Slavinsk (Kaliningrad)

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Goldbach, Kr. Wehlau

Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Rajon Gwardeisk
Founded 1300-1302
Earlier names Goltbach (before 1785),
Groß Goldbach (until 1910),
Klein Goldbach (until 1910),
Goldbach (until 1947)
population 944 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Height of the center 21  m
Time zone UTC + 2
Telephone code (+7) 40159
Post Code 238222
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 206 819 001
Geographical location
Coordinates 54 ° 45 '  N , 21 ° 5'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 45 '0 "  N , 21 ° 4' 54"  E
Slavinsk (Kaliningrad) (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Slavinsk (Kaliningrad) (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Kaliningrad Oblast

Slawinsk ( Russian Славинск , German  Goldbach, Wehlau district , Lithuanian Galdė , also: Auksapiai ) is a village in the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad in Gwardeisk Rajon . It belongs to the municipal self-government unit of the Gwardeisk district .

Geographical location

Slavinsk is located 47 kilometers northeast of the oblast capital Kaliningrad (Königsberg) and twelve kilometers north of Gwardeisk (Tapiau) on the Russian highway R 512 . Two side streets end in town, coming from Polessk (Labiau) via Iwanowka (Adlig Bärwalde) and from Ossinowka (Stampelken) via Demidowo ( Augstuphnen , 1938-1946 Uderhöhe) .

Today there is only a rail link via Gwardeisk on the Kaliningrad – Nesterow railway line (Königsberg – Stallupönen / Ebenrode) - sections of the former Prussian Eastern Railway to continue to Lithuania and the Russian heartland. Until 1945 the former Goldbach train station was on the no longer operated Tapiau – Labiau railway line (now Russian: Gwardeisk – Polessk) of the Wehlau – Friedlander Kreisbahnen .


Groß Goldbach, east of Koenigsberg , on a map from 1910.

Helwig von Goldbach is said to have been the founder of the village called Goldbach until 1946 . He came from the village of the same name Goldbach near Gotha in Thuringia , was a convent brother in Christburg (now in Polish: Dzierzgoń) and was probably there when Herkus Monte was captured . Raised to the rank of landmaster in Prussia , he had the village and church of Goldbach laid out between 1300 and 1302. A - probably confirming - hand festival dates from 1375.

In 1636, Elector Georg Wilhelm pledged Goldbach to Simon Janßen. In 1652 it came to Anschatz von der Trenck in the same way , whose family was still pledgee in 1692.

On 13 June 1874, Goldbach eponymous site and the headquarters of a newly built administrative district that existed until 1945 and the county Wehlau in the administrative district of Konigsberg the Prussian province of East Prussia belonged. On June 7, 1889, the communal-free establishment Mühle Goldbach was incorporated. Until April 30, 1910, a distinction was made between the villages of Groß Goldbach and Klein Goldbach, which then merged to form the rural community of Goldbach. This had a total of 750 inhabitants in the same year.

On September 30, 1928 Goldbach expanded to include the places Garbeningken (no longer existent) and Groß Köwe (Russian: Sowchosnoje, also extinct) and Karpau (now Russian: Jarki), which were incorporated. The number of inhabitants grew in this way to 1,017 by 1933 and was 952 in 1939.

In 1945 Goldbach came to the Soviet Union as a result of the war with northern East Prussia and was given the Russian name Slavinsk in 1947. The place was until 2005 the administrative seat of a village soviet or village district and then until 2014 the administrative seat of a rural community. Since 2014 the place belongs to the urban district Gwardeisk .

