Central Saxony constituency 2

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Constituency 19: Central Saxony 2
State Electoral District of Saxony 19 2014.svg
Country Germany
state Saxony
Constituency number 19th
Eligible voters 56,765
voter turnout 69.3%
Election date 1st September 2019
Constituency representative
Political party AfD
Voting share 33.7%

The constituency Mittelachsen 2 (constituency 19) is a state electoral district in Saxony .

It includes the cities of Frauenstein , Freiberg and Großschirma as well as the communities of Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf , Halsbrücke , Lichtenberg / Erzgeb. , Oberschöna , Reinsberg and Weißenborn / Erzgeb. and thus part of the district of central Saxony . In the last state election (in 2019), 56,765 residents were eligible to vote.

For the 1994 to 2009 elections, the constituency was named " Freiberg 2" and had the constituency number 20. For the 2014 state elections, the name was adapted to the districts changed in the 2008 district reform and a new number was given.

Election results

State election 2019

Preliminary results of the state elections on September 1, 2019 in constituency 19 - Central Saxony 2:
(results in percent)

Direct candidate Political party Direct votes List votes
Steve Ittershagen CDU 32.1 31.2
Jana Pinka The left 11.9 8.7
Alexander Geissler SPD 6.2 6.8
Rolf Weigand AfD 33.7 32.2
Markus Scholz GREEN 4.8 6.3
- NPD - 0.5
Benjamin Karabinski FDP 3.1 3.9
Holger Gustmann Free voters 8.2 5.3
- Animal welfare - 1.3
- Pirates - 0.3
- The party - 1.4
- BüSo - 0.1
- ADPM - 0.2
- Blue #TeamPetry - 0.4
- KPD - 0.1
- ÖDP - 0.4
- The humanists - 0.2
- PDV - 0.1
- Health research - 0.5
Eligible voters 56,765
voter turnout 69.3%

State election 2014

Official final result of the state election on August 31, 2014 in constituency 19 - Central Saxony 2:
(results in percent)

Direct candidate Political party Direct votes List votes
Steve Ittershagen CDU 42.2 42.6
Jana Pinka The left 24.9 18.3
Sylvio Wyschkon SPD 10.9 11.3
Benjamin Karabinski FDP 5.6 3.9
Sebastian Tröbs GREEN 6.4 4.8
Heidelore Karsten NPD 6.5 4.6
- Animal welfare - 1.0
Hendrik Rolke Pirates 2.0 1.1
Matthias Stoll BüSo 1.6 0.3
- DSU - 0.1
- AfD - 9.6
- per Germany - 0.2
- Free voters - 1.4
- The party - 0.8
Eligible voters 59,180
voter turnout 51.8%

State election 2009

Official final result of the state election on August 30, 2009 in constituency 20 - Freiberg 2:
(results in percent)

Direct candidate Political party Direct votes List votes
Martin Gillo CDU 43.3 45.7
Jana Pinka The left 22.1 18.7
Daniel Rubes SPD 9.3 9.3
Tino Felgner NPD 5.7 5.5
Benjamin Karabinski FDP 12.9 9.4
Maria Wollmerstädt GREEN 5.4 4.9
- Animal welfare - 1.9
- PBC - 0.3
- BüSo - 0.2
- DSU - 0.1
- REP - 0.2
- Free Saxons - 1.7
- FP of Germany - 0.1
- Human economy - 0.3
- Pirates - 1.7
- SVP - 0.2
Erik Schlegel Individual applicants 1.2 -
Eligible voters 61,994
voter turnout 55.5%

State election 2004

Official final result of the state election on September 19, 2004 in constituency 20 - Freiberg 2:
(results in percent)

Direct candidate Political party Direct votes List votes
Martin Gillo CDU 42.7 43.5
Christian Walter PDS 21.1 22.5
Simone Raatz SPD 14.1 9.3
Elke Koch GREEN 4.1 4.1
Horst Gottschalk NPD 9.3 9.8
Benjamin Karabinski FDP 6.4 6.1
- DSU - 0.2
- PBC - 0.4
- GRAY - 0.6
Matthias Stoll BüSo 2.3 1.2
- START - 0.5
- DGG - 0.4
- Animal welfare - 1.5
Eligible voters 63,553
voter turnout 61.8%

