Neuhausen / Spree

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Neuhausen / Spree
Neuhausen / Spree
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Neuhausen / Spree highlighted

Coordinates: 51 ° 41 ′  N , 14 ° 25 ′  E

Basic data
State : Brandenburg
County : Spree-Neisse
Height : 83 m above sea level NHN
Area : 134.85 km 2
Residents: 4941 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 37 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 03058
Primaries : 035605, 035697 (Bagenz), 0355 (Haasow)Template: Infobox municipality in Germany / maintenance / area code contains text
License plate : SPN, FOR, GUB, SPB
Community key : 12 0 71 301
Address of the
municipal administration:
Amtsweg 1
03058 Neuhausen / Spree
Website :
Mayor : Dieter Perko ( CDU )
Location of the community of Neuhausen / Spree in the Spree-Neisse district
Burg Briesen Dissen-Striesow Döbern Drachhausen Drehnow Drebkau Felixsee Forst Groß Schacksdorf-Simmersdorf Guben Guhrow Heinersbrück Jämlitz-Klein Düben Jänschwalde Kolkwitz Neiße-Malxetal Neuhausen Peitz Schenkendöbern Schmogrow-Fehrow Spremberg Tauer Teichland Tschernitz Turnow-Preilack Welzow Werben Wiesengrundmap
About this picture

Neuhausen / Spree ( Kopańce / Sprjewja ​​in Lower Sorbian ) is a municipality in the Spree-Neisse district in Brandenburg .


Neuhausen is located southeast of Cottbus on both sides of the Spree . The districts of Haasow and Groß Döbbern belong to the recognized settlement area of ​​the Sorbs / Wends .

Community structure

The municipality of Neuhausen / Spree has the following local and inhabited parts of the municipality and places to live (population as of December 31, 2018) :

  • Bagenz ( Lower Sorbian Bageńc , 256) with the municipality part Kaminka (Kamjeńki)
  • Drieschnitz-Kahsel ( Drěžnica-Kózle , 352) with the municipality parts Drieschnitz (Drěžnica) , Drieschnitz-Vorwerk (Drěžniski Forwark) and Kahsel (Kózle)
  • Frauendorf ( Dubrawka , 278)
  • Gablenz ( Jabłoń , 163) with the Gablenzer extension (Jabłońske Wutwaŕki) residential area
  • Groß Döbbern ( Wjelike Dobrynje , 488) with the residential area Kirschberg (Wišnjowa Góra)
  • Groß Oßnig ( Wjeliki Wóseńk , 519) with the districts of Harnischdorf (Harnišojce) and Roschitz (Roźic)
  • Haasow ( Hažow , 431) with the residential areas Haasower Extension (Hažojske Wutwaŕki) and Waidmannsruh (Gólnikojski Wótpócynk)
  • Kathlow ( Kótłow , 123) with the living quarters Old Forester's House (Stara Gólnikaŕnja) and Kathlower Mill (Kótłojski Młyn)
  • Klein Döbbern ( Małe Dobrynje , 277) with the municipality parts of the border (Granica) and Schäferberg (Šapaŕska Góra)
  • Komptendorf ( Górjenow , 415)
  • Koppatz ( Kopac , 213) with the Koppatzer extension (Kopacojske Wutwaŕki)
  • Laubsdorf ( Libanojce , 443) with the municipality part Heideschenke (Gólna Kjarcma) and the residential area Laubsdorfer expansion (Libanojske Wutwaŕki)
  • Neuhausen ( Kopańce , 360) with the municipality part Bräsinchen ( Brjazynka ) and the residential area Wolschina (Wólšyna)
  • Roggosen ( Rogozno , 235)
  • Sergen ( Žargoń , 388) with the municipality part of the Grüntal (Zeleny Doł)


Neuhausen and its current districts belonged to the Cottbus district from 1817–1952 (until 1947 in the Prussian province of Brandenburg , 1947–1952 in the state of Brandenburg ). 1952–1993 the places were part of the Cottbus-Land district (until 1990 in the GDR district of Cottbus , 1990–1993 again in the state of Brandenburg). Since the district reform in 1993 , they have been in the Spree-Neisse district.


On September 19, 2004 the communities of Bagenz, Drieschnitz-Kahsel, Frauendorf, Gablenz, Groß Döbbern, Groß Oßnig, Haasow, Kathlow, Klein Döbbern, Komptendorf, Koppatz, Laubsdorf, Neuhausen, Roggosen and Sergen were merged to form the new community Neuhausen / Spree. The Neuhausen / Spree office was dissolved.

