International traffic in the COVID-19 pandemic

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In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic , numerous governments issued entry restrictions to stop or slow the spread of the virus. There were far-reaching restrictions on traffic, and international traffic in particular fell sharply in March 2020.

Background: illness and course

The disease COVID-19 and the new pathogen SARS-CoV-2 triggered the epidemic in the People's Republic of China at the end of 2019 . The first known cases of human disease were in December 2019. After cases in the People's Republic of China, cases were reported from Thailand (January 13, 2020), Japan (January 15) and South Korea (January 20). The Chinese authorities confirmed on January 20, 2020 that the virus can in principle be transmitted from person to person. The first confirmed case in the US was reported on January 21, 2020, and at the end of January 2020, the virus appeared in Europe for the first time with three people infected in France . On February 14, 2020, a sick person in Egypt was reported as the first case of infection on the African continent.

On January 30, 2020, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared the existence of a public health emergency of international concern ("international health emergency" for short). On March 11, 2020, the WHO officially classified the effects of the virus as a pandemic.

Border controls and closings

States that have adopted worldwide travel restrictions (e.g. border closings) (as of April 23, 2020).
  • Active travel restrictions
  • Travel restrictions lifted
  • For more information on the measures adopted, see the respective national pandemic articles

    According to the Situation Report - 39 of the World Health Organization, there were travel restrictions in 41 member states on February 27, 2020 that were justified with the protection of the health of the population, including in 11 states restrictions directed against countries other than China. In most cases, either people from the PRC or other states affected by the novel coronavirus epidemic were prohibited from entering or quarantine or isolation measures were imposed for those who had entered, or visas were suspended. In the course of the pandemic, there were more and more restrictions on travel, according to the Situation Report - 67 of the WHO, on March 26, 2020, there were already travel restrictions in 136 member states in order to protect the health of the population. Since March 17, 2020, all travel restrictions have been directed against more than one country. According to the WHO Situation Report - 88 of April 17, 2020, there were travel restrictions in 167 member states.


    In Taiwan, the National Health Command Center decided on numerous measures by February 24, 2020, including a regulation on quarantine, proactive search for infected people and control of sea and air borders. The risk to an individual was calculated from travel, health and social security data. On the basis of this data, a real-time alarm was sent to the persons concerned via mobile communications. This only made entry possible. If the data were inconspicuous, the persons were waved through. In the event of suspected cases based on the travel data, the patients were immediately placed in quarantine at home for an incubation period. Compliance with the quarantine was monitored via the mobile phone using the same program.

    On March 28, 2020, the People's Republic of China issued an entry ban for foreigners. Visas and residence permits valid on the reference date could no longer be used for entry until further notice, and new visas had to be applied for for entry, but these were only issued for certain, necessary activities. In the meantime, the restrictions have been relaxed again and entry from EU countries has been possible again for holders of residence permits since August 11, 2020.

    With effect from March 23, 2020, all foreigners are prohibited from entering Singapore . As of April 19, 2020, all Singaporeans and permanent residents must be quarantined in hotels known as Stay-Home Notice (SHN) for 14 days.

    The authorities in Mongolia closed the border with the People's Republic to car traffic on January 27, 2020, with serious consequences for bilateral trade in goods.

    Hong Kong intended to interrupt the main transport routes, especially rail and ferry traffic, to and from mainland China on January 30, 2020. Air traffic should be reduced and private travel permits no longer issued for the time being. On February 5, it was announced that travelers from mainland China will be placed in quarantine for 14 days; including people living in Hong Kong who are returning from trips to China.

    North Korea responded to the epidemic with a one-month forced quarantine for all foreigners entering via China. According to the assessment of the Russian embassy in Pyongyang , no cases of illness have been reported by North Korea so far (January 28, 2020).

    The Philippines temporarily does not issue entry visas to Chinese citizens.

    On March 6, 2020, Bhutan closed its border to all tourist trips by foreigners.

    On February 27, 2020, Saudi Arabia announced that it would no longer issue visas for the Small Pilgrimage . All travelers from states affected by the virus are also denied entry.

    Since March 6, 2020, there has been an extensive entry ban in Israel for travelers from Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland and Spain. Entry is only allowed to those who can prove an address in Israel at which they can undergo a two-week domestic quarantine. The same regulation already applied to travelers from Italy and from several Asian countries, including China and Thailand.


