Hajdú-Bihar county

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Komitat Győr-Moson-Sopron Komitat Vas Komitat Zala Komitat Somogy Komitat Baranya Komitat Tolna Komitat Bács-Kiskun Komitat Csongrád-Csanád Komitat Békés Komitat Hajdú-Bihar Komitat Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Komitat Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Komitat Nógrád Komitat Heves Komitat Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Komitat Veszprém Komitat Fejér Komitat Komárom-Esztergom Komitat Pest BudapestLocation of Hajdú-Bihar county in Hungary (clickable map)
About this picture
HUN Hajdú-Bihar COA.svg
County seat : Debrecen
Surface: 6,210 km²
Residents: 534,974   as of 2016

Hajdú-Bihar [ ˈhɒjduː ˈbihɒr ] is a county in eastern Hungary . It borders Romania to the east and the counties of Békés , Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok , Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg . It has an area of ​​6,210.39 km² and a population of 534,974 (2016). The county seat is in Debrecen .


The area is flat and forms part of the Great Hungarian Plain . In the west the county reaches the Tisza .


With the government ordinance No. 218/2012 of August 13, 2012, the statistical small regions (Hungarian kistérség ) were abolished on January 1, 2013 and replaced by an approximately equal number of districts (Hungarian járás ). The small areas were retained for a while for planning and statistical purposes, but were finally abolished on February 25, 2014. There were nine small areas in the county before it was dissolved. In the course of this reform, all areas were redesigned. 

Hajdú-Bihar county counties

Former classification

The following small areas ( kistérség ) existed in Hajdú-Bihar County until the end of 2012 .

code Small area Administrative headquarters Population
(December 31, 2012)
in km²
Number of
3901 Balmazújváros Balmazújváros 29.002 731.24 4th 2
3902 Berettyóújfalu Berettyóújfalu 51,928 1225.54 29 3
3903 Debrecen Debrecen 208,738 498.58 2 1
3904 Hajdúböszörmény Hajdúböszörmény 57,592 731.05 3 3
3905 Hajdúszoboszló Hajdúszoboszló 34,288 506.74 4th 1
3906 Polgár Polgár 13,956 383.86 6th 1
3907 Püspökladány Püspökladány 49,764 954.95 13 3
3908 Derecske-Létavértes Létavértes 35,221 542.88 10 2
3909 Hajdúhadház Hajdúhadház 60,863 635.62 11 5

Current classification

Hajdú-Bihar county is divided into 16 districts (Hungarian járás ) with 82 villages: the city of Debrecen with county law (Hungarian Megyei jogú város ), 20 cities without county law (Hungarian város ), 10 large municipalities (Hungarian nagyközség ) and 51 municipalities (Hungarian község ).

Location type number Area  (in km²) Population  on January 1, 2016 Population
density  (Ew / km²)
absolutely proportionally on average absolutely proportionally on average
City with county law 1 461.66 7.43% 203.059 37.96% 439.8
Cities without county law 20th 2,852.33 45.93% 142.62 224,541 41.97% 11,227 78.7
Large municipalities 10 688.94 11.09% 68.89 32.030 5.99% 3,203 46.5
Communities 51 2,207.46 35.54% 43.28 75,344 14.08% 1,477 34.1
Hajdù-Bihar county 82 6,210.39 75.74 534.974 6,524 86.1

The current circles are:

code circle Circular seat Residents
(January 1, 2013)
in km²
Number of
093 Balmazújváros Balmazújváros 30,488 827.45 5 2
094 Berettyóújfalu Berettyóújfalu 45,539 1,073.90 25th 3
095 Debrecen Debrecen 217.217 531.12 2 2
096 Derecske Derecske 41,820 650.30 13 2
097 Hajdúböszörmény Hajdúböszörmény 40,424 471.43 2 2
098 Hajdúhadház Hajdúhadház 22,328 137.02 3 2
099 Hajdúnánás Hajdúnánás 29,638 547.27 6th 2
100 Hajdúszoboszló Hajdúszoboszló 43,175 732.65 5 2
101 Nyíradony Nyíradony 29,846 510.28 9 2
102 Püspökladány Püspökladány 40,877 729.04 12 2

