Mackenzie District

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Mackenzie District
Geographical location
Mackenzie DC.PNG
Location of the Mackenzie District
Photo from the Mackenzie District
View of Lake Tekapo
Local authority
Country New Zealand
island South island
region Canterbury
Local authority District
Council Mackenzie District Council
Headquarters of the administration Fairlie (New Zealand)
mayor Graham Smith
founding 1989
Post Code 7901, 7925, 7982, 7987, 7990, 7991, 9498
Telephone code +64 (0) 3
Coordinates 44 ° 6 ′  S , 170 ° 50 ′  E Coordinates: 44 ° 6 ′  S , 170 ° 50 ′  E
Highest elevation 3724 m
Lowest elevation 300 m
surface 7th 140  km 2
Residents 4th 158 (2013)
Population density 0.58 inhabitants per km 2
Statistical data
Public revenue NZ $ 10.8 million  (2015)
Public expenditure NZ $ 12.5 million  (2015)
Number of households 3 300 (2013)
Ø income 29,300  NZ $ (2013)
Māori population 6.3% (2013)

The Mackenzie District is an administrative unit in the Canterbury region in New Zealand . The district council, called Mackenzie District Council ( District Council ), is based in the city of Fairlie , as is the district administration.


Geographical location

The Mackenzie District has a total land area of ​​7,140 km², making it the second largest district in the Canterbury region . At the census in 2013, the district had only 4158 inhabitants and thus had a population density of just 0.6 inhabitants per km². This makes the Mackenzie District the least densely populated district in the Canterbury region .

In the northwest, the district borders the Westland District , which belongs to the West Coast region. In the west and southwest the Waitaki District forms the common border, in the south this is the Waimate District and the eastern and northeastern border is formed somewhat intertwined by the Timaru District .

The landscape in the western part of the district is determined by the New Zealand Alps , in the central part the two lakes Lake Pukaki and Lake Tekapo and in the eastern part the alluvial land of the rivers Pukaki River and Tekapo River , which drain the aforementioned lakes and both flow into Lake Benmore , which lies on the district boundary in the south of the district. The highest mountain in the country, the Aoraki / Mount Cook , is 3724  m in the district, as well as the Tasman Glacier and the Murchison Glacier .

All places in the district do not have more than 1000 inhabitants. The largest place is Fairlie with around 700 inhabitants.


The alpine region of the district is characterized by abundant precipitation, which is more than 2000 mm per year. The middle and eastern part is on the leeward side and is much drier with 600 to 800 mm. The average daytime temperatures are between 10 and 16 ° C in the mountains and up to 23 ° C in the plains of the floodplain of the rivers. In winter, on the other hand, minus temperatures in the single-digit range can be expected in the entire district. The annual sunshine duration is around 2100 hours in the plains and decreasing to 1500 hours in the mountains.


Population development

Of the 4158 inhabitants of the district in 2013, 264 people were of Māori origin (6.3%). This means that 0.04% of the country's Māori population lived in the Mackenzie District . The median income for the population in 2013 was NZ $ 29,300  compared to NZ $ 28,500 national average.

Origin and languages

When asked about ethnic group membership in the 2013 census, 91.0% said they were European, 6.7% said they had Māori roots, 1.3% came from the islands of the Pacific and 4.4 % came from Asia (multiple answers were possible). 17.8% of the population said they were born overseas. 1.5% of the population spoke Japanese as the second most common language after English. The Maori language was spoken by 12.6% of the Māori .



The Mackenzie District is not divided into different wards , as we know it from most other districts in New Zealand. The six councilors (council members) are responsible for the entire district and, together with the Mayor (Mayor) the district council (district council) and every three years to be re-elected.


Economically, the district depends on agriculture, tourism and electricity generation from hydropower. The difference in altitude between the two lakes Lake Tekapo and Lake Pukaki is used to generate electricity via a connecting canal and the hydropower plant on Lake Pukaki .

The center of tourism is in the small town of Aoraki / Mount Cook . From here and the small airport to the southwest, tourists set off for the mountains of the New Zealand Alps, the Mount Cook National Park and the highest mountain in New Zealand, the Aoraki / Mount Cook .



The district is connected by the New Zealand State Highway 8 , which, coming from the south, crosses the district in an easterly direction and connects with Timaru on the east coast. State Highway 80 branches off from here along Lake Pukaki to the mountain village of Aoraki / Mount Cook . The State Highway 79 branches in Fairlie from State Highway 8 , and binds the place with the further east in Timaru District running New Zealand State Highway 1 at.

Web links

  • Homepage . Mackenzie District Council,accessed August 5, 2016.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Postcode Boundaries - MackenzieDistrict . (PDF 1.7 MB) New Zealand Post , accessed on May 7, 2017 (English).
  2. a b c d e 2013 Census QuickStats about a place : Mackenzie District - Population and dwellings . Statistics New Zealand , accessed August 5, 2016 .
  3. a b c d e f Mackenzie District Council . In: Local Councils . Department of Internal Affairs , accessed August 5, 2016 .
  4. a b Topo250 maps . Land Information New Zealand , accessed August 5, 2016 .
  5. GR Macara : The Climate and Weather of Canterbury . In: NIWA Science and Technologies Series . 2nd Edition. Number 68 . National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research , 2016, ISSN 1173-0382 , p.   6, 16, 24, 29 (English, online PDF 6.6 MB [accessed on August 5, 2016]).
  6. 2013 Census QuickStats about a place : Mackenzie District - Cultural diversity . Statistics New Zealand , accessed August 5, 2016 .
  7. ^ Councilors . Mackenzie District Council , accessed August 5, 2016 .
  8. Economy . Mackenzie District Council , accessed August 5, 2016 .