List of accidents in European nuclear facilities

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This list deals with known incidents in European nuclear facilities outside Germany .

This includes events that fall under Category 2 or 3 on the basis of the International Rating Scale for Nuclear Events ( INES ) , and that belong to the reportable malfunctions or incidents . The entries are primarily intended to show operational disruptions that directly or indirectly pose a risk to reactor safety, the environment or health. Entries such as: fuel element change, overhaul, accidents at work etc. cannot be found here. Most of the incidents were rated INES 2, category INES 3 was used rather rarely. The list is otherwise incomplete, because there is often very little information available , especially on incidents that occurred further back and in Eastern European nuclear power plants (also from RBMKs of the Chernobyl type, as they are near Saint Petersburg near Finland or in Kursk on European soil).

Two other lists are devoted to reportable operating events in German nuclear facilities (INES 1 to 3) and incidents with more serious consequences (INES ≥ 4) in the list of accidents in nuclear facilities .


date place process
1967 Diorit research reactor , Paul Scherrer Institute , Würenlingen , Switzerland The small research reactor "Diorit" produced a melted fuel element , the reactor hall was contaminated. Later a waste water batch was made, which corresponded to 40 times the normal value.


date place process
1972 Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant , Santa María de Garoña , Spain In the early years of its operation, this boiling water reactor regularly recorded significant excesses of the discharge limit values - which were still less restrictive at the time
1974 ISCRE ( Isotope Création Réacteur ), Grenoble , France In August, 2500 Curie of radioactivity was released into the reactor basin through a leak in the reactor system. When the contamination was discharged, smaller amounts of activity also got into the city's sewers.
1979 Doel 2 nuclear power plant , Doel , Belgium The breakage of a steam generator heating pipe led to a slight release of radioactivity into the environment. The control of this incident requires the correct handling of complicated procedures by the personnel. The four nuclear power stations in Doel are only 8 km from Antwerp.


date place process
1981 La Hague reprocessing plant , La Hague , France In the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in northern France , the two transformers for the power supply failed, and with it all the electric pumps that dissipate the decay heat from the various fuel storage basins. Since there was no further redundancy , an emergency supply had to be set up temporarily by hand. Because the decay heat of the fuel has already partially subsided at this stage (degressive curve), there was enough time for this. The incident was classified as INES 3 (serious incident).
1982 Nuclear Power Plant Doel 1 and 2 , Doel, Belgium On August 4, 1982, after the failure of the 380 kV network and strong voltage fluctuations in the reserve network, the emergency power situation occurred in the two oldest Doel blocks. Four diesel generators started, but could not guarantee the necessary supply for cold start due to errors. As a last reserve, an electricity-independent cooling system, driven by the steam from the decay heat, came into action in both reactor blocks until the power supply was restored after about an hour.
1986 Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant , Mühleberg , Switzerland In the Chernobyl year, an independent physics teacher took dose measurements in the vicinity of the Mühleberg nuclear power plant. To his astonishment, the readings were unusually high one day. The operator had to admit filter damage, which led to releases just below the limit value. Allegedly, neither the operator nor the HSK supervisory authority registered this release. The values ​​are still somewhat increased today (date unknown).
May 21, 1986 La Hague reprocessing plant , La Hague, France At the French reprocessing plant in La Hague, 5 workers were exposed to radiation in an accident. ( INES : 2–3)
1989 Krško nuclear power plant , Krško , Slovenia (Yugosl.) As a correct reaction to an operational malfunction, a pressure relief valve in the reactor circuit opened due to pressure. After the pressure transient had dissipated, it unexpectedly got stuck in the open position (as before the meltdown accident in 1979 in Three Mile Island ). Due to the associated loss of cooling water, the emergency cooling switched on automatically (it was not switched off again by mistake by the staff - in contrast to TMI). After approx. 15 minutes the valve still closed and the emergency cooling had refilled the reactor circuit to some extent. Slightly radioactive water had to be removed from the containment sump after the accident by dumping it into the neighboring river.
