Voiced alveolar vibrant

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IPA mark r
IPA number 122
IPA character description Latin minuscule r
Unicode U + 0072 (r)
HTML (dec.) & # 114;
Kirshenbaum r

In phonetics, a voiced alveolar vibrant refers to a voiced consonantic vibrating sound that is formed on the upper dental dam (the bulge behind the upper incisors), the alveolar process . To do this, the tip of the tongue touches the upper dental dam and is made to vibrate by the air flowing over it. This is why this sound is also called “tongue tip R” or “tongue R”.

Realization in various languages

Phonetic and orthographic realization of the voiced alveolar vibrant in different languages:

  • In some varieties of standard German is [⁠ r ⁠] the usual r-sound, as in Switzerland, in Transylvania, and often in Bavaria, Austria and South Tyrol. In the High German standard wording, it is one of the three realizations of the / r / in addition to the voiced uvular fricative and the uvular vibrant .
  • Spanish [⁠ r ⁠] : Characterized by rr and by r the letters and at the beginning of a syllable when it is at n, l or s follows (in many Spanish dictionaries, the character is r However for the voiced alveolar tap used during Digraph rr denotes the voiced alveolar vibrant.)

Note: / ⁠ r ⁠ / in many dictionaries in IPA phonetic specification to designate a phoneme used, which depending on the language, a plurality of different regional r-sounds (r- allophones may designate).

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Zungenspitzen-R  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Pulmonary consonants
according to IPA (2005)
bilabial labio-
dental alveolar post-
retroflex palatal velar uvular phase-
stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth. stl. sth.
Plosives p b t d ʈ ɖ c ɟ k ɡ q ɢ ʔ
Nasals m ɱ n ɳ ɲ ŋ ɴ
Vibrants ʙ r ʀ
Taps / flaps ɾ ɽ
Fricatives ɸ β f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ ʂ ʐ ç ʝ x ɣ χ ʁ H ʕ H ɦ
lateral fricatives ɬ ɮ
Approximants ʋ ɹ ɻ j w ¹
lateral approximants l ɭ ʎ ʟ
¹ The labialised variant [ w ] was inserted here as a voiced velar approximant ( half vowel ) instead of the non-labialised variant [ ɰ ].