49th United States Congress

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The 49th United States Congress , made up of the House and Senate , was the United States' legislature . Its legislative period lasted from March 4, 1885 to March 4, 1887. All members of the House of Representatives and a third of the senators ( Class III ) were elected in the 1884 congressional elections. There were different majorities in the two chambers. In the Senate, the Republican Party had a majority, while in the House of Representatives the Democrats dominated, who, along with Grover Cleveland, also provided the president. The United States at that time consisted of 38 states. Congress met in the American capital Washington, DC. The distribution of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the 1880 census .

Important events

See also 1885 1886 and 1887

  • March 4, 1885: Beginning of the legislative period of the 49th Congress. At the same time, Grover Cleveland, who was also elected in November 1884, was introduced to his new office as US President. He replaces Chester A. Arthur .
  • June 17, 1885: The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York City Harbor .
  • November 25, 1885: Vice President Thomas A. Hendricks dies. This also makes the office of the official Senate President vacant.
  • March 1886 - Anti-Chinese riots in Seattle .
  • March 17, 1886: The so-called Carrollton Massacre kills 20 African Americans in the state of Mississippi
  • May 1, 1886: A general strike begins in the USA that leads to the Haymarket Riots and, in the long term, brings about the introduction of the eight-hour day.
  • May 8, 1886 The pharmacist John Pemberton invents Coca-Cola.
  • August 20, 1886: A hurricane destroyed the city of Indianola, Texas .
  • August 31, 1886: An earthquake measuring 7.3 to 7.6 on the Richter scale destroys parts of Charleston , South Carolina . Around 40,000 people lose their homes.
  • September 4, 1886: After nearly 30 years of the Apache Wars, Chief Geronimo surrenders in what will later become the state of Arizona.
  • October 28, 1886: Inauguration of the Statue of Liberty in New York City.
  • November 1886: In the congressional elections there are different majorities in the two chambers. In the Senate, the Republican Party again has a majority, while the Democrats maintain their supremacy in the House of Representatives.
  • January 20, 1887: The United States Navy leases the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii , which at the time was not yet part of the United States.

The main laws

During the session of the 49th Congress, the following federal laws were passed ( see also: Legislative procedure ):

  • January 19, 1886: Presidential Succession Act
  • February 4, 1887: Interstate Commerce Act
  • February 8, 1887: Dawes Act
  • March 2, 1887: Hatch Act of 1887
  • March 3, 1887: Tucker Act
  • March 3, 1887: Edmunds – Tucker Act

Composition according to parties


  • Democratic Party: 34
  • Republican Party: 42
  • Others (0
  • Vacant: 0

Total: 76

House of Representatives

  • Democratic Party: 182
  • Republican Party: 141
  • Others: 2
  • Vacant: 0

Total: 325

There were also eight congressional delegates who were not entitled to vote

Public officials


House of Representatives

Senate members

The following senators represented their respective states in the 49th Congress:
























New Hampshire

New Jersey

new York

North Carolina




Rhode Island

South carolina





West Virginia


Members of the House of Representatives

The following congressmen represented the interests of their respective states in the 49th Congress:

Alabama 8 constituencies

Arkansas 5 constituencies.

California 6 constituencies.

Colorado state wide election

Connecticut 4 constituencies

Delaware state-wide choice

Florida Two constituencies

Georgia 10 constituencies

Illinois 20 constituencies

Indiana 13 constituencies

Iowa 11 constituencies

Kansas 7 constituencies

Kentucky 11 constituencies

Louisiana 6 constituencies

Maine 4 constituencies

Maryland 6 constituencies.

Massachusetts 12 constituencies

Michigan 11 constituencies

Minnesota 5th constituency

Mississippi 7 constituencies

Missouri 14 constituencies

Nebraska 3 constituencies

Nevada state-wide election

New Hampshire 2 electoral divisions

New Jersey 7 constituencies

New York 34 constituencies

North Carolina 9 constituencies

Ohio 21 constituencies

Oregon state-wide election

Pennsylvania 27 constituencies. In addition, a member was elected nationwide

Rhode Island 2 electoral districts

South Carolina 7 constituencies.

Tennessee 10 constituencies

Texas 11 constituencies.

Vermont 2 constituencies

Virginia 10 constituencies

West Virginia 4 electoral divisions

Wisconsin 9 constituencies

Members of the House of Representatives who are not entitled to vote:

Web links

Commons : 49th United States Congress  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files
  • bioguide.congress.gov (by entering 49 under Year OR Congress: you get a list of the members of the 49th Congress with a link to the official biographies; English)