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coat of arms Germany map
The rural community of Südeichsfeld does not have a coat of arms
Map of Germany, position of the rural community Südeichsfeld highlighted

Coordinates: 51 ° 10 ′  N , 10 ° 19 ′  E

Basic data
State : Thuringia
County : Unstrut-Hainich district
Fulfilling municipality : for Rodeberg
Height : 349 m above sea level NHN
Area : 60.02 km 2
Residents: 6604 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 110 inhabitants per km 2
Postcodes : 99976 (Faulungen, Hildebrandshausen, Lengenfeld unterm Stein) ,
99988 (Diedorf, Heyerode, Schierschwende, Wendehausen)Template: Infobox municipality in Germany / maintenance / zip code contains text
Area code : 036024
License plate : UH, LSZ, MHL
Community key : 16 0 64 074
Address of the
rural community administration:
Hauptstrasse 22
99988 OT Heyerode,
municipality of Südeichsfeld
Website : www.lg-suedeichsfeld.de
Mayor : Andreas Henning (independent)
Location of the rural community of Südeichsfeld in the Unstrut-Hainich district
Anrode Bad Langensalza Bad Langensalza Bad Langensalza Bad Tennstedt Ballhausen Blankenburg Bruchstedt Dünwald Großvargula Haussömmern Herbsleben Hornsömmern Kammerforst Kammerforst Kirchheilingen Körner Kutzleben Marolterode Menteroda Mittelsömmern Mühlhausen Nottertal-Heilinger Höhen Oppershausen Oppershausen Rodeberg Schönstedt Südeichsfeld Sundhausen Tottleben Unstrut-Hainich Unstruttal Urleben Vogteimap
About this picture
Template: Infobox municipality in Germany / maintenance / type unknown

The municipality of Südeichsfeld is a rural municipality in the Unstrut-Hainich district in Thuringia . It is located in the Eichsfeld-Hainich-Werratal Nature Park and has around 7,000 inhabitants.


The rural community of Südeichsfeld is located in the southwest of the Unstrut-Hainich district and is characterized by a low mountain range and the Werra valley . The western and southern parts are assigned to the Wanfrieder Werra Heights, the predominant type of rock is shell limestone , this rock was used economically in the Wendehausen concrete works. The Keudelskuppe ( 484.7  m above sea level ) on the Hessian-Thuringian border is considered the highest point in the municipality . The deepest point in the municipality ( 214  m above sea level ) is located east of the field mill on Haselbach near the Kleintöpfer desert .

The municipality is in the north, south and west at the same time a section of the district boundary: in the north to the Eichsfeld district , in the south to the Wartburg district . In the west, the municipality and district border is also the border between the federal states of Thuringia and Hesse . In the east, the municipalities of Rodeberg and Vogtei border the municipality.


The rural community founded on December 1, 2011 consists of the following eight localities:

Mountains and elevations

The community area, which is strongly divided by several streams, has more than 20 elevations, which are 400  m above sea level. Exceed sea level . The most important elevations include the Keudelskuppe ( 484.7  m above sea level ), the Dörnerberg ( 477.5  m above sea level ), the Kälberberg ( 476.6  m above sea level ), the bare and inconspicuous elevation Steinerner Mann ( 472, 8  . m above sea level ) on the national highway 249 , the pro rata part of the municipality Konstein ( 455.2  m above sea level. ), Hainzenberg and Pfaffenkopf - each ( 450.7  . m above sea level ), the Lindenhecke ( 447.3  m ü . NN ) and the Schlossberg near Lengenfeld ( 401.9  m above sea level ).


The district of Heyerode protrudes into the northern part of the Hainich , it is drained by the Lempertsbach . The center of the community around Diedorf and Katharinenberg is drained by the Haselbach (Heldrabach), a right tributary of the Werra , which has dug a narrow valley near Wendehausen. West of Katharinenberg, the Gatterbach flows towards the Werra. The northwestern part of the community with Faulungen, Hildebrandshausen and Lengenfeld unterm Stein belongs to the Frieda catchment area . The source streams flowing south at Schierschwende flow into the Falkener Bach and after a short run into the Werra. The three fish ponds near Heyerode and the three fish ponds between Struth and Lengenfeld unterm Stein are the only standing bodies of water.