    On March 10, 2020, Austria issued an entry ban for non-Austrians coming from Italy. Transit traffic to Germany, for example, is still possible, but Austria must be passed through without stopping. Air and rail traffic to Italy are suspended. On this day, the Austrian government issued a travel warning with the highest security level (6) for Italy and San Marino and imposed an entry ban for travelers from Italy.

    On March 12, 2020, Slovakia imposed an entry ban on all foreigners except Poland.

    The border crossing in Schmitter between Diepoldsau and Dornbirn was closed on Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

    According to the recommendation of the German Federal Ministry of Health on March 13, 2020, “all travelers returning from Italy, Austria and Switzerland should put themselves into quarantine”, that is, avoid “unnecessary contacts” regardless of symptoms “and [...] stay at home for two weeks”.

    In mid-March 2020, several member states of the European Union imposed border closings or border controls independently of one another , thus invalidating the Schengen Agreement , as a result of which there were kilometers of traffic jams at the internal European borders . As a result, trucks carrying goods arrived late at their destination. The European Commission called on the member states to ensure the most free movement of goods in the European internal market.

    In Denmark, the borders have been closed to foreigners without a valid reason to enter since March 14th.

    In Norway, since March 16, 2020, all travelers from non-Nordic countries to Norway who are not resident in Norway have been rejected at the border. If they cannot leave the country beforehand, they are obliged to quarantine for up to 14 days.

    On March 14, Lithuania set up border controls with the EU's neighbors Poland and Latvia.

    Three regions of the Russian Federation that share a common external border with China closed the border until February 7, 2020. This affected the Jewish Autonomous Oblast , the Amur Oblast and the Khabarovsk region . The Prime Minister of Russia decreed on January 30, 2020, temporary restriction of traffic at 16 out of 25 border crossings with the People's Republic of China. The border inspection posts are listed in the annex to the regulation. From February 20, 2020, Chinese citizens were temporarily no longer allowed to enter the Russian Federation. Numerous rail and air connections to and from China had previously been suspended and work visas were no longer issued for Chinese. The administration of the capital Moscow ordered in March that returnees from China, South Korea, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Iran and other countries affected by the epidemic must be quarantined at home for two weeks. Violation of this order can result in prison sentences of up to five years.


    In Canada, international flights are to be diverted to a few airports with special controls, cruise ships with more than 500 people are no longer allowed to dock. An entry ban was initially waived in order not to give rise to illegal border crossings. The government urged citizens to refrain from unnecessary trips abroad and to stay away from the crowds in the interests of social distancing . On March 16 and 18, respectively, entry bans were issued.

    In a televised address on March 11, US President Donald Trump announced a one-month entry ban for non-US citizens who had been in one of the 26 European countries in the Schengen area in the past two weeks . A few days later, Trump extended the entry ban to Great Britain and Ireland . In light of the novel coronavirus spreading in the United States, a national emergency was declared on March 13.

    With effect from March 14, 4:59 a.m. Central European Time (CET), the United States closed its borders to people who have been in states of the Schengen Agreement in the last 14 days .

    On March 8, 2020, El Salvador issued an entry ban for travelers from Germany, France, Italy, Iran and South Korea. Only Salvadoran citizens and diplomats were still allowed to enter from these countries, but were quarantined for 30 days.

    On March 21, Cuba announced an immediate ban on entry for foreigners.

    International measures

    Actions in the EU

    At a meeting on February 13, 2020 in Brussels , the EU health ministers decided to ask travelers from certain regions about their contacts with people from the areas affected by the epidemic. On February 24th, the European Commission decided on extensive aid investments, which among other things should finance flights for the repatriation of EU citizens.

    On March 16, the EU Commission adopted guidelines in which it called on the member states to ensure the most unhindered movement of goods in the European internal market during border controls and that commuters who work in the health and food sectors can cross borders freely. Transit should be made easier for EU citizens who want to go home through another country.

    On March 17, 2020, the heads of state and government of the European Union decided on a 30-day entry ban for non-EU citizens that will take effect immediately. Exceptions have been made for people with a long-term right of residence in an EU state and special regulations for citizens of EFTA states and the United Kingdom. If you have an urgent reason for entry (for example a funeral or a court appointment), you must have the relevant evidence with you. The entry ban from non-EU countries was extended in several steps until July 1, before the EU Council recommended lifting the restrictions for travelers from 15 selected third countries (those with low infection rates) on condition that these third countries also allow entry of EU citizens.

