Pilibhit (District)

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Pilibhit District
District map
State Uttar Pradesh
Administrative headquarters : Pilibhit
Area : 3686 km²
Residents : 2,031,007 (2011)
Population density : 551 inhabitants / km²
Website : www.bareilly.nic.in/

Pilibhit is a district in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh .

The area is 3686 km². The administrative seat is the city of Pilibhit . Since September 2008 there is a tiger reserve in the district.


The population is 2,031,007 (2011). The population growth rate in the period from 2001 to 2011 was 23.45%, which is very high. Pilibhit has a gender ratio of 895 women per 1000 men. The district had a literacy rate of 61.47% in 2011, an increase of almost twelve percentage points compared to 2001. Almost 71% of the population are Hindus , around 24% are Muslims and Sikhs have a share of around 4% of the total population. Due to the relatively high Sikh population in the district, it is also known as Little Punjab, as after the partition of India in 1947 a large number of Sikhs from Pakistan and Punjab came to this area and the government relocated them to the region. The Pilibhit district is also home to thousands of Bengalis who came here after 1947.

The urbanization rate of the district is around 17.3%. The largest agglomeration is Pilibhit with 156,263 inhabitants.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 2011 census (PDF; 398 kB)
  2. ^ Indian Districts by Population, Sex Ratio, Literacy 2011 Census. Retrieved April 16, 2019 .