Lincoln - Janusz Kamiński
The Master - Mihai Mălaimare Junior
Moonrise Kingdom - Robert D. Yeoman


Gravity - Emmanuel Lubezki

12 Years a Slave - Sean Bobbitt
The Grandmaster - Philippe Le Sourd
La Grande Bellezza - The great beauty (La Grande Bellezza) - Luca Bigazzi
Inside Llewyn Davis - Bruno Delbonnel


Grand Budapest Hotel - Robert D. Yeoman

Birdman or (The Unexpected Power of Cluelessness) - Emmanuel Lubezki
Ida - Ryszard Lenczewski and Łukasz Żal
Mr. Turner - Master of Light - Dick Pope
Under the Skin - Dan Landin


Mad Max: Fury Road - John Seale

The Assassin - Mark Lee Ping Bin
Carol - Edward Lachman
The Revenant - The returnees (The Revenant) - Emmanuel Lubezki
Sicario - Roger Deakins


La La Land - Linus Sandgren

Arrival - Bradford Young
Jackie: The First Lady - Stéphane Fontaine
Moonlight - James Laxton
The Neon Demon - Natasha Braier


Blade Runner 2049 - Roger Deakins

Dunkirk - Hoyte van Hoytema
The lost city Z (The Lost City of Z) - Darius Khondji
Mudbound - Rachel Morrison
Shape of Water - The whisper of water - Dan Laustsen


Roma - Alfonso Cuarón

Cold War - The latitude of love (Zimna wojna) - Łukasz Żal
The Favorite - Intrigue and Madness - Robbie Ryan
Departure to the Moon (First Man) - Linus Sandgren
If Beale Street Could Talk - James Laxton


1917 - Roger Deakins

The Irishman - Rodrigo Prieto
The Lighthouse (The Lighthouse) - Jarin Blaschke
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Robert Richardson
Portrait of a Young Woman on Fire (Portrait de la jeune fille en feu) - Claire Mathon