1989 Vandellòs 1 nuclear power plant , Spain A fire at the Vandellòs nuclear power plant severely affected the security systems. However, there was no major accident, the incident was classified as INES  3 (Serious Incident). Vandellòs 1 was finally shut down following a political decision by the Spanish government.
1990 Leibstadt nuclear power plant , Leibstadt , Switzerland When starting up this reactor - located on the German border - it was noticed after three hours at an output of 20% that the emergency shutdown would not work if requested. The reactor was slowly shut down with the control rod motors. The authority HSK classified the incident with INES 2.


date place process
1992 Dessel , Belgium An accident occurred in the largest European factory for the production of MOX fuel elements (uranium-plutonium mixed oxide): a fuel rod broke and MOX dust was released. This resulted in at least one employee inhaling plutonium. Plutonium is radiotoxic .
1993 Loviisa 2 nuclear power plant , Loviisa , Finland In WWER -Reaktorblock Russian design a feed-water line broke 0.5 meters in diameter.
1993 Bugey Nuclear Power Plant , Bugey , France In several reactors there, massive boron corrosion was discovered on the cover bushings of the control rods . The supervisory authority spoke of a serious problem. It was later found in Fessenheim . All affected reactor vessel lids were subsequently replaced.
1994 Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant , Dukovany , Czech Republic An electrician's mistake during network maintenance led to the decoupling of all four reactor blocks from the network. Two of the blocks reached self-consumption production after a load shedding, the other two missed this procedure and had to be supplied by their emergency diesel generators after a rapid shutdown. One of the diesels did not start automatically and had to be started manually on site. There were also a large number of minor malfunctions.
1995 Trillo Nuclear Power Plant , Trillo , Spain During inspections it was found that half of the strands of the sump recirculation of the emergency cooling were blocked with foreign objects. According to the authority CSN, it was a matter of incorrect dispositions in the construction phase eight years ago, with which the supplier Siemens-KWU was also responsible.
1996 Oskarshamn 1 nuclear power plant , Oskarshamn , Sweden In this system, the core jacket had to be replaced because of a crack in its circumferential seam. The core jacket is part of the internals of the reactor vessel. Its rupture could make it impossible to shut down the reactor quickly.
November 21, 1996 Borssele Nuclear Power Plant , Borssele , Netherlands On November 21, 1996, there was a level 2 incident ( INES ), a fault in the venting system.
1998 Civaux 1 Nuclear Power Plant , Civaux , France When shutting down for overhaul, a leak occurred in one strand of the aftercooling system that could not be isolated for almost 10 hours. The water loss of around 250 cubic meters had to be compensated for by the emergency cooling, the remaining heat operation was then taken over by the second line of the after-cooling system. Also due to the fact that the plant had only been in operation for six months, the incident was classified as INES 2.
1998 Doel Nuclear Power Plant or Tihange Nuclear Power Plant , Belgium Belgium is one of the few Western European countries that, like the USA, examines its accidents with the help of so-called precursor analyzes for risk relevance. The supervisory authority AVN also uses the probability calculation . The most serious incident since 1997 was a complete short-term failure of the component cooling in an unspecified block of the Doel or Tihange NPP sites . Many of the operating and safety systems depend on cooling from other systems (the ones that have failed) in order to function, which illustrates the scope of this incident.
1999 Blayais Nuclear Power Plant , Blayais , France In the four-block Blayais nuclear power plant not far from Bordeaux on the Atlantic, storm Lothar flooded the area and partially lost the external power supply. Two blocks had to be cooled down with the aid of the emergency diesel generator sets . In addition, some of the emergency cooling and component cooling pumps were flooded and would not have been operational if required.


