Tom Van Horn Moorehead

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Tom Van Horn Moorehead (1961)

Tom Van Horn Moorehead (born April 12, 1898 in Zanesville , Ohio , †  October 21, 1979 ) was an American politician . Between 1961 and 1963 he represented the state of Ohio in the US House of Representatives .


Tom Moorehead attended public schools in his home country and then studied at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware and at George Washington University in Washington, DC During the First World War , he served in the Air Corps of the US Navy . He then worked in Zanesville in real estate and insurance. At the same time he embarked on a political career as a member of the Republican Party . He became a member of the Zanesville parish council and was mayor of the town for a while. He was also a member of the Ohio Senate .

In the 1960 congressional election , Moorehead was elected to the United States House of Representatives in Washington in the 15th  constituency of Ohio, where he succeeded John E. Henderson on January 3, 1961 . Since he was not confirmed in 1962, he could only complete one term in Congress until January 3, 1963 . This was determined by the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the civil rights movement .

After the end of his time in the US House of Representatives, Tom Moorehead no longer appeared politically. He died on October 21, 1979 in Zanesville, where he was also buried.

Web links

Commons : Tom Van Horn Moorehead  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files