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Coat of arms of Merzligen
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton BernCanton Bern Bern (BE)
Administrative district : Zealandw
BFS no. : 0741i1 f3 f4
Postal code : 3274
Coordinates : 585 753  /  215127 coordinates: 47 ° 5 '13 "  N , 7 ° 15' 4"  O ; CH1903:  five hundred eighty-five thousand seven hundred and fifty-three  /  215127
Height : 509  m above sea level M.
Height range : 438–556 m above sea level M.
Area : 2.30  km²
Residents: 393 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 171 inhabitants per km²
Location of the municipality
Bielersee Lobsigensee Murtensee Neuenburgersee Moossee Stausee Niederried Wohlensee Kanton Freiburg Kanton Neuenburg Kanton Solothurn Kanton Waadt Verwaltungskreis Berner Jura Verwaltungskreis Bern-Mittelland Verwaltungskreis Biel/Bienne Verwaltungskreis Emmental Aarberg Arch Bargen BE Brüttelen Büetigen Bühl BE Büren an der Aare Diessbach bei Büren Dotzigen Epsach Erlach BE Erlach BE Finsterhennen Gals Gampelen Grossaffoltern Hagneck Hermrigen Ins BE Jens BE Kallnach Kappelen BE Leuzigen Lüscherz Lyss Meienried Merzligen Müntschemier Oberwil bei Büren Radelfingen Rapperswil BE Rüti bei Büren Schüpfen Seedorf BE Siselen Studen BE Täuffelen Treiten Tschugg Vinelz Walperswil Wengi WorbenMap of Merzligen
About this picture
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Merzligen (in the local dialect, Meerzlige [ ˈmeːɾʦlɪg̊ə ]) is a village with its own community of residents and civic community in the Seeland administrative district of the Swiss canton of Bern . The southern part of the hamlet of St. Niklaus also belongs to the community .


Merzligen is 91.48% a German-speaking community. 6.1% of the population are French-speaking.


The neighboring communities starting from the north in a clockwise direction are Bellmund , Jens BE , Kappelen BE and Hermigene .


The Roman road Aventicum - Petinesca ran through the plain east of the village along the border with Kappelen . The first reliable mention of the place name as Merzelingen comes from the year 1278; It is probably also attested as Mercin by a document from 1261/63, only preserved as a copy from the early 15th century . It is probably an originally Latin formation for the personal name Mercius with the place name suffix -anum , which was later adapted to the numerous names in -ingen in the German-speaking area .

Since 1398 the court of Merzlingen belonged to the judicial district Hermigen of the Bernese bailiff of Nidau . The village was part of Bürglen until 1947 and since then has been part of Worben .


The voting shares of the parties in the 2019 National Council election were: SVP 29.0%, SP 14.7%, BDP 13.0%, FDP 10.6%, GPS 14.4%, EPP 4.9%, glp 10.4 %.

See also


  • Merzligen then and now: A contemporary document. Resident community of Merzligen, Merzligen 2006.

Web links

Commons : Merzligen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Permanent resident population from STAT-TAB of the BfS , municipalities see also regional portraits 2020 on, accessed on May 29, 2020
  2. ^ A b Andres Kristol: Merzligen BE (Nidau) in: Dictionnaire toponymique des communes suisses - Lexicon of Swiss community names - Dizionario toponomastico dei comuni svizzeri (DTS | LSG). Center de dialectologie, Université de Neuchâtel, Verlag Huber, Frauenfeld / Stuttgart / Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-7193-1308-5 and Éditions Payot, Lausanne 2005, ISBN 2-601-03336-3 , p. 591. Quoted phonetic transcription : [ ˈmeːrtslɪgə ].
  3. Results of the Merzligen community. State Chancellery of the Canton of Bern, October 20, 2019, accessed on August 17, 2020 .