Jacob Pitzer Cowan

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Jacob Pitzer Cowan

Jacob Pitzer Cowan (born March 20, 1823 in Florence , Washington County , Pennsylvania , †  July 9, 1895 in Ashland , Ohio ) was an American politician . Between 1875 and 1877 he represented the state of Ohio in the US House of Representatives .


Jacob Cowan attended public schools in his homeland. In 1835 he moved with his parents to Steubenville , Ohio, where he made wool products until 1843. After studying medicine and becoming a doctor, he began working in this profession in Ashland. In 1855 he improved his medical knowledge at Starling Medical College . At the same time he embarked on a political career as a member of the Democratic Party . Between 1855 and 1857 he was a member of the Ohio House of Representatives .

In the 1874 congressional election , Cowan was elected to the United States House of Representatives in Washington, DC , in the 14th  constituency of Ohio , where he succeeded John Berry on March 4, 1875 . Since he was not nominated for re-election by his party in 1876, he was only able to complete one legislative period in Congress until March 3, 1877 . During this time he was chairman of the militia committee.

After his time in the US House of Representatives, Jacob Cowan practiced again as a doctor in Ashland, where he died on July 9, 1895.

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