Arnsberg Forest

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The Arnsberg Forest from the direction of Warstein seen
The Arnsberg Forest south of the Möhnestausees
Möhnesee, view from the Möhnesee tower
Möhnesee, view of the south bank at Körbecke

The Arnsberg Forest is located in the Hochsauerlandkreis and in the Soest district in the administrative district of Arnsberg , North Rhine-Westphalia . Today the Arnsberg Forest is often equated with the 482 km² large Arnsberg Forest Nature Park, founded in 1961 . To Arnsberg Forest Nature Park includes areas south-east and east of Warstein Hirschberg as Warsteiner hills , Plackwald and Obermöhne- and Almewald which not the natural area include Arnsberg Forest. In terms of natural space, the Arnsberg Forest consists of the two parts of the Upper Arnsberg Forest , also known as the Buchwald , and the Lower Arnsberg Forest , also known as the Eichwald . The Arnsberg Forest lies in the areas of Arnsberg , Ense , Möhnesee , Warstein and Rüthen .


The Arnsberg Forest is structured in an east-west direction leading ridges and valleys, which at 300 to 400  m above sea level. Rise above sea ​​level . Geologically, the natural area is based on folded greywacke slates of the Rhenish Slate Mountains . A terrain level of approx. 50 m on the line Neheim - Colony Neuhaus - Allagen clearly delimits the Upper Arnsberg Forest from the Lower Arnsberg Forest to the north, which has a much flatter terrain and a milder climate. Today there are extensive red spruce and deciduous forests in the Arnsberg Forest . In lower elevations there is a lot of oak forest next to red spruce . At higher altitudes, on the other hand, beech forest is to be found instead of oak forest .

The Arnsberg Forest used to be part of the larger Lürwald , which was owned by the Counts of Arnsberg and later the Electors of Cologne . Apart from tourism, only forestry is of greater importance outside the populated peripheral areas in the Möhnetal. In the large forest area itself there are only smaller settlements.


The only larger still waters in the Arnsberg Forest are the Möhnesee and the Enser See . Numerous rivers run through the wooded landscape. This includes in particular the Ruhr and Möhne , which delimit the forest area, but also other Möhne and Ruhr tributaries that arise in the nature park:

Protected areas

With the exception of settlement areas, the Arnsberg Forest was designated as a nature reserve (NSG) or a landscape protection area. At the same time, the most valuable areas are designated as FFH areas . Parts of the protected areas are also outside the Arnsberg Forest.

The following nature reserves are located in the Arnsberg Forest:

The following landscape protection areas are located in the Arnsberg Forest:

The following FFH areas are located in the Arnsberg Forest:

  • FFH area Arnsberg Forest
  • FFH area Hamorsbruch and source brooks
  • FFH area Heveoberlauf
  • FFH area Kleine Schmalenau and Hevesee

Tourism and hiking

The Möhnesee is used for all kinds of water sports. Motor boating is prohibited, with the exception of excursion boats and lifeboats.

Many hiking trails open up the Arnsberg Forest and its mountains and valleys. The most famous are the Uplandweg , which runs north-south from Soest via Körbecke to Neuhaus , Breitenbruch and Arnsberg , and the Rennweg , which was laid out in an east-west direction on the first hill south of the Möhnestausees and leads to Warstein . Other hiking trails are the Plackweg and the Sauerland Forest Route .

You can go on circular hikes from many of the car parks located on the south side of the Möhnestausees and in the Heve valley. A number of excursion restaurants, for example located on the southern edge of the reservoir and in the villages of Neuhaus and Breitenbruch in the Arnsberg Forest, are at the service of hikers.

Wind power

From 2018 there was a massive dispute about the planned construction of 15 wind turbines in the Arnsberg Forest in the Warsteiner urban area. In October 2018 there was an appeal to the state government of a Warsteiner anti-wind power initiative. Archbishop Hans-Josef Becker , the former head of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Friedrich Merz , and the owner of the Warsteiner brewery , Catharina Cramer , also signed this appeal .


  • Ralf Günther: The Arnsberg Forest in the Middle Ages. Forest history as constitutional history . Publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia, No. 22 / Historical works on Westphalian regional research, Volume 20. Aschendorff, Münster 1994, ISBN 3-402-06782-X (345 (IX) pages).

See also

Web links

Commons : Arnsberger Wald  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Martin Bürgener: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 110 Arnsberg. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1969. →  Online map (PDF; 6.1 MB)
  2. Martin Bürgener 1963: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 111 Arnsberg. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1963. →  Online map (PDF; 6.1 MB)
  3. Procedure for wind farm starts
  4. Prominent support against wind power in the Arnsberg Forest
  5. Paderborn Archbishop fights against wind turbines
  6. ^ Original document of the celebrity appeal of October 17, 2018