Largest cities and towns

City / municipality Residents
(January 1, 2016)
Debrecen 203.059
Hajdúböszörmény 30,951
Hajdúszoboszló 23,735
Balmazújváros 17,421
Hajdúnánás 17,038
Berettyóújfalu 14,816
Püspökladány 14,511
Hajdúsámson 13,039
Hajdúhadház 12,747
Nádudvar 8,697
Hajdúdorog 8,622
Derecske 8,612
Polgár 7,908
City / municipality Residents
(January 1, 2016)
Nyíradony 7,714
Létavértes 7.108
Téglás 6.321
Kaba 5,807
Hosszúpályi 1 5,632
Komádi 5,341
Vámospércs 5,322
Egyek 1 5,030
Tiszacsege 4,684
Mikepércs 2 4,576
Ebes 2 4,435
Biharkeresztes 4.147
Aerial view: Debrecen
Church ruins in Berettyóújfalu

Locations without an addition are cities.
1  large municipalities ( nagyközség ), 2  municipalities ( község )

Population development

Population development of the county

Dates in bold are census results.

date population date population
01/01/1960 1 522.787 01/01/2007 545,641
01/01/1970 524,952 01/01/2008 543,802
01/01/1980 551,448 01/01/2009 542.192
01/01/1990 548.728 01/01/2010 541.298
01/01/2001 553.264 01/01/2011 539.674
02/01/2001 552.998 October 01, 2011 546.721
01/01/2002 552.478 01/01/2012 543.452
01/01/2003 551.837 01/01/2013 541.352
01/01/2004 550.265 01/01/2014 539.507
01/01/2005 549.372 01/01/2015 537.268
01/01/2006 547.357 01/01/2016 534.974

1 1960: present population; otherwise resident population

Population development of the districts

All districts have a negative population balance.

District name Population level on January 1st
2013 2014 2015 2016
Balmazújváros 30,488 30,353 30,175 30,068
Berettyóújfalu 45,539 45,277 44,999 44,559
Debrecen 217.217 216.773 216,467 216,098
Derecske 41,820 41,775 41,466 41,348
Hajdúböszörmény 40,424 40.129 39.901 39,573
Hajdúhadház 22,328 22,335 22,322 22,238
Hajdúnánás 29,638 29,514 29,318 29,115
Hajdúszoboszló 43,175 42,983 42,665 42,615
Nyíradony 29,846 29,808 29,841 29,678
Püspökladány 40,877 40,560 40.114 39,682
Hajdú-Bihar county 541.352 539.507 537.268 534.974

History and culture

Hajdú is the traditional county of the Heiducken , who were settled hereby Stephan Bocskai around 1605 as a border defense against the Ottomans . After the Treaty of Trianon in 1920 it was unitedwith the remains of the historical Bihar County , the largest part of which has belonged to Romania since then andforms the Bihor County there .


The State Directorate of Hajdú-Bihar County Museums is responsible for 8 county museums . The county seat is the city of Debrecen .

* County Museum

Web links

Commons : Hajdú-Bihar county  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c KSH: Gazetteer of Hungary, 1st January, 2016. In: Minden helység adata. KSH, accessed on March 7, 2017 (Hungarian / English, also PDF file).
  2. Gazetteer of Hungary, 1st January, 2013. (PDF) KSH, accessed on March 1, 2017 (Hungarian / English, also XLS file).
  3. ^ Detailed Gazetteer of Hungary. KSH, accessed on March 1, 2017 (Hungarian / English).
  4. a b 6.1.1. Resident population by sex, January 1st (2001-) (STADAT table). KSH, accessed March 1, 2017 .
  5. Hajdú-Bihar County Museums Directorate , HBMMI (Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága)

Coordinates: 47 ° 25 '  N , 21 ° 30'  E