Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach
Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Bayerbach b.Ergoldsbach highlighted

Coordinates: 48 ° 42 '  N , 12 ° 18'  E

Basic data
State : Bavaria
Administrative region : Lower Bavaria
County : Landshut
Management Community : Ergoldsbach
Height : 409 m above sea level NHN
Area : 25.42 km 2
Residents: 1929 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 76 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 84092
Area code : 08774
License plate : LA , MAY , MAL , ROL , VIB
Community key : 09 2 74 119
Community structure: 22 districts
Address of the
municipal administration:
Marktstrasse 4
84092 Bayerbach
Website :
First Mayor : Werner Klanikow (Free Voters Bayerbach (FWB))
Location of the municipality of Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach in the Landshut district
Adlkofen Aham Altdorf Altfraunhofen Baierbach Bayerbach bei Ergoldsbach Bodenkirchen Bruckberg Buch a.Erlbach Eching Ergolding Ergoldsbach Essenbach Furth Geisenhausen Gerzen Hohenthann Kröning Kumhausen Neufahrn Neufraunhofen Niederaichbach Obersüßbach Pfeffenhausen Postau Rottenburg a.d.Laaber Schalkham Tiefenbach Velden Vilsbiburg Vilsheim Weihmichl Weng Wörth a.d.Isar Wurmsham Landshut Landkreis Dingolfing-Landau Landkreis Erding Landkreis Freising Landkreis Kelheim Landkreis Mühldorf am Inn Landkreis Regensburg Landkreis Rottal-Inn Landkreis Straubing-Bogenmap
About this picture
The parish church of the Assumption of Mary

Bayerbach bei Ergoldsbach (officially Bayerbach b.Ergoldsbach ) is a municipality in the Lower Bavarian district of Landshut and a member of the Ergoldsbach administrative community .


Geographical location

The place Bayerbach is located in the northern district of Landshut around 7 km from the B 15 , 25 km northeast of Landshut and 35 km southwest of Straubing . The Bayerbacher Bach , which gives it its name, flows through the village .

Community structure

There are 22 districts:

There are the districts of Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach, Langenhettenbach and Moosthann.

Neighboring communities


Until the church is planted

Bayerbach belonged to the Landshut Rent Office and the Kirchberg Regional Court of the Electorate of Bavaria . The Bayerbach Castle is demonstrated here since 1470th Later the Lords of Gumppenberg owned the local open Hofmark . In the course of the administrative reforms in Bavaria , today's municipality was created with the municipal edict of 1818 .


In 1945 or 1946 the previously independent municipality of Gerabach was incorporated. Feuchten was added in 1964. On January 1, 1967, Penk and Pirket were incorporated. Greilsberg followed on January 1, 1972. On May 1, 1978, parts of the municipality of Oberköllnbach were reclassified to Bayerbach.


According to the Bavarian State Office for Statistics , the population figures developed as follows on December 31 of each year:

was standing Residents
1960 1406
1970 1369
1980 1302
1990 1374
1995 1546
2000 1642
2005 1735
was standing Residents
2006 1725
2007 1740
2008 1740
2009 1741
2010 1739
2011 1758
2012 1755
was standing Residents
2013 1781
2014 1780
2015 1809
2016 1831
2017 1852
2018 1921

Since 1972, the year of the municipal reform, the population has increased by 484 people until 2015. This corresponds to a growth of 36.53 percent.

Age structure of the population of Bayerbach b. Ergoldsbach according to the 2011 census
Age Residents by age
younger than 18 20.2%
18 to 29 12.5%
30 to 49 31.5%
50 to 64 20.1%
older than 65 15.7%


Eight months after the end of the Second World War , the first local elections (municipal council elections) took place in the districts of Bavaria on January 27, 1946. In April and May 1946 the first elections for mayors, district administrators and district assemblies followed. In 2006 the 60th anniversary was celebrated.

The municipality of Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach is a member of the following special-purpose associations:

  • Regional planning association Landshut
  • Ergoldsbach School Association
  • Water Association Mallersdorf

Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach is part of the Ergoldsbach administrative association .

Administrative community Ergoldsbach
local community coat of arms Area
December 31, 2019
PE density
PE per km²
above sea level
Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach Bayerbach Ergoldsbach coat of arms.svg 000000000000025.420000000025.42 000000000001929.00000000001.929 000000000000076.000000000076 000000000000409.0000000000409
Ergoldsbach Ergoldsbach coat of arms.svg 000000000000057.060000000057.06 000000000008121.00000000008,121 000000000000142.0000000000142 000000000000416.0000000000416

The Ergoldsbach administrative community provides 304 different administrative services.

Municipal council

Bayerbach Castle

The municipal council has been made up of the following groups of voters since 2014:

  • Bayerbach Citizens' Block 7 seats
  • Free voters Bayerbach 5 seats

coat of arms

Blazon : "In red over a golden sea leaf a raised silver wave bar, which is covered with a black mill iron."

