William Johnston (politician)

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William Johnston

William Johnston (* 1819 in Ireland , †  May 1, 1866 in Mansfield , Ohio ) was an American politician . Between 1863 and 1865 he represented the state of Ohio in the US House of Representatives .


In his youth, William Johnston came to Ohio from his Irish homeland, where he attended public schools. After a subsequent law degree and his admission as a lawyer, he worked between 1859 and 1863 in Mansfield in his new profession. Politically, he joined the Democratic Party .

In the congressional election of 1862 Johnston was elected to the United States House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the eighth constituency of Ohio , where he succeeded Samuel Shellabarger on March 4, 1863 . Since he was not confirmed in 1864, he could only serve one term in Congress until March 3, 1865 during the Civil War . After his time in the US House of Representatives, Johnston practiced law again. He died on May 1, 1866 in Mansfield, where he was also buried.

Web links

Commons : William Johnston  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files