Bihor County

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Location of Bihor County in Romania
From the Bihar County was Hajdú-Bihar in Hungary and Bihor in Romania
Map of Bihor County
Coat of arms of the Bihor County
Coat of arms of the Bihor district, at the time of real socialism
Coat of arms of Bihor County, in the interwar period

Bihor ( pronunciation ? / I , Hungarian Bihar megye ) is a Romanian district (Județ) in the Kreischgebiet with the district town Oradea (Ger. Großwardein , Hungarian Nagyvárad ). Its common abbreviation and license plate number is BH. Audio file / audio sample

Bihor County borders on Satu Mare County to the north, Sălaj and Cluj County to the east, Alba and Arad County to the south, and Hungary to the west .


In 2002 Bihor had 600,223 inhabitants and a population density of 80 inhabitants per km². There were 291,613 male and 308,610 female residents that year, as well as 969 foreigners (0.16% of the population).

In 2011, Bihor County had 575,398 inhabitants and a population density of 76 inhabitants per km².

Ethnic groups

According to the 2002 census, the population consisted of the following ethnic groups:


The following religions were represented according to the 2002 census:


The district has a total area of ​​7544 km², which corresponds to 3.16% of the area of ​​Romania. It is located in the north-west of Romania and the historical region of Transylvania on the western border with Hungary. From a topographical point of view, Bihor still belongs to the Pannonian Plain , but for historical reasons it is part of Transylvania - more precisely to the so-called Partium - which, however, lies in the narrower sense only east of the Western Carpathians . Another description of the area in which the Bihor County is located is derived from the rivers that flow from the Western Carpathians through its area in an east-west direction, namely from the Rapid Kreisch (Roman: Crișul Repede ) and the Black Kreisch (Rum. Crișul Negru ), which is why the region (together with parts of the Arad district) is also called Kreischgebiet.

cities and communes

Status of the localities

Bihor County officially consists of 460 localities. 10 of them have the status of a city, 91 that of a municipality. The rest are administratively assigned to the cities and municipalities.

Biggest places

City / municipality Residents
Oradea ( German Great Oradine , Hungarian Nagyvárad , Sk. Veký Varadín ) 196.367
Salonta (German Großsalontha , Hungarian Nagyszalonta ) 017,735
Marghita (German Margarethen , Hungarian Margitta ) 015,770
Săcueni (German Zickelhid , Hungarian Székelyhíd ) 011,526
Beiuș (Hungarian Belényes ) 010,667
Aleșd (Hungarian Élesd ) 010,066
Valea lui Mihai (Hungarian Érmihályfalva ) 009,902
Sânmartin (Hungarian Váradszentmárton ) 009,572
Tinca (ung. Tenke ) 007,793
Popești (Hungarian Papfalva ) 007,362
Tileagd (Hungarian Mezőtelegd ) 006,968
Diosig (Hungarian Bihardiószeg ) 006,816
Ștei (Hungarian Vaskohsziklás ) 006,529
(As of October 20, 2011)

See also

Web links

Commons : Bihor County  - collection of pictures, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b 2011 census in Romania ( MS Excel ; 1.3 MB)