Medical Office of the Bundeswehr

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Medical Office of the Bundeswehr
- SanABw -

Association badge

Association badge
active Feb. 1, 1965 to December 31, 2013
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Armed forces armed forces
Organizational area Central medical service Central medical service
structure Administration

Staff departments
ten specialist departments

Insinuation Management staff of the medical service
Location Munich
last head of office General practitioner Ulrich Pracht

The Medical Office of the Federal Armed Forces (SanABw) was the second pillar of the Central Medical Service of the Federal Armed Forces (ZSanDstBw) in addition to the medical management command; it was dissolved as part of the Bundeswehr reform with effect from December 31, 2013.


Internal association badges
Wappen Sanitätsamt.svg
SanABw Munich
Coat of arms Medical Office of the Bundeswehr (old) .jpg
SanABw Bonn-Beuel (old)

The SanABw was the successor institution of the Military Medical Office and was created on February 1, 1965 due to the reorganization required due to increasing tasks.

As a command authority, it was most recently responsible for basic medical and health matters in the armed forces and reported directly to the inspector of the medical service .

The Institute for Military Medical Statistics and Reporting was created from Department II of the Military Medical Office, and Department III became the Institute for Military Medicine and Hygiene . The Institute for Defense Pharmacy and Food Chemistry emerged from the chemical investigation center in the former Defense Division VI . The three institutions were just as the Academy of Medical and Health of the German Armed Forces and the central hospital of the armed forces report directly to the medical office. In January 1968, the Bundeswehr hospitals and the medical, chemical and veterinary examination centers were placed under subordination. In 1970, all medical facilities with a central mandate were combined as the Central Medical Services of the Bundeswehr (ZSanDBw), the central hospital to the Bundeswehr Central Hospital in Koblenz and the military hospitals of the Bundeswehr were reclassified into Bundeswehr hospitals and remained subordinate to the Medical Office as such; likewise the former investigation centers renamed the Central Institutes of the Medical Service of the Bundeswehr .

In 1971, the office moved from the former premises of the Armed Forces Office, except for Department IV, to the property on Platanenweg in Bonn-Beuel.

Munich (since 2002)

Medical Office of the Bundeswehr
Service building in Munich

With the restructuring of the Federal Armed Forces, the former Central Medical Services of the Federal Armed Forces (ZSanDBw) were restructured into the independent military organizational area of ​​the Central Medical Service of the Federal Armed Forces . In this context, the organizational position of the Bundeswehr Medical Office was redefined. As part of the restructuring, the medical office moved to Dachauer Strasse in Munich on October 1, 2001 and finally on July 1, 2002 . Along with these measures, the agency received a new coat of arms, the striking part of which is the nearby Olympic tower .

The medical office of the Bundeswehr organized the medical service in the Bundeswehr together with the medical command command in Koblenz . Both institutions were subordinate to the management staff of the medical service in the Federal Ministry of Defense . The Bundeswehr Medical Office was responsible for the technical organization of the medical service. Here the technical framework conditions for an efficient medical service were developed. In addition, the sanitary department had also taken on monitoring tasks in accordance with the infection control (IfSG), medical products (MPG), animal welfare (TSchG), pharmaceuticals and the food, consumer goods and feed code (LFBG).

The Bundeswehr Medical Office had around 500 military and civilian employees. In addition to the staff departments, ten specialist departments with various key tasks were subordinate to the administration . The office had its own headquarters for support tasks . Parts of the Bundeswehr medical office were deployed.

Former subordinate institutions


Heads of office

Period Head of office Armed forces
since reclassification - March 31, 1967 General practitioner Herbert Hockemeyer army
April 1, 1967 - March 31, 1969 General practitioner Eberhard Daerr army
April 1, 1969 - March 31, 1971 General practitioner Hermann Ammermüller army
temporarily headed by Deputy Head of Office and Chief of Staff
October 1, 1971 - September 30, 1972 AdmStArzt Hans-Georg Stemann marine
October 1, 1972 - September 30, 1977 General practitioner Heinz S. Fuchs air force
October 1, 1977 - March 31, 1980 Genst doctor Hubertus Grunhofer air force
April 1, 1980 - March 31, 1982 GenStArzt Hansjoachim Linde air force
April 1, 1982 - March 31, 1985 General practitioner Hans Wolfgang Hammen air force
April 1, 1985 - March 31, 1991 General practitioner Hannes Sautter air force
April 1, 1991 - June 30, 1993 General practitioner Volker Grabarek army
July 1, 1993 - September 30, 1995 General practitioner Gerhard Schöner army
October 1, 1995 - September 30, 2000 General practitioner Hans-Dieter Schmidt army
October 1, 2000 - July 2, 2001 Genst doctor Erich Wolfgang Bick army
July 3, 2001 - March 31, 2003 General practitioner Kurt-Bernhard Nakath army
April 1, 2003 - September 30, 2006 General practitioner Peter K. Fraps Army uniform wearer
October 1, 2006 - October 31, 2007 General practitioner Hartmut Siebertz Army uniform wearer
temporarily headed by Deputy Head of Office and Chief of Staff
January 1, 2008 - August 12, 2009 General practitioner Detlev Fröhlich Air force uniform wearer
August 12, 2009 - November 30, 2011 General practitioner Hans-Jürgen Dick Army uniform wearer
December 1, 2011 - December 18, 2012 General practitioner Ulrich Pracht Air force uniform wearer
The post was vacant until it was dissolved. The tasks were carried out by the Deputy Head of Office and Chief of Staff.

Deputy Heads of Office and Chiefs of Staff

Period Chief of Staff Armed forces
May 1, 1965 - March 31, 1970 General practitioner Heinrich Leers army
April 1, 1970 - September 30, 1973 GenArzt Edgar A. Ruempler army
October 1, 1973 - September 30, 1976 General practitioner Heinrich Nerl army
October 1, 1976 - March 31, 1982 General practitioner Hans Wolfgang Hammen air force
April 1, 1982 - September 30, 1983 General practitioner Claus Günter Voss army
October 1, 1983 - March 31, 1985 General practitioner Gunter Desch army
April 1, 1985 - September 30, 1987 General practitioner Johann-Friedrich Borkowski army
October 1, 1987 - September 30, 1989 General practitioner Matthias Jaeger army
October 1, 1989 - September 30, 1995 General practitioner Hans-Dieter Schmidt army
October 1, 1995 - October 31, 2001 GenArzt Verena von Weymarn air force
November 1, 2001 - July 15, 2005 General practitioner Jürgen Blätzinger Army uniform wearer
July 16, 2005 - September 30, 2006 General practitioner Detlev Fröhlich Air force uniform wearer
October 1, 2006 - September 30, 2008 General practitioner Peter-Klaus Witkowski Army uniform wearer
October 1, 2008 - August 12, 2009 General practitioner Hans-Jürgen Dick Army uniform wearer
September 17, 2009 - June 30, 2013 General practitioner Erika Franke Army uniform wearer

Web links

Commons : Medical Office of the Bundeswehr  - collection of pictures

Individual evidence

  1. Medical Office of the Federal Armed Forces 1958–2000 ( Memento of the original dated February 24, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Federal Archives-Military Archives. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b Since 2001 the Central Medical Service of the Bundeswehr has been an independent military organizational area. For the sake of completeness, the uniformity is given below.
  3. a b Uwe Henning: An era is coming to an end. In: Medical Service. Bundeswehr, December 18, 2012, accessed on August 5, 2015 (report on the dissolution of the medical office).

Coordinates: 48 ° 9 ′ 53 ″  N , 11 ° 32 ′ 28 ″  E