Matthias H. Nichols

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Matthias H. Nichols (1859)

Matthias H. Nichols (born October 3, 1824 in Sharptown , Salem County , New Jersey , †  September 15, 1862 in Cincinnati , Ohio ) was an American politician . Between 1853 and 1859 he represented the state of Ohio in the US House of Representatives .


Matthias Nichols attended the public schools in his home country and then completed an apprenticeship in printing. From 1842 he lived in Lima (Ohio). After studying law and being admitted to the bar in 1849, he began to work in this profession in Lima. He was a district attorney in Allen County in 1851 and 1852 . Politically, he was initially a member of the Democratic Party .

In the congressional election of 1852 Nichols was elected to the United States House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the fourth constituency of Ohio , where he succeeded Benjamin Stanton on March 4, 1853 . After two re-elections, he was able to complete three legislative terms in Congress by March 3, 1859 . These were shaped by the events leading up to the civil war . During his time as an MP, Nichols changed his party affiliation twice. Until 1855 he still represented the Democrats in Congress. From 1855 to 1857 he was a member of the opposition party . He then moved to the Republican Party . In 1858 he was not re-elected.

After his time in the US House of Representatives, Matthias Nichols practiced as a lawyer again. He died on September 15, 1862 in Cincinnati and was buried in Lima.

Web links

Commons : Matthias H. Nichols  - Collection of images, videos and audio files