Lisko district

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Location of the Lisko district in the crown land of Galicia and Lodomeria

The Lisko district was a political district in the crown land of Galicia and Lodomeria . Its area covered parts of eastern Galicia in present-day Poland ( Powiat Lisko ), the seat of the district administration was the city of Lisko . After the First World War , Austria had to cede the entire district to Poland; large parts of it can be found here today in the Powiat Leski .

It bordered on the north by the district Dobromil , in the northeast on the district Stary Sambor , in the southeast of the district Turka , on the south by the Kingdom of Hungary and the west by the district Sanok .


After the district offices were abolished at the end of October 1865 and their competencies were transferred to the district offices , the division of the country into two administrative areas was also abolished after the Austro-Hungarian Compromise in 1867. In addition, in the course of the separation of the political from the judicial administration, separate administrative and judicial authorities were created. While the judicial division remained largely unaffected, municipalities of several judicial districts were combined into administrative districts.

The new political district of Lisko was formed from the following districts:

In the 1910 census, the Lisko district consisted of 159 municipalities and 146 manor areas and covered an area of ​​1832 km². In 1900 the population had still comprised 95,362 people, in 1910 98,492 people lived here. The majority of the population lived in the area with Ruthenian colloquial language (69%) and the Greek Catholic faith, Jews made up around 14% of the population (typical shtetls were Baligród , Lisko , Lutowiska , Ustrzyki Dolne ).


In 1900 there were district courts in Baligród , Lisko, Lutowiska and Ustrzyki Dolne in the area of ​​the district, and the following locations were assigned to these:

Judicial district Baligród (55 local parishes):

  • Baligród market
  • Balnica
  • Bereżnica Wyżna
  • Buk
  • Bukowiec
  • Bystre
  • Cisna
  • Cisowiec
  • Dołzyca
  • Gorzanka
  • Habkowce
  • Horodek
  • Jabłonki
  • Jaworzec
  • Kalnica ad Cisna consisting of the districts Kalnica ad Cisna and Strubowiska
  • Kielczawa
  • Kołonice
  • Krywe ad Cisna
  • Krywe ad Tworylne also Krywe nad Sanem
  • Liszna
  • Łopienka
  • Łubne
  • Łuh
  • Łupków
  • Maniów
  • Mchawa
  • Nowosiółki
  • Polanki
  • Przysłup
  • Rabe ad Baligród consisting of the districts Huczwice and Rabe ad Baligród
  • Radziejowa
  • Rajskie consisting of the districts Rajskie and Sawkowczyk
  • Rostoki Dolne
  • Rybne
  • Smerek
  • Smolnik ad Baligród
  • Solinka
  • Stężnica
  • Hours
  • Szczerbanówka
  • Terka
  • Tworylne
  • Tyskowa
  • Wetlina
  • Wola Górzańska
  • Wola Michowa
  • Wołkowyja
  • Zahoczewie
  • Zawój
  • Zawóz
  • Żerdenka
  • Żernica Niżna
  • Żernica Wyżna
  • Zubeńsko
  • Żubracze

Judicial district Lisko (46 local parishes):

  • Bachlawa
  • Bereska
  • Bereżnica Niżna
  • Bezmichowa Dolna
  • Bezmichowa Górna
  • Bóbrka
  • Brelików
  • Choceń
  • Czaszyn consisting of the districts Brzezowiec and Czaszyn
  • Dziurzdziów
  • Glinne
  • Hoczew
  • Huzele
  • Jankowce
  • Kalnica ad Lisko
  • Kamionki
  • City of Lisko
  • Łukawica
  • Łukowe
  • Manasterzec
  • Myczków
  • Myczkowce
  • Olkhova
  • Olszanica
  • Orelec
  • Paszowa
  • Polańczyk
  • Poraż
  • Posada Liska
  • Postołów
  • Ropienka
  • Rudenka
  • Serednie Wielkie
  • Średnia Wieś
  • Stańkowa
  • Sukovate
  • Tarnawa Dolna
  • Tarnawa Górna
  • Uherce
  • Wańkowa
  • Weremień
  • Wola Matyaszowa
  • Wola Postołowa
  • Zabrodzie
  • Zawadka
  • Zwierzyń

Lutowiska judicial district (24 parishes):

Ustrzyki Dolne judicial district (29 municipalities):

  • Bandrów Kolonia
  • Bandrów Narodowy
  • Berehy Dolne
  • Czarna
  • Daszówka
  • Dźwiniacz Dolny
  • Hoszów
  • Hoszowczyk
  • Jałowe
  • Jasień
  • Leszczowate
  • Łobozew
  • Łodyna
  • Moczary
  • Raven ad Ustrzyki
  • Romanowa WOla
  • Równia
  • Serednica
  • Sokole
  • Sokołowa Wola
  • Solina
  • Stefkowa
  • Strwiążyk
  • Teleśnica Oszwarowa
  • Teleśnica Sanna
  • Ustrzyki Dolne Market
  • Uzyanova
  • Zadwórze
  • Żołobek

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reichs-Gesetz-Blatt for the Austrian Empire 1865, XXVI. Piece, No. 92: "Ordinance of the State Ministry of September 23, 1865, on the repeal of the district authorities in Galicia"
  2. ^ Reichs-Gesetz-Blatt for the Empire of Austria. Born in 1868, XVII. Piece, No. 44. "Act of May 19, 1868 on the establishment of political administrative authorities in the kingdoms ..."
  3. ^ Reichs-Gesetz-Blatt for the Empire of Austria. Born in 1867, XVII. Piece, No. 37: "Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice of February 15, 1867, on the establishment of purely district courts in Eastern Galicia"
  4. ^ Reichs-Gesetz-Blatt for the Empire of Austria. Year 1867, IX. Piece, No. 17: "Ordinance of the State Ministry of January 23, 1867"
  5. ^ The results of the census of December 31, 1910 in the kingdoms and countries represented in the Imperial Council - the summary results of the census. With 6 cartograms - Table I.
  6. ^ The results of the census of December 31, 1910 in the kingdoms and countries represented in the Imperial Council - the summary results of the census. With 6 cartograms - Table II.
  7. ^ The results of the census of December 31, 1910 in the kingdoms and countries represented in the Imperial Council - the summary results of the census. With 6 cartograms - Table III.
  8. Ludwig Patryn (Ed.): Community encyclopedia of the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrat, edited on the basis of the results of the census of December 31, 1900, XII. Galicia . Vienna 1907 ( online ).
