Stop and Smell the Roses

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Stop and Smell the Roses
Ringo Starr's studio album


October 26, 1981 ( US ) ,
November 20, 1981 ( UK )

Label (s) RCA / Boardwalk Records-The Right Stuff-Capitol Records (USA) / Bellaphon (Germany)

Format (s)

LP , MC , CD

Genre (s)


Title (number)

LP: 10 / CD: 16

running time

LP: 32 min 23 s
CD: 54 min 33 s

  • Ron Wood - guitar, acoustic bass, saxophone, backing vocals
  • Lawrence Juber - guitar
  • Herbie Flowers - bass, tuba
  • Mike Finnigan - piano, organ , backing vocals
  • Mike Stergis - guitar, backing vocals
  • Dennis Budimir - guitar
  • Ritchie Zito - guitar
  • Fred Tackett - guitar
  • Lloyd Green - Pedal Steel Guitar
  • Wilton Felder - bass
  • Harley Thompson - bass
  • Dennis Belfield - bass
  • Jane Getz - piano
  • Greg Mathieson - piano
  • Joe Sample - piano
  • Rick Riccio - saxophone
  • Joe Lala - percussion
  • Sound engineers : Peter Henderson, Phil McDonald, Rick Riccio, Dee Robb, Stanley Johnston and Steve Gursky


Studio (s)

Bad Boy
Stop and Smell the Roses Old Wave

Stop and Smell the Roses is the ninth album or the eighth studio album by Ringo Starr after the Beatles split up . It was released in Great Britain (USA: October 26, 1981) on November 20, 1981.

History of origin

After the release of his last two albums, Ringo the 4th and Bad Boy , which were the two most commercially unsuccessful to date, Ringo Starr no longer had a record deal for continental Europe in 1978. In this situation he went with Russ Ballard as a producer in July 1978 in Copenhagen ( Denmark ) in the Sweet Silence Studios to record a new album. It is not known how many songs were completed; only As Far As We Can Go appeared as a bonus track on the CD re-release of the album Old Wave in September 1994. Two other tracks, She's So in Love and One Way Love Affair , were released on bootlegs . According to the CD booklet, the other recording On the Rebound should exist.

After the failures in his musical career, Ringo Starr had to cope with several other private crisis situations in 1979. In April he collapsed and had to undergo an operation in Monte Carlo . On November 28, 1979, his Los Angeles home was destroyed by fire . Starr was unharmed, but a large part of his collected mementos from the Beatles' time was lost. On the other hand, he met his future wife Barbara Bach in February 1980 while filming the movie Caveman , whom he married on April 27, 1981.

Ringo Starr decided to revive the musical concept of his three albums Ringo , Goodnight Vienna and Ringo's Rotogravure by again inviting prominent musician friends as well as John Lennon , Paul McCartney and George Harrison to support him musically with songs.

The first recordings took place from July 11 to 21, 1980 at Super Bear Studios in France, where he and Paul McCartney produced the songs Private Property , Attention , Sure to Fall (In Love with You) and You Can't Fight Lightning played. From August 11 to September 27, the Devonshire Sound Studios in Los Angeles recorded the songs You've Got a Nice Way , Red and Black Blues and Wake Up (producer: Stephen Stills ), as well as Dead Giveaway and Brandy that were produced by Ronnie Wood and Ringo Starr. The songs were completed on various dates in December 1980 and from January to February 1981.

With Harry Nilsson as producer, Ringo recorded the tracks Drumming Is My Madness , Stop and Take the Time to Smell the in November 1980 at Evergreen Recording Studios in Burbank and from December 1st to 4th, 1980 at Compass Point Studios in the Bahamas Roses and Back Off Boogaloo on. Back Off Boogaloo was a new recording of the single A-side from March 1972. These songs were also only completed in September 1981.

George Harrison was the sixth producer, including Ringo Starr, from November 19-25, 1980, and three more songs were recorded in his own recording studio, Friars Park Studio, Henley-on-Thames (FPSHOT). Wrack My Brain and You Belong to Me were used for the album, while an early version of the song All Those Years Ago by George Harrison was re-recorded and used for his album Somewhere in England .

On November 15, 1980, Ringo Starr met with John Lennon at the Plaza Hotel in New York, where he received a music cassette with four songs from Lennon , with the two demo recordings Life Begins at Forty and Nobody Told Me on the cassette. Planned joint recordings in January 1981 could not be realized due to the murder of John Lennon.

In March 1981 the album was to appear under the original title: Can't Fight Lightning and a cover photo, which was then used in February 1989 for the compilation album Starr Struck: Best of Ringo Starr, Vol. 2 , on Portrait Records as follows:

  1. Attention
  2. Private property
  3. You've got a nice way
  4. Wake up
  5. You Can't Fight Lightning
  6. Wreck My Brain
  7. Dead giveaway
  8. brandy
  9. You belong to me
  10. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses

The record company refused a release in this form, so that Ringo Starr signed a new record deal in the USA in mid-August 1981 with Boardwalk Records and for the rest of the world with RCA , although this was limited to this one album release in the USA and Great Britain . In October 1981 the album was now completed under the title Stop and Smell the Roses and finally released the following month.