Goldbach district 1874–1945

The Goldbach district, established in 1874, initially comprised twelve manor districts (GB) and rural communities (LG):

Surname Russian name Remarks
Garbeningken (GB) 1928 incorporated into the rural community of Goldbach
Gross Goldbach (LG) Slavinsk from 1910: Goldbach rural community
Gross Keylau (LG) Poddubnoye
Great Köwe (GB) Sovkhoznoye 1928 incorporated into the rural community of Goldbach
Groß Kuglack (GB) Yassenskoye from 1928: rural community Kuglack
Karpau (GB) Jarki 1928 incorporated into the rural community of Goldbach
Klein Goldbach (LG) Slavinsk from 1910: Goldbach rural community
Klein Keylau (LG) before 1883 incorporated into the rural community of Groß Keylau
Klein Kuglack (GB) from 1928: rural community Kuglack
Perkuiken (GB) Nakhimovo from 1923: Roddau-Perkuiken rural community
Perpolken (GB) Belowo 1928 incorporated into the rural community of Roddau-Perkuiken
Wilhelminenhof (GB) Nakhimovo 1928 incorporated into the rural community of Roddau-Perkuiken
before 1908:
Roddau (GB) Nakhimovo from 1923: Roddau-Perkuiken rural community

Due to the restructuring, only the four communities Goldbach, Groß Keylau, Kuglack and Roddau-Perkuiken belonged to the district of Goldbach on June 1, 1945.

Slawinski selski Sowet / okrug 1947–2005

The village soviet Slawinski selski Sowet (ru. Славинский сельский Совет) was established in June 1947. After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the administrative unit existed as the village district Slawinski selski okrug (ru. Славинский сельский округ). In 2005 the remaining places of the village district (with the exception of Prigorodnoye , which was incorporated into the urban municipality of Gwardeiskoje gorodskoje posselenije ) were taken over into the newly formed rural municipality of Slavinskoje selskoje posselenije.

Place name Name until 1947/50 Remarks
Belovo (Белово) Perpolken The place was renamed in 1947.
Chlebnoye (Хлебное) Hubendorf The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Demidowo (Демидово) Groß Uderballen, 1938–1945 "Großudertal",
and Augstupönen, 1938–1945 "Udertal"
The place was renamed in 1947.
Dobroljubowo (Добролюбово) Lieblacken The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Jarki (Ярки) Carpau The place was renamed in 1947. It evidently moved to the former German town of Garbeningken , which previously apparently belonged to Belowo.
Jassenskoje (Ясеньское) (Large) Kuglack The place was renamed in 1947.
Jastrebki (Ястребки) Lischkau The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Kostjukowo (Костюково) Scillenbruch The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Kruglowka (Кругловка) Neuendorf The place was renamed in 1947.
Lukjanowo (Лукьяново) Szillenberg The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Luzhki (Лужки) Pomauden The place was renamed in 1947 and connected to the place Prigorodnoye before 1988.
Ossinowka (Осиновка) Stamping The place was renamed in 1947.
Ostrikowo (Остриково) Big Fritschienen The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 19755.
Poddubnoe (Поддубное) Great Keylau The place was renamed in 1947.
Prigorodnoye (Пригородное) Hasenberg The place was renamed in 1947.
Ramenskoye (Раменское) Wilmsdorf The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Sabarje (Забарье) Moterau The place was renamed in 1947.
Slavinsk (Славинск) Goldbach Administrative headquarters
Sovkhoznoye (Совхозное) Great Koew The place was renamed in 1947 and connected to Slavinsk before 1988.
Stolbowoje (Столбовое) Lindenau The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Talalichino (Талалихино) Klein Uderballen, 1938–1945 "Kleinudertal" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Wekowoje (Вековое) Klein Grünlauken The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Volkovo (Волково) Michelau The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Wolnoe (Волное) Klein Birkenfeld The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.

Slavinskoye selskoye posseleniy 2005–2014

The location of the rural municipality Slavinskoye selskoye posselenije in the northwest of Gwardeisk Raion

The rural municipality Slavinskoje selskoje posselenije (ru. Славинское сельское поселение) was established in 2005. The area of ​​the rural community Slavinskoje was 219.5 km² and included about 3,000 inhabitants.

The Slawinskoje selskoje posselenije included 20 “settlement” (Russian: possjolok) named localities, which until 2005 were assigned to the two village soviets Slawinski and Borski . In 2014 these places were incorporated into the municipal self-government unit of the Gwardeisk district.

