Administrative division of Sverdlovsk Oblast

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The administrative divisions of Sverdlovsk Oblast. The numbers follow the Russian alphabet. Black: city districts, red: Rajons.

Within the Sverdlovsk Oblast , there are 68 urban districts and five Rajons , with the exception of the urban district of the Center Yekaterinburg and some north and south followed because urban districts of the five counties ( Sg. Russian управленческий округ / uprawlentscheski okrug ) Северный / Severny (Northern) , Восточный / Wostotschny (east) , Горнозаводской / Gornosawodskoi , Западный / Sapadny (west) and Южный / Juschny (south) belong. Four of the urban districts in the oblast are closed (so-called SATOs). The Rajons consist of a total of five urban parishes and 16 rural parishes.

No. Surname Administrative headquarters district Residents
Number of
City districts
1 Alapayevsk Alapayevsk east 44,464 10
2 Alapayevsky Verkhnyaya Sinyachikha east 26,000 * 75
3 Aramilski Aramil - 15,000 * 3
5 Artinski Arti west 29,627 59
4th Artyomovsky Artyomovsky east 27,018 34
6th Asbestovsky asbestos south 71,000 * 3
7th Achitsky Achit west 16.808 53
8th Belojarsky Belojarsky south 34,580 45
9 Beryozovsky Beryozovsky - 68,678 18th
10 Bissertski Bissert west 11,000 * 5
11 Bogdanovich Bogdanovich south 47,036 40
22nd Degtyarsk Degtyarsk west 16,000 * 4th
20th Garinski Gari North 4,902 42
21st Gornouralski Gornouralski Gorno. 38,519 83
26th Irbit Irbit east 38,352 1
27 Irbitskoye Pionerski east 30,324 106
25th Ivdelsky Iwdel North 25,000 * 34
23 Ekaterinburg Ekaterinburg - 1,383,448 30th
28 Kamensky Martyush south 28,119 64
29 Kamensk-Uralsky Kamensk-Uralsky south 176,592 8th
30th Kamyshlowsky Kamyshlov east 26,875 1
31 Karpinsk Karpinsk North 31,000 * 9
32 Kachkanarsky Kachkanar North 43,683 3
33 Kirovgradsky Kirovgrad Gorno. 27,000 * 9
34 Krasnoturyinsk Krasnoturyinsk North 65,124 7th
36 Krasnoufimsk Krasnoufimsk west 40,442 5
37 Krasnoufimski Nataljinsk west 28,081 68
35 Krasnouralsk Krasnouralsk North 25,534 11
38 Kuschwinski Kushwa Gorno. 39,000 * 13
39 Lesnoi (SATO) Lesnoi North 52,477 5
41 Makhnevkoye Makhnyovo east 7,000 * 38
40 Malyshevsky Malysheva south 11,000 * 4th
42 Nevyansky Nevyansk Gorno. 42,726 38
43 Nizhneturinsky Nizhnyaya Tura North 27,991 23
44 Nizhny Tagil Nizhny Tagil Gorno. 361,883 1
45 Nizhnyaya Salda Nizhnyaya Salda Gorno. 17,930 6th
46 Novolyalinsky Novaya Lyalya North 23,558 24
47 Nowouralski (SATO) Novouralsk Gorno. 88,307 6th
48 Pelym Pelym North 4,000 * 5
49 Pervouralsk Pervouralsk west 148,873 28
50 Polevskoi Polevskoi west 71.187 14th
51 Pyschminski Pyschma east 20,622 41
54 Reftinski Reftinski south 16,490 1
53 Reshevsky Resch - 48,440 31
52 Rewda Rewda west 63,000 * 8th
24 Zarechny Zarechny south 29,749 5
68 Schalinski Shaly west 20,000 * 39
57 Serovsky Serov North 101,336 42
56 Severouralsky Severouralsk North 44,794 9
58 Soswinski Soswa North 23,531 22nd
59 Sredneuralsk Sredneuralsk west 22,000 * 4th
60 Staroutkinsk Staroutkinsk west 4,000 * 4th
61 Sukhoi log Sukhoi log south 49.002 26th
55 Svobodny (SATO) Svobodny Gorno. 8,199 1
62 Syssertski Syssert - 63,000 * 38
64 Talitski Taliza east 47,298 95
63 Tawdinski Tavda east 42,305 44
65 Tugulymski Tugulym east 22,575 52
66 Turinski Turinsk east 28,269 69
67 Uralsky (SATO) Uralsky south 2,445 1
12 Verkhneye Dubrovo Verkhneye Dubrovo south 4,794 1
13 Verkh-Neiwinsky Verkh-Neiwinsky Gorno. 5.101 1
14th Verkhnesaldinsky Verkhnyaya Salda Gorno. 49,545 19th
15th Verkhny Tagil Verkhny Tagil Gorno. 14,000 * 3
16 Verkhnyaya pajma Verkhnyaya pajma west 71,000 * 25th
17th Verkhnyaya Tura Verkhnyaya Tura Gorno. 11,000 * 2
18th Verkhotursky Verkhoturye North 16.808 51
19th Volchansky Volchansk North 11,000 * 3
1 Baikalowski Baikalowo east 16,295 68
2 Kamyshlowsky Kamyshlov east 28.179 54
3 Nischnesserginsky Nizhny Sergi west 44,000 * 38
4th Slobodo-Turinski Turinskaya Sloboda east 15.092 48
5 Taborinsky Tabory east 3,570 34


  1. The presentation follows the website . There is another (older) division of the oblast into cities and rajons.
  2. Number of the urban district or the Rajons in alphabetical order of the names in Russian
  3. The names are simplified.
  4. Predvaritel'nye Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Rosstat, Statistika Rossii, Moscow 2011, ISBN 978-5-902339-98-4 (Preliminary results of the all-Russian census 2010; Russian; download , 6.6 MB). The numbers there refer to the older administrative division. Therefore the values ​​marked with "*" are estimated.
  5. Was removed from the Alapajewski district on January 1, 2009.
  6. Not part of the Rajons itself, but forms an independent urban district