State election 1999

Official final result of the state election on September 19, 1999 in constituency 20 - Freiberg 2:
(results in percent)

Direct candidate Political party Direct votes List votes
Erhard Steinert CDU 54.1 57.7
Simone Raatz SPD 14.0 10.2
Achim Grunke PDS 23.3 21.0
Konrad Schmidt GREEN 2.5 2.4
Dieter Tanneberger FDP 2.6 1.4
- BüSo - 0.2
- DSU - 0.3
- GRAY - 0.3
Mike Muller REP 3.5 2.1
- FP of Germany - 0.1
- Per DM - 2.0
- KPD - 0.1
- NPD - 1.8
- FORUM - 0.2
- PBC - 0.2
Eligible voters 64,637
voter turnout 63.3%

State election 1994

Official final result of the state election on September 11, 1994 in constituency 20 - Freiberg 2:
(results in percent)

Direct candidate Political party Direct votes List votes
Erhard Steinert CDU 54.2 63.9
Gerhard Hebestreit SPD 18.8 14.5
Jürgen Zuchan FDP 4.1 1.5
Christoph Willenberg GREEN 8.6 4.1
- DSU - 0.4
- REP - 1.2
- FORUM - 0.5
Joachim Finster PDS 14.2 13.7
- SP - 0.3
Eligible voters 63,296
voter turnout 60.4%

Previous MPs

Directly elected members of the current constituency of Central Saxony 2 were:

year Surname Political party Share of direct votes
2019 Rolf Weigand AfD 33.7%
2014 Steve Ittershagen CDU 42.2%
2009 Martin Gillo CDU 43.3%
2004 Martin Gillo CDU 42.7%
1999 Erhard Steinert CDU 54.1%
1994 Erhard Steinert CDU 54.2%

State elections 1990–2019

The results of the state elections since 1990 in the area of ​​today's constituency of Central Saxony 2 were (second or list votes):

Political party 1990 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019
AfD - - - - - 9.6 32.2
CDU 58.0 63.9 57.7 43.5 45.7 42.6 31.2
PDS / The Left 9.6 13.7 21.0 22.5 18.7 18.3 8.7
SPD 16.1 14.5 10.2 9.3 9.3 11.3 6.8
GREEN 5.8 4.1 2.4 4.1 4.9 4.8 6.3
FDP 5.0 1.5 1.4 6.1 9.4 3.9 3.9
NPD 0.8 - 1.8 9.8 5.5 4.6 0.5
Others 4.7 2.4 5.4 4.7 6.5 4.9 10.3

Individual evidence

  1. State elections 2019 - direct and list votes distribution in the constituency of central Saxony 2. In: wahlen.sachsen.de. State Statistical Office of Saxony , accessed on September 3, 2019 .
  2. State elections 2014 - Direct and list votes distribution in the constituency of Central Saxony 2 - Final results. In: wahlen.sachsen.de. State Statistical Office of Saxony , accessed on February 17, 2015 .
  3. ↑ Eligible voters, voters, distribution of direct and list votes in the election on August 30, 2009 in constituency 20 Freiberg 2. In: statistik.sachsen.de. State Statistical Office of Saxony , accessed on February 17, 2015 .
  4. ↑ Eligible voters, voters, direct and list votes for the election on September 19, 2004 in constituency 20 Freiberg 2. In: statistik.sachsen.de. State Statistical Office of Saxony , accessed on February 17, 2015 .
  5. Final result of direct votes, constituency 20 - Freiberg 2. In: statistik.sachsen.de. State Statistical Office of Saxony , accessed on February 17, 2015 . , Final result list votes, constituency 20 - Freiberg 2. In: statistik.sachsen.de. State Statistical Office of Saxony , accessed on February 17, 2015 .
  6. ↑ Eligible voters, voters, direct and list votes in the election for the 2nd Saxon Landtag on September 11, 1994 in the constituency 20 Freiberg 2. In: statistik.sachsen.de. State Statistical Office of Saxony , accessed on February 17, 2015 .