John Sherman

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John Sherman Appletons' Sherman William Tecumseh - John signature.png

John Sherman (born May 10, 1823 in Lancaster , Ohio , † October 22, 1900 in Washington, DC ) was an American politician . He was a member of the federal cabinet as finance and foreign minister and represented the state of Ohio in both chambers of Congress .

John Sherman was the son of Charles Robert Sherman , an Ohio Supreme Court Justice. He died in 1829. His brother was William T. Sherman , a high-ranking general in the Civil War . Sherman first worked as a lawyer from 1844. In 1848 he married the daughter of a judge, Margaret Sarah Stewart. In 1848 he was a Whig Party delegate for the election of Zachary Taylor as US President . In 1852 he was again elected delegate at the Electoral College . From 1855 to 1861 he sat in the US House of Representatives . In 1861 he moved to the Senate and stayed there for Ohio until 1877 when he joined the US government. There he began as Treasury Secretary in the cabinet of President Rutherford B. Hayes from 1877 to 1881.

In 1880 he tried to become the Republican presidential candidate as a compromise candidate between Ulysses S. Grant - who was to be proposed for the third time - and James G. Blaine . The nomination eventually went to his own campaign manager, Rep . James A. Garfield . Sherman moved back to the Senate, where he took the place of Garfield previously elected for Ohio. Two further attempts followed in the next few years to be nominated by his party as a presidential candidate, but they were also unsuccessful. As chairman of the Republican Senate faction he served in the periods 1884-1885 and 1891-1897, as chairman of the influential Committee on Foreign Policy from 1886 to 1893 and from 1895 to 1897.

President William McKinley appointed Sherman as Secretary of State in his cabinet in March 1897 , where he remained until April 1898. He was also the author of the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act . He justified the law against monopolies with the developed size of new "giants" with monopoly positions and feared a strengthening of the socialists if this problem were not dealt with.


  • Edward S. Mihalkanin: John Sherman. In: Derselbe (Ed.): American Statesmen: Secretaries of State from John Jay to Colin Powell . Greenwood Publishing 2004, ISBN 978-0-313-30828-4 , pp. 466-471.

Web links

Commons : John Sherman  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biography of John Sherman at the Department of State
  2. ^ Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States . Harper Perennial, New York 2005, ISBN 0-06-083865-5 , p. 260