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Al-Mursalāt ( Arabic المرسلات al-Mursalāt  'Those who are sent') is the 77th sura of the Qur'an , it contains 50 verses . The sura is one of the early parts of the Qur'an that wasrevealedin Mecca (610-615), with the exception of verse 48, which is considered to be Medinic . Their title refers to the first verse.

According to the Basmala , the sura begins in verses 1-7 with an incantation to announce the last judgment , followed by the signs of the approaching judgment in verses 8-15. Verse 15 returns as a refrain and is repeated a total of ten times. It reads:وَيۡلٌۭ يَوۡمَئِذٍۢ لِّلۡمُكَذِّبِينَ / wailun yaumaʾiḏin li-l-mukaḏḏibīna  / 'How bad it is on that day for those who explain (our message) to be lies!' The sura also deals with the origin of man and the judgment of the saved and the damned. Verse 48 is interpreted as an allusion to the refusal of the Banū Thaqīf tribe to perform the ritually prescribed bow during prayer . The final verse: “What kind of further proclamation do you want to believe in (after you have rejected this Koranic revelation?)” Is repeated verbatim in sura 7 , verse 185.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Adel Theodor Khoury : The Koran. Translated and commented by Adel Theodor Khoury. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2007, ISBN 978-3-579-08023-9 , pp. 548-550.
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