date place process
November 22, 2002 Tihange Nuclear Power Plant , Tihange , Belgium On November 22, 2002, an incident occurred in Block 2 ( INES  2). Although the reactor was shut down at this time and was no longer critical, it was still producing heat due to the decay , which, as in power mode , is dissipated by the circulation of the coolant in the primary circuit . As a result of a test, a safety valve on the pressure regulator was opened by mistake , as a result of which the pressure in the primary circuit fell from 155 bar to 85 bar in a very short time  . The high pressure in the primary circuit during operation causes the water does not boil even at a high temperature, but in the liquid aggregate state remains. However, if the pressure drops, the boiling temperature of the water decreases and it changes to the gaseous state. Then the decay heat of the fuel assemblies can no longer be removed and there is a risk of a core meltdown . In this case, however, several safety systems were activated due to the rapid drop in pressure, which fed water into the reactor and thus further cooled the fuel assemblies. The incorrectly opened pressure relief valve was only closed again after three minutes due to communication problems.
April 10, 2003 Paks Nuclear Power Plant , Paks , Hungary When cleaning fuel rods in Unit 2, the cladding of 30 fuel assemblies was damaged, which almost triggered a chain reaction. Radioactive gas escaped. The measuring probes in the area registered noble gas pollution above the limit values . The reactor stood still until the beginning of 2005, the damage totaled around 200 million euros.
2003 Kozloduy 3 nuclear power plant , Kozloduy , Bulgaria In full load operation, a primary circuit leak suddenly occurred at a weld seam. The emergency cooling started working. In contrast to the more powerful Units 5 and 6 and all western pressurized water reactors, units 1 to 4, which have now been shut down, were able to shut off individual segments of the primary circuit with valves. A shut-off was made so that the water loss could be stopped after a relatively short time.
2004 Vandellòs 2 nuclear power plant , Vandellòs , Spain The supervisory authority CSN established that the operator of this plant had kept a line corrosion from it for years, which could have called the functionality of the component cooling into question. If the two lines had failed at about the same time (and not just one, as happened), the reactor would hardly have been able to be cooled down (INES 2)
November 4, 2004 Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant , Balakovo , Russia An incident occurred in Balakovo. The reactor was shut down. According to the operator Rosenergoatom , no radioactivity escaped.
2005 All NPPs, France The ASN supervisory authority announced that - in the event of a leak in the reactor circuit - if the line suction strainers of the emergency cooling in the containment sump (with waste such as insulating material or rags) were blocked, "the core cannot be cooled". INES classification: 2. Improvement measures have been announced. The cleanliness is the smaller problem; the aforementioned insulating material only comes off due to a leak that has occurred, due to the pressure forces of the exiting water jet.
March 28, 2005 Leibstadt nuclear power plant , Leibstadt , Switzerland The Leibstadt nuclear power plant came to a standstill for five months on March 28, 2005. The reason for this was damage to the generator; the repair work on the generator was not the responsibility of the HSK (nuclear supervisory authority), since the nuclear part of the nuclear power plant was not affected.
April 20, 2005 Sellafield , UK On April 20, 2005, a leak in a line carrying highly radioactive fluid was discovered at the Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant . A total of 83 m³ of liquid leaked to the bottom of the chamber, including 22 t of nuclear fuel (mainly uranium with around 160 kg of plutonium). The leak was only discovered after eight months due to a malfunction of the level meter in the sump of the chamber and failure to heed alarm signals. The removal of uranium-contaminated samples that indicated a leak did not lead to any reaction. With proper treatment of the problem, the leak could have been detected as early as August 28, 2004. The leaked liquid was caught by the stainless steel-clad floor of the chamber and later removed with the built-in sump pumps. Neither workers nor the population were harmed in the incident, it was classified at INES Level 3.
June 29, 2005 Forsmark , Sweden On June 29, 2005, radioactive water from the interim storage facility for low and medium- level radioactive waste in the Swedish Forsmark nuclear power plant entered the Baltic Sea. Ten times the normal level of radioactive cesium was measured in the waters near the power station. According to the Swedish radiation protection institute SSI, however, this is still within the permissible limits. Corroded tin containers with radioactive waste were probably to blame for the leak.
