Stumbling blocks and memorial stones in Prague

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Stumbling blocks for Růžena Lindtová and Rudolf Pick in front of the Ovenecká 98/43 house in Prague- Bubeneč

The stumbling blocks in Prague give an overview of the stumbling blocks in the Czech capital Prague (Czech: Praha ), which remind of the fate of those people from this region who were murdered, deported, expelled or driven to suicide by the National Socialists . The stumbling blocks were laid by Gunter Demnig .

The Czech stumbling block project was launched in 2008 by the Česká unie židovské mládeže (Czech Union of Jewish Youth) and was under the patronage of the Prague Mayor. So far, more than 260 stumbling blocks have been laid in Prague. The stumbling blocks lie in front of the last self-chosen place of residence of the victim. The Stolpersteine ​​are called Kameny zmizelých in Czech , stones of the disappeared.

Stumbling blocks in Prague

The Stolpersteine ​​in Prague were laid by Gunter Demnig personally on the following days: October 8, 2008, November 7, 2009, June 12, 2010, July 13 to 15, 2011 and July 17, 2013. Further laying took place on October 28, 2012 The following district names are linked to the respective stumbling block list.


Without claim of completeness.

Memorial stones in Prague

The list of stumbling blocks in Prague-Josefov also includes two memorial stones for Nazi victims, which are based on Demnig's stumbling blocks, but were not designed and laid by the artist. They differ from the original Stolpersteine ​​in particular in the language of the inscription. This is written in English.


Individual evidence

  1. Zdeňka Kuchyňová: Praha má na chodnících své první pamětní Kameny holocaustu , report of the Czech radio station Radio Praha of October 19, 2008, online at: / ...
  2. Report of the association , online at: Stolpersteine ​​in the Czech Republic ( Memento from October 15, 2015 in the web archive )
  3. ^ Demnig's website

Web links

Commons : Stumbling Blocks in Prague  - Collection of Images