Economy and Infrastructure

In 1998, according to official statistics, there were 258 people in the manufacturing sector and no employees in the trade and transport sector who were subject to social security contributions at the place of work. In other economic areas, 29 people were employed at the place of work subject to social security contributions. There were a total of 558 employees at the place of residence subject to social security contributions. There were no companies in the manufacturing sector and 4 in the construction sector.

The municipal tax revenue amounted to the equivalent of 814,000 euros in 1999, of which the trade tax revenue (net) amounted to the equivalent of 264,000 euros. As a result of an evaluation of the economic strength of the municipality, the key allocations have decreased by 13.7 percent from 457,572 euros in 2019 to 394,708 euros for 2020.

Key assignments
in euros
Assignments to year
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach 314,308 106,716 517.816 419.336 457.572 394,708

Agriculture and Forestry

In 1999 there were 68 farms.

Farm size structure in agriculture
Farm size in ha Number of establishments
1999 2010
under 5 11 3
5 to under 10 13 10
10 to under 20 18th 14th
20 to under 50 17th 9
50 or more 9 10
total 68 46

The agriculturally used area was 1670 ha in 1999, of which 1551 ha were arable land.

Broadband expansion

As part of the guideline for promoting the development of high-speed networks in the Free State of Bavaria of July 10, 2014, the municipalities have a funding amount of at least 500,000 euros and a maximum of 950,000 euros; for Bayerbach this amounts to 850,000 euros.

building and living

Standard land values ​​2011/2012
District Residential
areas designated
building areas
building areas
Bayerbach € 70 € 70 30 € € 4.50
Mausham / Feuchten € 70 € 70 € 4.50
Greilsberg 45 € 45 € € 4.50
Gerabach 45 € € 4.50
Gerabach (SO weekend house area) 20 €


In 1999 the following institutions existed:

  • Kindergartens: 50 kindergarten places with 74 children
  • Primary school: One with 5 teachers and 115 students

Architectural monuments

Sons and daughters of the church

  • Karl Bickleder (1888–1958), politician (BVP / CSU), member of the Reichstag and Landtag.
  • Emma Kellner , politician ( Die Grünen ), 1998–2003 member of the Bavarian state parliament

People in connection with the community

Web links

Commons : Bayerbach bei Ergoldsbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. "Data 2" sheet, Statistical Report A1200C 202041 Population of the municipalities, districts and administrative districts 1st quarter 2020 (population based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. Greetings from the mayor. Bayerbach community, accessed on May 27, 2020 .
  3. Bayerische Landesbibliothek: Search result Bayerbach . Online at, accessed on May 17, 2014
  4. ^ Wilhelm Volkert (ed.): Handbook of Bavarian offices, communities and courts 1799–1980 . CH Beck, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-406-09669-7 , p. 516 .
  5. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart and Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 616 .
  6. Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing: Persons by age (5 age groups) for Bayerbach b.Ergoldsbach (Landshut district, district) - in% - . Online at Retrieved April 27, 2014
  7. INFORMATION (To all households!); Published by the Adlkofen municipality, No. XX / 04 - 2006
  8. Bavarian Authorities Guide - Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach: Memberships in special-purpose associations and population figures, online at, accessed on November 2, 2019.
  9. Bavarian Authority Guide - Ergoldsbach Administrative Community: Ergoldsbach Administrative Community - Landshut District , online at, accessed on November 2, 2019.
  10. [getdate] = 20200418 & tx_cal_controller [view] = list & cHash = 1c6ce436bcaea4ecf03a2be98ca6b1c8
  11. a b Landshuter Zeitung: Vitamin injection for financially weak municipalities, December 12, 2015
  12. Landshuter Zeitung: Key allocations 2017 of the municipalities, December 17, 2016
  13. Landshuter Zeitung: Key assignments 2018, January 20, 2018
  14. Landshuter Zeitung: Key assignments 2019, February 15, 2019.
  15. Landshuter Zeitung: Strong financial injection for the region, December 13, 2019.
  16. Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing: Statistics communal 2015 - Municipality of Bayerbach near Ergoldsbach 09 274 119 - A selection of important statistical data . PDF, online at, accessed on November 5, 2016
  17. Bavarian Ministry of Finance, State Development and Homeland: Guideline for the Promotion of the Development of High-Speed ​​Networks in the Free State of Bavaria (Broadband Guideline - BbR) . Announcement of July 10, 2014, Az.:75-O 1903-001-24929 / 14. PDF. Online at, accessed on July 28, 2014
  18. Landshuter Zeitung: More funding for fast Internet, July 21, 2014
  19. Landratsamt Landshut (expert committee): List of standard land values ​​for the calendar years 2011 and 2012 . Online at, accessed on December 18, 2014