Germany at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest

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Balance sheet

Flag of Germany
Broadcasting company
(as a joint program by ARD Logo 2019.svgand ZDF logo.svg)
First participation
Number of participations
Highest ranking
Highest Score
Lowest Score
Points average (since first post)
Average points per voting country in the 12-point system

This article deals with the history of Germany as a participant in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest .

National preliminary decision

The children's channel KiKA will look for the German contribution to the program Dein Song for Warsaw - the format Dein Song will be used , which has been produced by ZDF for the children's channel since 2008 .

Participation in the competition

On July 8, 2020, the NDR confirmed Germany's debut at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2020 on November 29 in Warsaw . Participation will be based on a collaboration between KiKA, NDR and ZDF .

Participation had already been announced for 2003 and 2004 but did not take place without giving reasons.

Since 2013 , the TV broadcaster ARD , responsible for the Eurovision Song Contest , has shown interest again and was on the list of possible debutants for 2014 , but in the end it was decided not to participate.

The ZDF was interested in participating in 2015 and dispatched an observer to JESC 2014 in Malta. Nevertheless, Germany did not take part in 2015 either and excluded its debut for 2016.

In December 2019, KiKA confirmed that a delegation from the broadcaster and NDR had visited the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Gliwice to experience the competition as part of the audience. It was emphasized that at this point in time no decision had yet been made whether Germany would participate in the following year or not - although there were close discussions with the EBU.

List of posts

year Interpreter Title
(music / text)
language translation Place
participants (total)
2020 M / T: Levent Geiger German

List of commentators

Year (s) Commentators channel
2003 unknown KiKA
2004 - 2014 No transfer
2015 - 2016 Thomas Mohr NDR website
2017 - 2019 No transfer
2020 not disclosed KiKA

Individual evidence

  1. Germany takes part in the Junior ESC 2020. In: July 8, 2020, accessed July 8, 2020 .
  2. Germany on the list of participants of the EBU for the JESC 2003 (English)
  3. ^ Anthony Granger: Germany: Delegation Observing Junior Eurovision 2019. In: Eurovoix. November 22, 2019, accessed June 25, 2020 (UK English).

Web links