110th Congress of the United States

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The Capitol , seat of Congress in Washington, DC

The 110th Congress of the United States , consisting of the House and Senate , was the legislature of the United States . Its legislative period lasted from January 4, 2007 to January 3, 2009. The distribution of the seats in the House of Representatives to the individual states was based on the 2000 census .

All 435 House Representatives and 33 Senators ( Class I ) were elected in the November 7, 2006 congressional elections. The Democrats achieved a majority in both houses for the first time since 1995 - while the President of the United States, George W. Bush , who was in office until January 2009 , belonged to the Republican Party . The Congress met in the American capital Washington, DC

Significant events

  • January 27, 2007: President Bush holds the State of the Union Address 2007 before Congress, in which he proposes, among other things, a comprehensive military operation to end the Iraq war .
  • October 7, 2007: The Dow Jones Industrial Average of the largest publicly traded companies closes with a record 14,164.53 points. By March 2009, it fell more than half to 6,547.05 after a nationwide housing bubble burst in late 2007 and the United States slipped into recession for the first time since 2001.
  • January 28, 2008: President Bush delivers the State of the Union Address 2008 to Congress.
  • September 15, 2008: The fourth largest investment bank Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy is the largest in US history by debt level. It has an impact on financial markets around the world.
  • November 4, 2008: In the congressional elections, the Democrats win a majority in both chambers. The Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama wins the election against the Republican candidate John McCain .

Major legislation


House of Representatives

Seats by party
(beginning of the legislative period)
A total of 435 seats
Political party Beginning The End
MPs Share of votes MPs Share of votes
Republican Party (R) 202 46.4% 198 45.7%
Democratic Party (D) 233 53.6% 235 54.3%
Vacant 0 2
total 435 433


Political party Beginning The End
MPs Share of votes MPs Share of votes
Republican Party 49 49% 49 49.5%
Democratic Party 49 49% 48 48.5%
Independently 2 2% 2 2%
Vacant 0 1
total 100 99


House of Representatives

First woman to be the speaker: Nancy Pelosi

Changes compared to the 109th Congress resulted primarily from the changed majority structure: The Democrat Nancy Pelosi , a minority leader since 2003, was elected as the first woman in the history of the United States to be the speaker , replacing the Republican Dennis Hastert , who took over Held post since 1999. With the Republicans, both John Boehner , majority and now minority leader since February 2006, and Roy Blunt , majority, now minority whip since 2003 , kept their posts. With the Democrats, the previous Whip, Steny Hoyer , rose to the group leader, while Jim Clyburn took over his previous post.

Office Surname Constituency since
Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi California -8. 2007

Leadership of the majority party

Office Surname Constituency since
Majority leader Steny Hoyer Maryland -5 2007
Majority whip Jim Clyburn South Carolina -6 2007

Leadership of the minority party

Office Surname Constituency since
Minority leader John Boehner Ohio -8 2007 (parliamentary group leader since 2006)
Minority whip Roy Blunt Missouri -7 2007 (Whip the Republicans since 2003)


New President pro tempore: Robert Byrd

In the Senate, Democrat Robert Byrd replaced Republican Ted Stevens as pro tempore president . While Harry Reid and Dick Durbin retained their respective posts as representatives of the majority party within the Democratic Party , there were personnel changes among the Republicans: the former Whip Mitch McConnell became the minority leader, while Trent Lott took over his previous post.

Office Surname Political party State since
President of the Senate Dick Cheney Republican Party Wyoming 2001
President pro tempore Robert Byrd Democratic Party West Virginia 2007

Leadership of the majority party

Office Surname State since
Majority leader Harry Reid Nevada 2007 (Democratic leader since 2005)
Majority whip Dick Durbin Illinois 2007 (Whip the Democrats since 2005)

Leadership of the minority party

Office Surname State since
Minority leader Mitch McConnell Kentucky 2007
Minority whip Trent Lott Mississippi 2007

See also

Web links

Commons : 110th United States Congress  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files


  1. The 7th constituency of Indiana and the 14th constituency of Illinois were vacant at short notice after the death of Julia Carson (D) and the resignation of Dennis Hastert (R). On March 8, 2008, Hastert's successor was elected in a special election.
  2. The independent candidate Bernie Sanders was elected Senator for the state of Vermont. The Democratic Party refrained from nominating an opponent. Re-elected Senator Joe Lieberman ran as an independent candidate against the Democratic and Republican Party candidates. Both supported the democratic parliamentary group in the newly constituted Senate.
  3. Senator Barack Obama resigned after his successful presidential election.