    Air and tourist traffic

    Empty passenger hall at Schiphol Airport near Amsterdam on April 4, 2020.
    15 Lufthansa aircraft parked at Berlin Brandenburg Airport on March 21, 2020
    Almost empty plane en route from Beijing to Los Angeles on March 15, 2020.

    International airlines such as Air France initially discontinued direct connections to Wuhan on January 23, 2020, and later to all of China. US airlines canceled flights to China from their flight schedule until the end of April.

    Following British Airways and other airlines, Lufthansa announced on January 29, 2020 that it would cease air traffic between the People's Republic of China and Germany until February 9, including with its subsidiaries Swiss and Austrian Airlines , and extended the cessation of flight operations on February 3 until the end of February, for the destinations Nanjing , Shenyang , Qingdao , Shanghai and Beijing even until the end of March. In mid-February, around 70 lines had stopped flights to China and another 50 were restricted.

    The International Air Transport Association (IATA; umbrella organization of international aviation) estimated on 21 February 2020, the economic losses expected for international air traffic to a volume of about US $ 30 billion, of which US $ 27.8 billion in the Asia Pacific and US $ 1.5 billion the rest of the world.

    The British Airways underlined the beginning of March 2020 for the period from 17 to 28 March due to the reduced demand Hundreds return flights to the US, Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Ireland and Switzerland. Also EasyJet and Ryanair announced to cancel numerous flights to Italy. The Lufthansa underlined flights, their employees asked to submit unpaid leave or reduce the performance offered in part-time; She also examined the possibility of registering short-time work with the Federal Employment Agency .

    Passengers reported that the aircraft were almost empty, and airlines reported no-show shares of up to 50%. Airlines are pushing for a change in the requirement that they must exercise 80% of their take-off and landing rights at key hubs in order not to lose them.

    On March 14th, Turkey stopped air traffic with other countries. SAS Scandinavian Airlines ceased commercial operations on March 16, 2020 . Also, Austrian Airlines and Lauda Motion stop operating completely.

    On March 19, it became public that Lufthansa is canceling 95% of all flights due to the entry bans imposed by many countries.

    From March 23, 2020, Innsbruck Airport was closed until further notice.

    The government of the United Arab Emirates announced on March 23, 2020 that it would suspend all passenger flights for at least two weeks from March 26. After Emirates stopped all passenger flights on March 25, Etihad Airways has now followed suit .

    On March 24th, Ryanair ceased operations for at least two months.

    On May 11, 2020, Avianca - the largest airline in Colombia - filed for bankruptcy as a result of the drop in income during the Corona crisis.

    Public transport

    In Switzerland, from March 19, 2020, the public transport timetable has been thinned out in a way that has never been seen before. On the long-distance lines, instead of the half-hourly service that is often in force, the hourly service is introduced. The regional trains and buses, which normally run every quarter of an hour, now run every half hour. In the course of the border closure, all international long-distance trains from Switzerland to neighboring countries were discontinued. On April 27 and May 11, the lockdown in Switzerland will be gradually relaxed by the Federal Council . With the easing, public transport will gradually be ramped up again. The Swiss transport companies want to get back to the normal timetable as quickly as possible.


    Operational settings

    The following cruise lines have temporarily ceased operations (selection):

    Port closures

    Numerous states and cities around the world have temporarily closed their ports to cruise ships. This includes:

    Individual cruise ships affected

    Several cruise ships were quarantined in the first few months of 2020 due to the spread of COVID-19, while others were turned away and had to dock at another port. These include:

    Passengers suffering from health problems were sometimes brought ashore to isolation or quarantine stations. Several states brought their citizens back home and quarantined them there. In some cases, the handling of the quarantine measures on board and around disembarkation was assessed as a risk for the spread of the virus.


    According to estimates by the Pakistani Foreign Ministry, around 500 students from Pakistan were in Wuhan in January 2020. There are also students from Afghanistan in the city .

    The Japanese Prime Minister prepared to bring Japanese people back from Wuhan by charter flights. Their number was estimated at around 650. On the evening of January 28, 2020, the first Japanese passenger plane landed at Wuhan Airport as part of the evacuation operation for Japanese citizens. It brought relief supplies and medical professionals. Of the Japanese in Hubei Province, around 200 people are scheduled for the first return campaign. The destination of the return flight is Tokyo Haneda Airport . Japan brought back 206 people on the first flight. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe justified the determined action by saying that it was the government's “greatest responsibility” to protect its citizens and to provide “adequate health care”.