Cover design

The cover was designed by John Kosh. The cover photos were taken by Aaron Rapoport.

Track list

Page 1:

  1. Private Property ( Paul McCartney ) - 2:44
    • Produced by Paul McCartney
  2. Wreck My Brain ( George Harrison ) - 2:21
    • Produced by George Harrison
  3. Drumming is My Madness ( Harry Nilsson ) - 3:29
    • Produced by Harry Nilsson
  4. Attention (Paul McCartney ) - 3:20
    • Produced by Paul McCartney
  5. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses (Harry Nilsson, Richard Starkey ) - 3:08
    • Produced by Harry Nilsson

Page 2:

  1. Dead Giveaway (Richard Starkey, Ron Wood ) - 4:28
    • Produced by Ron Wood and Ringo Starr
  2. You Belong to Me (Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart, Chilton Price) - 2:09
    • Produced by George Harrison
  3. Sure to Fall ( Carl Perkins , Quinton Claunch, William Cantrell) - 3:42
    • Produced by Paul McCartney
  4. You've Got a Nice Way ( Stephen Stills , Michael Stergis) - 3:33
    • Produced by Steven Stills
  5. Back Off Boogaloo (Richard Starkey) - 3:16
    • Produced by Harry Nilsson

Bonus title 1994:

  1. Wake Up (Richard Starkey) - 3:45
    • Produced by Steven Stills
  2. Red and Black Blues ( Lane Tietgen ) - 3:20
    • Produced by Steven Stills
  3. Brandy (Joseph B. Jefferson, Charles B. Simmons) - 4:08
    • Produced by Ronnie Wood and Ringo Starr
  4. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses (Original Vocal Version) (Harry Nilsson, Richard Starkey) - 3:09
    • Produced by Harry Nilsson
  5. You Can't Fight Lightning (Richard Starkey) - 5:41
    • Produced by Paul McCartney
  6. Hand Gun Promos - 2:03
Richard Starkey is the birth name of Ringo Starr


  • It was first released in CD format in the United States in September 1994 on Capitol Records with six bonus tracks. The CD comes with an 18-page booklet that contains information on the songs and the album by Matt Hurwitz and the lyrics. The CD release from 1994 has not yet been remastered .
  • In June 2010 the CD was re-released on the MaxCat Records label with a different cover and only ten songs.
  • To promote the (re) release of the albums Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses and Old Wave , Right Stuff released a promotional CD containing six songs: Wrack My Brain , Dead Giveaway , Private Property (longer previously unreleased Version), Be My Baby , In My Car and She's About a Mover .

Single releases

Wreck My Brain

The first single Wrack My Brain / Drumming Is My Madness was released in advance on October 26, 1981 in the USA and on November 13 in the UK. In Canada, another mix of Wrack My Brain was released exclusively on the single that was released there.

The promotional single was published in the USA as follows: the mono version is on the A side and the stereo version of the A side of the sales single is on the B side .

Private property

In the USA and Germany, the second single Private Property / Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses was released on January 11, 1982 .

The promotional single was published in the USA as follows: the mono version is on the A side and the stereo version of the A side of the sales single is on the B side.

Another single

In November 1994, on the occasion of the CD release, the single Wrack My Brain / Private Property was released as a 7 ″ jukebox single on red vinyl.


  • Music videos were recorded for promotional purposes for the songs Wrack My Brain and Private Property .
  • In January 1982, the ten-minute film The Cooler , in which the songs Private Property , Attention and Sure to Fall are included, was shot with Paul and Linda McCartney , alongside Ringo Starr, as other leading actors for advertising purposes .

Chart placements

year album Chart placements
1981 Stop and Smell the Roses - 13 - - 98
year Single release Chart placements
1981 Wreck My Brain - 11 10 - 38
1982 Private property - - - nv -


  • Chip Madinger and Mark Easter: Eight Arms To Hold You - The Solo Compendium . 44.1 Productions 2000, ISBN 0-615-11724-4 (pp. 518-521).
  • Neville Stannard: Working Class Heroes , ISBN 0-907080-92-8 .
  • CD booklet for re-publication in 1994

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Promotion CD: Old Wave / Stop and Smell the Roses
  2. ^ Wrack My Brain - Single
  3. Promotion 7 ″ vinyl single: Wrack My Brain
  4. Private Property - Single
  5. Promotion 7 ″ vinyl single: Private Property
  6. Jukebox 7 ″ vinyl single: Wrack My Brain / Private Property