List of members of the Upper Austrian Landtag (XX legislative period)

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This list of members of the Upper Austrian Landtag (XX legislative period) lists all members of the Upper Austrian Landtag in the XX. Legislative period. The legislative period lasted from November 17, 1967 to November 15, 1973, the deputies were sworn in on November 17, 1967. In the state elections in 1967 , the ÖVP lost the absolute majority of votes and mandates, and the FPÖ also lost seats. Of the 48 mandates, 23 went to the SPÖ , 23 to the ÖVP and 4 to the FPÖ . During the legislative period, the state government Gleißner VIII was in office , which was replaced by the state government Wenzl I on May 3, 1971 .


Landtag President

After the SPÖ had become the party with the most votes for the first time since 1945, it provided the First President of the State Parliament. The office was initially taken over by Rupert Hartl , who was replaced by Josef Schweighofer on July 28, 1969 . The FPÖ, which despite the SPÖ's victory , had re-elected governor Heinrich Gleißner as governor, was awarded the post of second president of the state parliament for the first time, which Alois Bachinger performed . The third president of the state parliament was Hans Rödhammer .

Club chairmen

The SPÖ club chairman was initially Ludwig Bernaschek until October 30, 1968, when he was replaced by Josef Fridl . Deputy club chairman was Ernst Dürr . In the FPÖ, Alois Bachinger was the club chairman of the state parliament .

Member of the state parliament

Surname fraction annotation
Bachinger Alois FPÖ  
Farmer Walter FPÖ  
Berghammer Johann SPÖ  
Bernaschek Ludwig SPÖ until July 27, 1969
Blaim slip Karl ÖVP  
Buchinger Johann ÖVP  
Burgstaller Franz ÖVP  
Demuth Stefan SPÖ until September 18, 1972
Diwold Johann ÖVP  
Dürr Ernst SPÖ  
Narrow Franz SPÖ until March 29, 1973
Falch Friedrich ÖVP  
Franzmair Josef SPÖ  
Freyschlag Friedrich SPÖ from May 16, 1973
Fridl Josef ÖVP  
Gföllner Alois ÖVP  
Gleissner Heinrich ÖVP until April 15, 1971
Gressenbauer Leopold SPÖ  
Hager Hanna SPÖ until April 14, 1970
Hartl Ladislaus SPÖ  
Hartl Rupert SPÖ  
Hemetsberger Josef SPÖ  
Hödlmoser Matthias ÖVP  
Hofer Franz ÖVP from May 3, 1971
Kahowez Franz SPÖ from May 20, 1970
Klinger Egon SPÖ  
Head builder Franz ÖVP  
Darling Ottilie ÖVP  
Mayrhofer Wilhelm SPÖ  
Missbichler Markus SPÖ from October 24, 1972
Natzmer Helmut ÖVP  
Neudorf Therese SPÖ  
Never full Franz ÖVP  
Oberreiter Oswald SPÖ  
Ortner Josef SPÖ until April 14, 1970
Pauzenberger Paul ÖVP  
Possart Gerhard ÖVP  
Praschl Anna Maria SPÖ from May 20, 1970
Quirchmayr cat Franz ÖVP  
Reichl Hermann SPÖ  
Reisinger Josef SPÖ from July 28, 1969
Reisinger Ferdinand SPÖ  
Ritzberger Gerhard ÖVP  
Rödhammer Hans ÖVP  
Scheuba Hugo ÖVP  
Contactor Franz ÖVP until April 18, 1971
Schützenberger Josef SPÖ  
Schweighofer Josef SPÖ  
The devil Joseph SPÖ  
Trauner Rudolf ÖVP from May 3, 1971
Waidhofer Josef ÖVP  
Wenzl Erwin ÖVP  
Wiesner Erich ÖVP  
Wildfellner Heinrich ÖVP until December 5, 1967
Winetzhammer Johann ÖVP from December 20, 1967
Wolfsegger Josef SPÖ  

Web links


  • Harry Slapnicka : Upper Austria - The political leadership from 1945 (= contributions to the contemporary history of Upper Austria. 12). Oöla, Linz 1989, ISBN 3-90031-347-4 .