Protected areas

Landscape near Heyerode

Due to the diverse flora and fauna, the municipality belongs to several protected areas:

  • (since 2009 completely in the LSG Eichsfeld )
  • Keudelskuppe – Wacholderberg nature reserve (149 ha, planned)
  • FFH area of Treffurt city forest north of Treffurt (352 ha)
  • FFH area Adolfsburg – Bornberg – Sülzenberg (148 ha; orographically complete and natural area with the eastern half already Falkener Platte ) - partly represented by Schierschwende and Heyerode.

The all-German nature conservation project Green Belt with the section “Eichsfeld-Werratal” leads the heights as shell limestone heights east of Wanfried as a separate project area.


In the late Middle Ages, today's municipal area belonged for the most part to the Mainz office of Bischofstein with the towns of Diedorf, Heyerode, Hildebrandshausen, Faulungen and Lengenfeld unterm Stein. The southwestern municipal area around Wendehausen and Schierschwende belonged to the rulership of the Treffurt office, which existed as a Treffurt inheritance until the 19th century.

Parts of the municipality were only opened up in the late Middle Ages by clearing, the majority of these late medieval places were soon abandoned due to poor soils, dwindling springs, wars and looting and are still known today as desolations. These include, for example, Heßlingerode , Grünrode and Sifterode near Katharinenberg as well as the town of Stein near Lengenfeld unterm Stein, which has even been granted city rights . As a result of the inner German border, the Keudelstein, Kleintöpfer (with brickworks) and Karnberg estates and the Scharfloh homestead had to be abandoned. With effect from June 3, 1964, the Erfurt District Assembly also approved the incorporation of the Kleintöpfer district, city of Treffurt, with an area of ​​599.8586 hectares into the Wendehausen community, Mühlhausen district .

The railway line Mühlhausen – Treffurt operated from 1911 to 1952 connected the districts of Wendehausen, Diedorf and Heyerode with the district town of Mühlhausen . As early as 1880, the Leinefelde – Treysa line, known as the Kanonenbahn, with stations in Lengenfeld and Geismar, went into operation. When the Friedaviadukt was blown up in the final phase of the Second World War, the line between Geismar and Schwebda in Hesse was interrupted. and the Thuringian part of the line closed at the end of 1992.

After all participating municipalities had decided to form the rural municipality, the mayors had concluded a contract for the association of municipalities. When the community was founded, the Hildebrandshausen / Lengenfeld unterm Stein administrative community was dissolved on December 1, 2011 . The municipality of Rodeberg , which also belongs to it , transferred tasks to Südeichsfeld as a fulfilling municipality . It was criticized that there was no citizen survey on the subject and that the citizens were presented with a fait accompli.


Municipal council

Community structure

The local elections on May 26, 2019 , with a turnout of 65.3%, led to the following result for the composition of the Südeichsfeld municipal council:

Party / list Share of votes Seats
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) 50.6% 11
FWG Heyerode 19.3% 4th
BV Diedorf / Katharinenberg 17.2% 3
List for turning houses 12.9% 2


After the formation of the community in 2011, Jörg Engelmann-Bärenklau was initially responsible for the administration as "Commissioner of the community of Südeichsfeld". In the first election for mayor on February 26, 2012, Andreas Henning (CDU until May 2018, since then non-party) was elected with 61.1% of the valid votes cast. On January 14, 2018, he was re-elected with 97.2% of the valid votes cast.

Culture and sights

Web links

Commons : Südeichsfeld  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Population of the municipalities from the Thuringian State Office for Statistics  ( help on this ).
  2. Muschelkalkhöhen east of Wanfried. ( Memento of the original from March 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / naturschutzgrossprojekt-eichsfeld-werratal.de
  3. ^ Gerhard Günther : On the territorial development of the Mühlhausen district . In: Mühlhauser contributions . Issue 2, 1979, ZDB -ID 1125623-0 , p. 64-70, 127-128 .
  4. Reinhold Salzmann: The Kanonenbahn - history and fate of a large railway project . In: Rund um den Alheimer 34 (2013), pp. 6–23 (17).
  5. StBA: Area changes from January 1st to December 31st, 2011
  6. City council election 2019 in Thuringia. Thuringian State Office for Statistics, accessed on July 7, 2019 .
  7. ^ Thuringian State Office for Statistics: Elections in Thuringia, mayoral elections in Südeichsfeld. Retrieved June 27, 2020 .