Arrondissement of Pontivy

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Arrondissement of Pontivy
region Brittany
Department Morbihan
Sub-prefecture Pontivy
Residents 155,346 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 53 inhabitants / km²
surface 2,944.64 km²
Communities 93
INSEE code 562

Location of the Arrondissement of Pontivy
in the Brittany region

The Arrondissement Pontivy is an administrative unit in the French department of Morbihan in the region of Brittany . The administrative seat ( sub-prefecture ) is Pontivy .


The arrondissement is divided into five cantons:


The municipalities ( INSEE code in brackets) of the Arrondissement of Pontivy are:

1st baud (56010) 2. Berné (56014) 3. Bignan (56017) 4. Billio (56019)
5. Bréhan (56024) 6. Brignac (56025) 7. Buléon (56027) 8. Campénéac (56032)
9. La Chapelle-Neuve (56039) 10. Cléguérec (56041) 11. Concoret (56043) 12. Crédin (56047)
13. Le Croisty (56048) 14. La Croix-Helléan (56050) 15. Croixanvec (56049) 16. Cruguel (56051)
17. Évellys (56144) 18. Évriguet (56056) 19. Le Faouët (56057) 20. Forges de Lanouée (56102)
21. Gourhel (56065) 22. Gourin (56066) 23. La Grée-Saint-Laurent (56068) 24. Guégon (56070)
25. Guéhenno (56071) 26. Gueltas (56072) 27. Guémené-sur-Scorff (56073) 28. Guénin (56074)
29. Guern (56076) 30. Guillac (56079) 31. Guilliers (56080) 32. Guiscriff (56081)
33. Helléan (56082) 34. Josselin (56091) 35. Kerfourn (56092) 36. Kergrist (56093)
37. Kernascléden (56264) 38. Langoëlan (56099) 39. Langonnet (56100) 40. Lantillac (56103)
41. Lanvénégen (56105) 42. Lignol (56110) 43. Locmalo (56113) 44. Locminé (56117)
45. Loyat (56122) 46. Malguénac (56125) 47. Mauron (56127) 48. Melrand (56128)
49. Ménéac (56129) 50. Meslan (56131) 51. Mohon (56134) 52. Montertelot (56139)
53. Moréac (56140) 54. Moustoir-Ac (56141) 55. Néant-sur-Yvel (56145) 56. Neulliac (56146)
57. Noyal-Pontivy (56151) 58. Persquen (56156) 59. Pleugriffet (56160) 60. Ploërdut (56163)
61. Ploërmel (56165) 62. Plouray (56170) 63. Plumelec (56172) 64. Pluméliau-Bieuzy (56173)
65. Plumelin (56174) 66. Pontivy (56178) 67. Priziac (56182) 68. Radenac (56189)
69. Réguiny (56190) 70. Rohan (56198) 71. Roudouallec (56199) 72. Le Saint (56201)
73. Saint-Aignan (56203) 74. Saint-Allouestre (56204) 75. Saint Barthelemy (56207) 76. Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron (56208)
77. Saint-Caradec-Trégomel (56210) 78. Saint-Gérand (56213) 79. Saint-Gonnery (56215) 80. Saint-Jean-Brévelay (56222)
81. Saint-Léry (56225) 82. Saint-Malo-des-Trois-Fontaines (56227) 83. Saint-Servant (56236) 84. Saint-Thuriau (56237)
85. Saint-Tugdual (56238) 86. Sainte-Brigitte (56209) 87. Séglien (56242) 88. Silfiac (56245)
89. Le Sourn (56246) 90. Taupont (56249) 91. Tréhorenteuc (56256) 92. La Trinité-Porhoët (56257)
93. Val d'Oust (56197)

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

As a result of the reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017, the area of ​​the 20 municipalities of Brignac , Campénéac , Concoret , Évriguet , Gourhel , Guilliers , Loyat , Mauron , Ménéac , Mohon , Monterrein , Montertelot , Néant-sur-Yvel , Ploërmel , Saint-Brieuc- de-Mauron , Saint-Léry , Saint-Malo-des-Trois-Fontaines , Taupont , Tréhorenteuc and La Trinité-Porhoët as well as the area of ​​the two former municipalities La Chapelle-Caro and Le Roc-Saint-André from the Arrondissement of Vannes to the Arrondissement of Pontivy assigned.

Former parishes since the nationwide reorganization of the arrondissements

until 2018: Lanouée , Les Forges , Ploërmel , Monterrein , Pluméliau , Bieuzy

until 2016: Moustoir-Remungol , Naizin , Quily , Remungol