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Al-Maʿāridsch ( Arabic المعارج, DMG al-Maʿāriǧ  'The Ladder to Heaven') is the 70th sura of the Koran , it contains 44 verses . The sura was written towards the end of the first Meccan period (610–615). The title refers to the third verse in which God is referred to as “Lord of the Ladders to Heaven”.

The sura can be divided into three sections. The first part, verses 1-21, threatens the adversaries with God's punishment and ends with a reference to human impermanence and indecision. The following section, verses 22–35, gives consolation and encouragement to godly Muslims who observe the pillars of compulsory prayer and almsgiving . The final part from verse 36 turns once again against the stubborn unbelievers, the hypocrites and scoffers. Verse 42: “So let them hold debauched speeches and play their game until they meet their day, which is threatened them” is taken up verbatim in sura 43 : 83.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Adel Theodor Khoury : The Koran. Translated and commented by Adel Theodor Khoury. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2007, ISBN 978-3-579-08023-9 , pp. 533-534.
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