March 1, 2006 Kozloduy 5, Bulgaria During the shutdown of the 5th block on March 1st after a main coolant pump failed, a third of all controls were stuck in the upper position. An emergency boration had to be carried out to shut down the reactor . The operator originally classified the incident at INES Level 0 , but the regulatory authority corrected it to Level 2 .
July 25, 2006 Forsmark , Sweden On July 25, 2006, the Forsmark-1 reactor was automatically disconnected from the power supply after a short circuit in the substation through which the nuclear power plant transfers its electricity to the general grid. This led to a load shedding of the generator and the heat produced in the reactor could no longer be converted into electrical power. The reactor was shut down via an emergency shutdown . The electricity for the control of the nuclear power plant and the feed pumps , which have to dissipate the decay heat, failed. Alternatively, it had to be provided by diesel emergency power generators . However, two of the four generators could not feed into the emergency power grid because they remained electrically connected to the 500 V line, which had failed. In addition, the power supply for some of the measuring devices in the control room failed . After 23 minutes, the other two diesel generators could be switched on manually. This connection enabled the water level in the reactor to be raised to normal again. According to the Swedish radiation protection authority SKI, an acute core meltdown was not to be expected at any time of the incident, but it would have been a very serious incident.
2007 Leibstadt, Switzerland When the automatic pressure relief system (DAS) was accidentally triggered during a test in normal operation, some valves for the pressure relief of the reactor system opened. The water had to be replenished with the emergency cooling .
2007 Dampierre Nuclear Power Plant , Dampierre-en-Burly , France A similar incident as in Forsmark: failure of the external network including the reserve network as well as an emergency diesel generator with 100% supply capacity. The factory is about 80 km from Paris. The reactor was cooled down with the only remaining diesel (100%). Nevertheless, the French authority ASN only rated the incident as INES 1. Reason: The redundancy reserves of the self-steam driven auxiliary turbine (ready for immediate use) and the gas turbine (whose synchronization could take hours) were still available.
2007 Penly 2 Nuclear Power Plant , Penly , France When the block was restarted after the overhaul in April, after two days of testing, it was noticed that all emergency cooling pumps would have been unavailable during the two days if required.
2007 Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant , Cattenom , France The plant on the border with Saarland released zinc into the Moselle in June in a concentration that was above the permitted limit. The annual limit has not been exceeded, writes EDF; it remains unclear whether it was normal zinc ( heavy metal ) or the radioactive isotope .
August 21, 2007 Beznau 1 nuclear power plant , Beznau , Switzerland On August 21, Block 2 was undergoing annual overhaul. The common reserve grid feed was switched off for maintenance work. To compensate, the emergency diesel generator of Block 1, which is running at full load, was switched on while idling. After the reserve network was restored, it was noticed that this diesel would not have fulfilled its emergency power function due to a malfunction. According to the HSK authority, there would theoretically have been a cross connection to the emergency diesel of the shutdown unit 2, but this diesel was also in maintenance. If a flood had set in like just twelve days before, the hydropower plant would not have been available with enough emergency power either. With an additional interruption of the main network, KKB 1 would only have two diesel generators left to prevent the core meltdown, each with only 50% of the required emergency power output. These or the emergency cooling pumps connected to them could possibly fail relatively quickly after being switched on due to a fault.
2007 Vandellòs 2 nuclear power plant , Spain After the eight Spanish NPP units had recorded 14 INES incidents in just three consecutive months, a similar incident occurred in Vandellos in December, as described above under Leibstadt. During a test with the reactor running, some shutdown rods unexpectedly collapsed into the core. According to the supervisory authority CSN, this led to a pressure drop in the reactor circuit, and thus to the triggering of the emergency cooling. The pressure build-up that followed led to the activation of the reactor safety valves and the leakage of slightly contaminated cooling water into the containment sump. An internal emergency pre-alarm was triggered.