Population development

year Residents
1875 171
1890 364
1910 307
1925 381
1933 424
1939 548
1946 431
1950 432
year Residents
1964 444
1971 407
1981 422
1985 378
1989 368
1990 363
1991 350
1992 360
1993 356
1994 380
year Residents
1995 410
1996 420
1997 431
1998 423
1999 428
2000 417
2001 403
2002 382
2003 384
2004 5,793
year Residents
2005 5,723
2006 5,599
2007 5,491
2008 5,386
2009 5,310
2010 5,237
2011 5,173
2012 5,128
2013 5,083
2014 5.013
year Residents
2015 4,997
2016 4,952
2017 4,935
2018 4,903
2019 4,941

Territory of the respective year, number of inhabitants: as of December 31 (from 1991), from 2011 based on the 2011 census


Community representation

The municipal council consists of 16 members, who were elected in the local elections on May 26, 2019, and the full-time mayor.

Party / group of voters Seats
Frauendorf Koppatz voters list 2
Voting group for health, culture and sport 2
Voting group in the district of Groß Döbbern 1
Voting group Friends of Fire Protection 1
Groß Oßnig electoral group 1
Voter group NEUhausen 1
Friends of the fire department 1
Agriculture and Environment voters group 1
Citizens' Representation Laubsdorf 1
Free community of voters 1
Voting group for youth and sport 1
Individual applicant Dirk Mischke 1


  • since 2004: Dieter Perko

After the reorganization of the municipality in 2004, Dieter Perko was elected first full-time mayor by the citizens of Neuhausen / Spree. In the mayoral election on September 9, 2012, he prevailed against his challenger Frank Riemer (SPD) and was confirmed in his office for another eight years with 90.3% of the valid votes (turnout 59.4%).

coat of arms

The coat of arms was approved on November 16, 2004.

Blazon : “Square of blue and silver; Field 1: a natural swallow flying obliquely to the left, fields 2 and 3: four red wavy bars, field 4: a red-armored silver stork. "


Hiking and cycling trails in the municipality

In the list of architectural monuments in Neuhausen / Spree and in the list of ground monuments in Neuhausen / Spree are the monuments entered in the list of monuments of the state of Brandenburg.


Neuhausen lies on the national highway 97 between Cottbus and Spremberg and on the national road L 47 between the district Kathlow and Spremberg. The federal motorway 15 ( triangle Spreewald - Polish border) with the junction Roggosen crosses the municipality.

The Neuhausen and Bagenz stops on the Berlin – Görlitz railway line are served by the ODEG regional train line RB65 ( Cottbus - Zittau ) .

The Cottbus-Neuhausen airfield ("EDAP", 1080 m × 40 m, 11/29, grass runway) is located on the territory of the municipality.

Sons and daughters of the church

Web links

Commons : Neuhausen / Spree  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population in the State of Brandenburg according to municipalities, offices and municipalities not subject to official registration on December 31, 2019 (XLSX file; 223 KB) (updated official population figures) ( help on this ).
  2. Pages of the individual districts in Die Ortsteile der Gemeinde Neuhausen / Spree . Neuhausen / Spree community, accessed on February 22, 2019.
  3. Neuhausen / Spree community. Service portal of the state administration of the state of Brandenburg
  4. Main statute of the Neuhausen / Spree community of March 13, 2012, Neuhausen / Spree dlagen / 1403093498hauptsatzung.pdf  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF)@1@ 2Template: dead link / data.verwaltungsport  
  5. ^ StBA: Changes in the municipalities in Germany, see 2004
  6. Historical municipality register of the state of Brandenburg 1875 to 2005. Spree-Neiße district (PDF) pp. 22-25
  7. Population in the state of Brandenburg from 1991 to 2017 according to independent cities, districts and municipalities , Table 7
  8. ^ Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.): Statistical report AI 7, A II 3, A III 3. Population development and population status in the state of Brandenburg (respective editions of the month of December)
  9. ^ Result of the local election on May 26, 2019
  10. Brandenburg Local Election Act, Section 74
  11. ^ Result of the mayoral election on September 9, 2012
  12. Coat of arms information on the service portal of the state administration of Brandenburg