Arrondissement of Redon

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Arrondissement of Redon
region Brittany
Department Ille-et-Vilaine
Sub-prefecture Redon
Residents 102,871 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 79 inhabitants / km²
surface 1,302.57 km²
Communities 50
INSEE code 352

Location of the Arrondissement of Redon
in the Brittany region

The Arrondissement Redon is an administrative unit of the French department of Ille-et-Vilaine in the region of Brittany . The administrative seat ( sub-prefecture ) is Redon .


The arrondissement is divided into 3 cantons:


The municipalities ( INSEE code in brackets) of the Arrondissement of Redon are:

1. Bain-de-Bretagne (35012) 2. Bains-sur-Oust (35013) 3. Baulon (35016) 4. La Bosse-de-Bretagne (35030)
5. Bourg-des-Comptes (35033) 6. Bovel (35035) 7. Bruc-sur-Aff (35045) 8. Les Brulais (35046)
9. Chanteloup (35054) 10. La Chapelle-Bouëxic (35057) 11. La Chapelle-de-Brain (35064) 12. Comblessac (35084)
13. La Couyère (35089) 14. Crevin (35090) 15. La Dominelais (35098) 16. Ercé-en-Lamée (35106)
17. Goven (35123) 18. Grand Fougeray (35124) 19. Guichen (35126) 20. Guignen (35127)
21. Guipry-Messac (35176) 22. Lalleu (35140) 23. Langon (35145) 24. Lassy (35149)
25. Lieuron (35151) 26. Lohéac (35155) 27. Loutehel (35160) 28. Mernel (35175)
29. La Noë-Blanche (35202) 30. Pancé (35212) 31. Le Petit-Fougeray (35218) 32. Pipriac (35219)
33. Pléchâtel (35221) 34. Poligné (35231) 35. Redon (35236) 36. Renac (35237)
37. Saint-Ganton (35268) 38. Saint-Just (35285) 39. Saint-Malo-de-Phily (35289) 40. Saint-Séglin (35311)
41. Saint-Senoux (35312) 42. Saint-Sulpice-des-Landes (35316) 43. Sainte-Anne-sur-Vilaine (35249) 44. Sainte-Marie (35294)
45. Saulnières (35321) 46. Le Sel-de-Bretagne (35322) 47. Sixt-sur-Aff (35328) 48. Teillay (35332)
49. Tresboeuf (35343) 50. Val d'Anast (35168)

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

As a result of the reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017, the municipality of Laillé was assigned to the Arrondissement Rennes from the Arrondissement Redon .

Former municipalities since the nationwide reorganization of the cantons

until 2016: Guipry , Messac

until 2017: Campel , Maure-de-Bretagne