2008 Paluel Nuclear Power Plant , Paluel , France Incorrect dispositions of insulation fittings were found in one of the four blocks in February, which had existed for more than five months. “This questioned the tightness of the containment,” writes the ASN, “during the period in question had an accident happened”. A core melt could have resulted in releases.
February 2008 La Hague, France The highly active substances treated in this reprocessing plant continuously release explosive hydrogen which, when reacting with oxygen , threatens the building's tightness, which is much more vulnerable than in western nuclear power plants. To avoid an explosion, the building air is freed of hydrogen by continuous circulation. For 3.5 hours this circulation only worked in normal operation, both reserve air lines were not operational due to defects or maintenance work.
April 2008 Ascó Nuclear Power Plant , Ascó , Spain Discovery of radioactivity from the fuel assembly building on the factory premises. Although the doses were below the limit values, the CSN authority classified the incident with INES 2: The operator had misinterpreted clear indications (triggering activity alarms) for months and most recently provided the CSN with downplaying data.
April 2008 Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant , Flamanville , France In block 2, according to The ASN supervisory authority found "severe corrosion" in the engine cooling lines of both emergency diesel generators. The safety reserves for an emergency power supply were therefore small.
May 2008 Cruas 4 nuclear power plant , Cruas , France This block was at a standstill with the reactor open. Suddenly it was noticed that two valves of the residual heat removal were only partially open for a full four days, which significantly impeded the post-decay heat removal. ASN does not write anything about an automatic alarm, so it is conceivable that after these four days the whole thing was only noticed by steam phenomena in the reactor flood basin (Note: NPPs must cool the fuel even after the first cooling and opening of the reactor, since the fission products continue to decay with decreasing intensity). The fact that no unusual doses were apparently registered can be explained by the fact that the reactor water is technically cleaned before it is shut down.
June 2008 Rivne Nuclear Power Plant , Rivne , Ukraine Almost two weeks after Krško, the same scenario was repeated in the Ukrainian nuclear power plant Rivne / Rowno. This time the media reported very little or not at all. The power plant was temporarily taken off the grid.
July 8, 2008 Eurodif , France On July 8, 30 cubic meters of radioactive liquid leaked from the Eurodif uranium enrichment plant and some of it got into the surrounding rivers.
July 23, 2008 Tricastin Nuclear Power Plant , Pierrelatte , France Around 100 people were radioactively contaminated during maintenance work in the power plant, but below the dose limits
August 15, 2008 Santa María de Garoña, Spain On July 15 and August 19, the plant's two battery systems were tested. According to the CSN authorities, the capacity they have determined was insufficient. In the event of a malfunction, these direct current systems fulfill various safety functions, for example as a starting aid for the emergency diesel or display of the reactor status. The main problem with this event is that after the malfunction of the first system was discovered on July 15, the operator did not test the second system immediately, but rather on August 19.
August 25, 2008 Fleurus , Belgium In the field of waste disposal at the Institute for Radionuclides (French: Institut des Radioéléments (IRE) ) in Fleurus, Belgium, an estimated 45 GBq of iodine-131 was released via the chimney when liquid waste was transferred. The Belgian nuclear regulatory authority Agence Fédérale de Contrôle Nucleaire (AFCN) shut down the IRE, a producer of radioisotopes for the medical sector, immediately after the accident was reported. Six days after the incident, the police warned the residents about the consumption of fruit, vegetables, milk and water from the area via loudspeakers after the government's crisis team revoked the initial all-clear and activated the European information system ECURIE . The event was classified as a “Serious Incident” at level 3 on the INES scale.
October 2008 Gravelines 5 Nuclear Power Plant , Gravelines , France During the revision in June, the engine of one of the two emergency diesel engines was replaced. It was only after more than three months, in October, that it was discovered that this replacement engine had not been properly installed: The diesel would not have been available for three months, which represents a redundancy failure that was far too long.
