Koenigsee District Court

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The Königsee District Court was a court of ordinary jurisdiction that existed from 1879 to 1952 and was based in the Thuringian city of Königsee .


On the occasion of the introduction of the Courts Constitution Act on October 1, 1879, a district court of Königsee was established in the Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt , the district of which was created from the district of the previous Königsee Justice Office and thus the city of Königsee and the former communities of Allendorf , Allersdorf , Aschau , Barigau , Bechstedt , Blumenau , Böhlen , Dörnfeld an der Heide (with Schönheide ), Döschnitz , Dröbischau , Egelsdorf , Friedersdorf , Glasbach , Herschdorf , Horba , Lichta , Mankenbach , Mellenbach , Milbitz , Oberhain , Oberköditz , Oberrottenbach , Oberschöbling , Obstfelderschmiede , Rohrbach , Schwarzburg , Sitzendorf , Storchsdorf , Unterhain , Unterköditz , Unterschöbling , Wildenspring and Wittgendorf . The next higher instance was the District Court of Rudolstadt .

The judicial reform that became necessary after the formation of the state of Thuringia led to an exchange of territory with the district court district of Gehren on October 1, 1923 . While Böhlen, Friedersdorf and Wildenspring had to be handed over to that court, the town of Garsitz could be expanded. At the same time, the towns of Hengelbach and Paulinzella , which were previously part of the Stadtilm district court, could be incorporated. From January 1, 1924 to January 1, 1925 Pennewitz was also part of the Königsee District Court district.

With the dissolution of the Oberweißbach District Court on October 1, 1949, the Königseer Sprengel expanded one last time to include the communities of Cursdorf , Deesbach , Goldisthal , Katzhütte , Leibis , Lichtenhain , Meura , Meuselbach-Schwarzmühle , Oberweißbach , Oelze , Scheibe-Alsbach and Unterweißbach .

On January 1, 1952, the Königsee District Court was repealed, the district of which was assigned to the Rudolstadt District Court .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ II. Landrathsamtsiertel Königsee. a) Königsee district. In: Schwarzburg-Rudolstädtischer address almanac. Rudolstadt 1872, pp. 46–47 .
  2. ^ Ordinance of March 14, 1879, concerning the establishment of local courts. ( Ges.-Samml. P. 79 )
  3. Contract on the establishment of a regional court in Rudolstadt of October 17, 1878. ( Ges.-Samml. P. 65 )
  4. Report of the legislative committee on the draft law on the seats and districts of the ordinary courts in the state of Thuringia (submission No. 1108, p. 1405 of the printed matter) of June 5, 1923 ( No. 1228, p. 1577 of the printed matter )
  5. Law on the Seats and Districts of the Ordinary Courts in the State of Thuringia of June 15, 1923 ( Ges.-SS 449 )
  6. Ordinance on amendments to the law of June 15, 1923 on the seats and districts of the ordinary courts in the state of Thuringia of November 15, 1923 ( Ges.-S. 769 )
  7. 2. Ordinance on amendments to the law of June 15, 1923 on the seats and districts of the ordinary courts in the state of Thuringia of November 11, 1924 ( Ges.-S. 433 )
  8. Implementing ordinance on the seats and districts of the local courts in the state of Thuringia of September 16, 1949 ( Ges.-SS 55 )
  9. Ordinance amending court districts in the state of Thuringia dated November 6, 1951 ( Journal of Laws p. 1005 )