    According to a report by Akipress on January 28, the government of Kazakhstan made preparations to evacuate 61 Kazakh students by a charter flight from Wuhan taking care of its own medical staff. The approval of the Chinese authorities for this flight has been requested.

    The evacuation of US consulate personnel from the city and other citizens was scheduled for January 28, 2020 by plane and was postponed to the following day. Initially, this flight is supposed to lead to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport in Alaska , where the aircraft can refuel. The passengers are to be directed to a non-public terminal. The wing of the building has its own ventilation system and the North Terminal is isolated from the other areas of the airport. The local Providence Alaska Medical Center is prepared with 30 negative pressure quarantine rooms for the admission of suspected patients. The passengers are examined here by specialists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, in safe cases, can continue to travel to the United States via Ontario International Airport in San Bernardino County .

    Indian authorities announced on January 26, 2020 that they were working with Chinese authorities to study any evacuation options for over 250 citizens, most of whom are students. The Indian Embassy in China received a large number of calls on three hotline numbers. There are evacuation plans from France and Russia . Chinese health experts assume that the virus will have an increasing ability to spread. Chinese and US health experts share the view that the still increasing transmission can take place without any external signs.

    According to the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), five Swiss citizens and three Chinese family members landed on January 2, 2020 on a military airfield near Marseille . The FDFA organized the voluntary departure of these people in cooperation with the French government. Two other scheduled passengers decided to stay on site shortly before departure. The eight people who were flown out will be quarantined for 14 days in southern France.

    102 German citizens and 26 relatives of them, all of whom were symptom-free upon departure, were evacuated from the Wuhan region to Frankfurt am Main on February 1, 2020 by the Bundeswehr's airworthiness service . After returning, they were quarantined for 14 days in the Südpfalz barracks in Germersheim ( Rhineland-Palatinate ). On February 2, the coronavirus was found in two passengers. To reduce a possible risk of infection, the people quarantined in Germersheim were divided into four groups, and each group was allocated its own time window for the exit within the barracks. The two Wuhan returnees who fell ill with the coronavirus were transferred from the barracks in Germersheim to the Frankfurt University Hospital for treatment , and they were later discharged healthy. The people evacuated from Wuhan were cared for during their quarantine in Germersheim by 22 DRK employees who had volunteered for this mission. On February 17, 2020, they were all able to leave the barracks in good health.

    In early February, 190 people were evacuated from Wuhan on an Air New Zealand plane . Only 54 of them were New Zealanders , 44 were Chinese citizens living in New Zealand. In addition there were 35 Australians , 12 Chinese from Australia, 8 British, 17 East Timorese , 5 each from Samoa and Papua New Guinea , 4 from Tonga , 2 from Fiji and 1 each from Kiribati , Micronesia , the Netherlands and Uzbekistan . All evacuees, except for the Australians, were taken to quarantine in Whangaparāoa on a peninsula north of Auckland . The Australians were flown on to Australia. The 17 East Timorese were able to return to their homeland on February 21.

    On February 9, 16 adults and 4 children - Germans and their family members - were brought from Wuhan via Berlin-Tegel Airport to a building on the premises of the German Red Cross clinics in Berlin-Köpenick . They were symptom-free and were placed in a 14-day quarantine. The laboratory results available one day later showed that the SARS-CoV-2 was not detectable in them, the test for the coronavirus was repeated every four days as a precaution.

    On February 21, 15 more Germans were brought back to Stuttgart from the Hubei province . The test for the virus was negative for them in China. As a precaution, they were quarantined in a hotel for 14 days.

    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. Jeremy Page, Wenxin Fan, Natasha Khan: How It All Started: China's Early Coronavirus Missteps . In: Wall Street Journal . March 6, 2020, ISSN  0099-9660 ( [accessed March 25, 2020]).
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    13. Lester Wong, Min Zhang Lim: Coronavirus: Record 47 new cases in S'pore; 14-day stay-home notice will apply to all returning residents and short-term visitors . March 18, 2020. Accessed March 18, 2020.
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    46. Sybille Klormann, dpa: Covid-19: EU agrees to stop entry immediately . 17th March 2020.
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