Jean Brunier

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Jean Brunier (born October 9, 1896 in Paris , † June 23, 1981 ibid) was a French cyclist .

In 1922, Jean Brunier became the French road racing champion (after winning the amateur championship the year before ) and finished second in the Tour of Flanders . In 1923 he won Paris-Bourges and Paris-Soissons . In 1927 he became French champion in the standing race (at the UCI World Championship he was fifth in the standing race) and third in the Paris six days .

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Individual evidence

  1. Hans Borowik : 300 racing drivers in one volume . Deutscher Schriftenverlag, Berlin 1937, p. 12 .
  2. ^ Pascal Sergent: Encyclopédie illustrée des coureurs Française depuis 1869 . Editions Eecloonaar, Eeklo 1998, ISBN 90-74128-15-7 , pp. 121 (French).