September 5 to November 6, 2008 Ascó , Spain Between September 5 and November 6, eight INES incidents were registered in the double-unit facility, five of them in Unit II.
2009 Cadarache , France In the French nuclear facility Cadarache, 39 kilograms of plutonium were probably discovered as early as June during dismantling work. The nuclear safety agency stopped work on October 15 and classified the incident in INES category 2. In addition, they accused the operator of not having reported the event in time.
December 2, 2009 Cruas Nuclear Power Plant , Cruas , France On December 2, in Block 4 of the Cruas nuclear power plant, leaves and other autumn debris collected in the river's cooling water circuit and blocked it. The reactor was switched off and switched to hot standby with the flow-independent emergency feed via the steam generator . However, even after this process, the reactor core must be cooled further with the river cooling water - because of the ongoing decay - in the so-called post - cooling operation so that it does not overheat and melt. The internal emergency plan was triggered and, as an emergency measure, the cooling pool cooling circuit for the spent fuel elements was connected to the reactor cooling circuit. After 5.5 hours, the blockage in the intake structure was cleared and normal after-cooling operation was restored. The incident was classified as INES 2.
December 27, 2009 Fessenheim Nuclear Power Plant , Fessenheim , France On December 27, a similar disruption occurred in the Fessenheim nuclear power plant as in Cruas, where plant residues got into the cooling circuit when the reactor was started up (INES 1).

2011 – today

date place process
February 16, 2011 Tricastin Nuclear Power Plant , Pierrelatte , France On February 16, it was found that in more than half of the emergency diesel generators in units 3 and 4, some individual parts that were used two years ago for the purpose of replacement can fail prematurely if the diesel is running for a longer period of time. In a test in another NPP, these quality defects turned out to be the cause of total failure of the diesels, but only a small part of them were equipped with them there. In the event of failure of the external power network and the reserve network ( emergency power supply ), the power supply for the dissipation of decay heat in the reactor core would not have been secured with Tricastin 3/4 ; in the worst case, it could even have led to a core meltdown in both units. INES 2.
March 13, 2011 Doel Nuclear Power Plant , Doel , Belgium On March 13, 2011, damage to the steam-powered emergency feed pump in Unit 4 was discovered and classified as a level 2 incident (INES).
2012 Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant , Cattenom , France As a result of a malfunction, the cooling water feed line of the spent fuel assembly basin could - instead of feeding in regular water - suck in water from the basin, which would slowly empty it and lead to greater radioactivity releases. Normally there is a device to interrupt this suction process. In January it was discovered in Cattenom that this had never been installed in blocks 2 and 3. If the basin had been emptied there, the last countermeasure could have been to pump in external water, for example from the river, with tank fire trucks and hose connections. INES 2.
2017 France 20 1,300 MW reactors, including the units of the Cattenom nuclear power plant : It was found that all emergency diesel generators in these 20 reactor units have deficiencies in terms of earthquake stability. There are weaknesses in the ground anchoring, but also in other auxiliary devices. (INES 2) The same finding was later also found in the two units of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant and in the four units of the Bugey nuclear power plant .
