List of the Blessed and Saints / R

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The list of the Blessed and Saints is an alphabetical listing of persons venerated as blessed or holy by Christian denominations, mainly Catholics and Orthodox. For Protestant commemoration of saints, see Confessio Augustana , Article 21. For the Protestant churches, the persons are given from their official calendar of names or saints. The list is complete in terms of purpose; z. At the moment, however, still quite incomplete.

Surname comment Causes of
Remembrance day
Catholic orthodox evangelical Anglican
Rabanus Maurus Abbot , Archbishop of Mainz , universal scholar († 856) February 4th February 4th
Rabaut, Paul Preacher , pastor († 1794) 25th of September
Radegundis Queen of the Franks († 587) 13 August 13 August
Raymond of Peñafort Founder of the order († 1275) 1601 January 7th
Rainulf the 9th of September
Rafael Arnáiz Barón Trappist , mystic (1911–1938) 1992 2009 26th of April
Ramwod Benedictine Abbot Trier, Regensburg St. Emmeram 17th of June
Randoald Companion of Germanus von Granfelden 21st of February
Rappard, Carl Heinrich missionary September 20th
Rasso also Gráfrath, Graf Rath or Graf Ratt Church donor and monastery founder in Wörth June 19th
Redikolos (Redicolos) painter 1615 March 23
Reinhild von Westerkappeln martyr 30th May
Regina Protmann Foundress of the order of the Sisters of St. Catherine (1552–1613) 1999
Reginbald II of Dillingen , also Regimbald Abbot and Bishop of Speyer
Regula September 11
Rembrandt van Rijn painter 4th of October
Remigius of Reims Bishop of Reims 13th January October 1st
in D:
January 13th
January 12th October 1
Renée de France Promoter of the Reformation July 11th
Reparata 8th October
Restituta, Maria 1998 30th of October
Restituta of Africa Martyr, possibly one of the martyrs of the holy books 17th of May 17th of May
Reusner, Adam Reformer, song writer August 9
Richard of Chichester 3rd of April June 16
Richard of Wessex February 7th
Richard Henkes German Pallottine priest, martyr 2019 21st of February
Richardis Wife of Emperor Charles the Bald ,
founder of the Andlau Abbey
1049 September 18
Judge, Ludwig painter June 19th
Judge, Paul Pastor, martyr 13 August
Ridley, Nicholas Bishop of London, martyr October 17th October, 16th
Riemenschneider, Tilman Sculptors and carvers 7th of July
Righi, Johannes Baptist 1903 March 12th
Rilski, Ivan Patron of the Bulgarians 18th of August
Rinckart, Martin Pastor, songwriter December 8th
Rita of Cascia Wife, mother, nun July 16, 1628 May 24, 1900 May 22
Rivi, Rolando Seminarian and martyr 5th October 2013
Rizza from Koblenz venerated as blessed in Koblenz
Robert Bellarmine Jesuit, theologian, doctor of the church 1923 1930 17th of September
Robert Gruthuysen Abbot of Clairvaux Monastery April 29
Robert of Newminster Founder of Newminster Abbey June 7th
Robert of Turlande Founder of the La Chaise-Dieu monastery 1070 April 24th
Rochus of Montpellier August 16
Rodolfo Acquaviva Jesuit, martyr 1893 February 4th
Roger le Fort sl. Archbishop of Bourges (1285 / 88–1367) 1st March
Roland of Chézery Abbot of the Chézery Monastery July 14th
Roland of Salsomaggiore hermit 1853 September 15th
Romanus by Condat Monastery founder February 28
Romanus of Rouen Bishop of Rouen 23rd October
Romero, Óscar Archbishop of San Salvador, martyr March 24 ( ELCA ) March 24th
Romuald June 19th
Ronald the 9th of September
Ronan from Locronan Hermit and Missionary June 1st
Rosa Flesch Founder of the order († 1906) 2008 June 19th
Rosa of Lima Mystic,

Dominican - Terziarin († 1617),

1671 August 23
Roque González de Santa Cruz Jesuit, martyr, missionary, first saint of Paraguay 1988 November 16
Rothe, Johann Andreas Pastor, songwriter 5th July
Roussel, Alexander Preacher, martyr 30th of November
Rua, Michael 1979 April 6th
Ruotsalainen, Paavo Revival preacher January 27th
Rupert von Bingen
Rupert of Salzburg Bishop of Salzburg, messenger of faith in Eastern Bavaria and Salzburg March 27th , Translatio : September 24th 27th of March 28th March
Rupert Mayer Jesuit, Apostle of Munich, resistance fighter against National Socialism and martyr May 3, 1987 November 3rd
Ruth Ancestress 3rd Advent July 16 ( LCMS )
Ruysbroek, Jan van Priest, mystic, prior 2. December 2. December

See also

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