Place name German name Place name German name
Belovo (Белово) Perpolken Losowoje (Лозовое) Kremitten
and Podollen
Borskoje (Борское) Schiewenau Malinovka (Малиновка) Biothen
and Podewitten
Cholmy (Холмы) Noble Popelken Ossinowka (Осиновка) Stamping
Demidowo (Демидово) Augstupöhnen (Uderhöhe) , and:
United Uderballen (Großudertal)
Poddubnoe (Поддубное) Great Keylau
Jablonowka (Яблоновка) Bartenhof Roschtschino (Рощино) Possinds
Jarki (Ярки) Carpau Sabarje (Забарье) Moterau
Jassenskoje (Ясеньское) (Large) Kuglack Slavinsk (Славинск) Goldbach
Kalinkowo (Калинково) Irglacken Sokolniki (Сокольники) Langendorf
Kruglowka (Кругловка) Neuendorf Swenjewoje (Звеньевое) Popehnen
Kurgan (Курган) Kuxtern Velikolukskoje (Великолукское) Wargien


→ Main article: Goldbach Church (East Prussia)

Church building

The Goldbach Church was a hall building that was restored in 1706 and dates back to the 14th century as field stones and bricks with a western tower in front. The altar, pulpit, baptismal angels and confessional are said to come from Christian Klodssey's workshop. In 1859 the organ was built by Scherweit in Königsberg (Prussia) .

The church came through World War II unscathed . After that, however, it was misused and used as a warehouse. The decay was inevitable: the roof collapsed in the 1970s, parts of the wall of the nave disappeared, and so today only the tower ruins with a few fragments of the wall can be seen.


Goldbach was already a church village in the pre-Reformation period, into which the Reformation soon found its way - a Lutheran cleric was already active here in 1527. With its extensive parish , the parish belonged to the church district of Wehlau (today in Russian: Snamensk) in the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union until 1945 . In 1925 the parish had 3,300 parishioners.

Today Slavinsk is in the catchment area of ​​two Evangelical Lutheran parishes that were newly established in the 1990s: Gwardeisk (Tapiau) and Nekrasowo (Groß Scharlack) . Both are branches of the Church of the Resurrection in Kaliningrad (Königsberg) within the Kaliningrad provost of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of European Russia .

Personalities of the place

Individual evidence

  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ. (Results of the 2010 all-Russian census. Kaliningrad Oblast.) Volume 1 , Table 4 (Download from the website of the Kaliningrad Oblast Territorial Organ of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. D. Lange, Geographical Location Register East Prussia (2005): Goldbach
  3. ^ Slawinsk - Goldbach at
  4. ^ Rolf Jehke, Goldbach District
  5. D. Lange, Geographical Location Register East Prussia (2005): Mühle Goldbach
  6. ^ Uli Schubert, community directory, Wehlau district
  7. Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. Wehlau district (Russian Snamensk). (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  8. a b The Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 17 июня 1947 г. "Об образовании сельских советов, городов и рабочих поселков в Калининградской области" (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of 17 June 1947: On the Formation of village Soviets , Cities and workers' settlements in Kaliningrad Oblast)
  9. Rolf Jehke, District Goldbach (as above)
  10. only Groß Uderballen was renamed
  11. The place Lindenau was classified in 1947 together with the places Adlig Wißritten and Klein Sittkeim as "Kustowka" in the village soviet Slawjanski in the district of Polessk .
  12. Through the Закон Калининградской области от 24 февраля 2005 г. № 502 «О наделении муниципального образования" Гвардейский район "статусом муниципального района и об установлении границ и наделении соответствующим статусом муниципальных образований , находящихся на его территории" (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast on 24 February 2005, No. 502. About the equipping of municipal Education "Gwardeisk Raion" with the status of a municipal Raion and about setting the boundaries and equipping with the corresponding status of the municipal formations located on its territory)
  13. Walther Hubatsch , History of the Protestant Church in East Prussia , Volume II: Portraits of East Prussian Churches , Göttingen, 1968, pages 82-83
  14. Patrick Plew, The churches in Samland: Goldbach
  15. ^ Walther Hubatsch, History of the Protestant Church in East Prussia , Volume III: Documents , Göttingen, 1968, page 475
  16. Evangelical Lutheran Provosty Kaliningrad ( Memento of the original dated August 29, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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