2017 Tricastin Nuclear Power Plant , Pierrelatte , France There, the risk of a dam breaking at the inlet channel to the nuclear power plant in the event of a severe earthquake was determined. This event could lead to the flooding of the entire power plant site and, in extreme cases, to a core meltdown in all four power plant units. Therefore, on September 27th, the ASN decreed that all four blocks must be shut down until the dam is reinforced. (INES 2)
2017 France 20 reactors, including those of the Cattenom nuclear power plant : It was found that the pumps in the auxiliary cooling water system in the pump houses of these units could be flooded by a line break in the fire extinguishing system. This would call the heat dissipation of the emergency cooling into question. Since the fire extinguishing lines are badly corroded due to insufficient maintenance, a stronger earthquake could trigger such a line break. The ASN demanded that these deficiencies be remedied as soon as possible. (INES 2)
2019 United Kingdom In a silo facility for the storage of fuel element cladding residues from the British Magnox reactors in Sellafield , which are considered to be moderately radioactive, pre-existing leakages towards the ground have already reached a level in around November 2019 that exceeds limit values. It is said that there is only a very slow migration towards the groundwater that does not pose an immediate threat to the environment. The whole thing is being closely monitored and efforts are also being made to completely modernize the plant from the 1970s. (INES 2)

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Source: Department for the Safety of Nuclear Facilities ASK, today's Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI)
  2. Source: IAEA
  3. Le Monde , September 29, 1974
  4. Source: NEA-OECD
  5. SKI Report 98:09. (PDF) Identification of Common Cause Initiators in IRS Database. Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten , February 1998, archived from the original on May 2, 2014 (English, IRS event code 022100 :).;
  6. Accidents 1980's , May 18, 2006
  7. Source: SKI Report IRS
  8. IAEA: International Scale for Nuclear Events , May 21, 2006
  9. Source: Öko-Institut
  10. Source: STUK
  11. Source: SKI Report IRS
  12. Source: NRC -NUREG 0933
  13. Sources: IAEA, SKI
  14. HSK : Annual Report 1998 , as well as the Wikipedia article on the NPP
  15. ^ Sources: EDF , ASN
  16. Nuclear issues information service - Serious incident vindicates Belgian nuclear phaseout (English)
  17. HSK : Annual report 2003 on the supervision of Swiss nuclear installations (printed)
  18. ^ Health and Safety Executive : Report of the investigation into the leak of dissolver product liquor at the Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP), Sellafield, notified to HSE on April 20, 2005
  19. ^ Press release from May 5, 2006 ; IPPNW Germany
  20. Nuclear Monitor 647, June 30, 2006 (English; PDF; 225 kB)
  21. ^ Forwarding message on events in nuclear power plants in the Federal Republic of Germany (WLN 2006/07). Event at the Forsmark nuclear power plant in Sweden. GRS , November 14, 2006, archived from the original on September 28, 2007 .;
  22. Sources: IAEA, HSK
  23. ^ Sources: ASN, IRSN
  24. Source: ASN
  25. Source: ASN
  26. ^ Sources: ASN / IRSN
  27. Source: ASN
  28. Local residents should not eat garden fruit. Spiegel Online, August 31, 2008 .;
  29. Simon Coenen: Iodine-131 release in the environment. (No longer available online.) International Atomic Energy Agency, August 25, 2008 formerly in the original (English).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives ) ;;@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /
  30. Source: ASN
  31. Source: CSN
  32.,966956  ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) French atomic plant has too much plutonium. In: October 15, 2009 .@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  33. a b media release of December 3, 2009
  34. IRSN analysis (PDF; 88 kB)
  35. ^ Avis d'incidents - Centrale nucléaire du Tricastin. ASN, February 1, 2010, archived from the original on April 24, 2011 (French, INES classification ASN).;
  36. ^ Electrabel: Incident in Doel - no danger. BRF Nachrichten, March 19, 2011 .;
  37. L'ASN class au level 2 de l'échelle INES une non-conformité d'une tuyauterie des piscines des réacteurs 2 et 3 de la centrale de Cattenom. ASN, February 6, 2012, archived from the original on July 4, 2012 (French, ASN incident analysis).;
  38. ^ Media information from the ASN supervisory authority
  39. ASN media information
  40. ASN media information
  41. L'autorité de sûreté nucléaire: L'ASN classe au niveau 2 de l'échelle INES un événement conduisant à un risque de perte de la source froide de 29 réacteurs nucléaires exploités par EDF , October 20, 2017, ASN media information, accessed on October 22, 2017.
  42. ^ Announcement on the UK Government website