James Henderson Blount

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James Henderson Blount

James Henderson Blount (born September 12, 1837 in Clinton , Jones County , Georgia - †  March 8, 1903 in Macon , Georgia) was an American politician . Between 1873 and 1893 he represented the state of Georgia in the US House of Representatives .


James Blount attended private schools in his hometown of Clinton and in Tuscaloosa ( Alabama ). He then studied until 1858 at the University of Georgia in Athens . After a subsequent law degree and his admission as a lawyer in 1859, he began to work in Clinton in this profession. In 1872 he moved his residence and law firm to Macon. During the Civil War he rose in the army of the Confederation up to lieutenant colonel.

Politically, Blount was a member of the Democratic Party . In 1865 he was a delegate to a meeting to revise the Georgia Constitution. In the congressional election of 1872 he was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC , in the sixth constituency of his state , where he succeeded William P. Price on March 4, 1873 . After nine re-elections, he was able to complete ten legislative terms in Congress by March 3, 1893 . From 1879 to 1881 he was chairman of the Committee for the Control of Expenditures of the Postal Ministry; from 1885 to 1889 he headed the Postal Committee. Between 1891 and 1893 Blount was chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

In 1892, James Blount renounced another candidacy for Congress. On March 20, 1893, he was appointed American envoy to the Kingdom of Hawaii by President Grover Cleveland . There had just been a revolution there. Even then, thoughts of an affiliation with the United States arose. Blount spoke out against such plans. But he resigned from this office in 1893. Despite his concerns, Hawaii came under American administration in 1898. During the last ten years of his life, Blount devoted himself to his now acquired plantation. He died in Macon on March 8, 1903.

Web links

Commons : James Henderson Blount  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files