Burgstall Mühlhausen

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Burgstall Mühlhausen
Burgstall Mühlhausen - The moat of the outer bailey to the northwest

Burgstall Mühlhausen - The moat of the outer bailey to the northwest

Creation time : probably 12th century
Castle type : Höhenburg, spur location
Conservation status: Burgstall
Standing position : Ministeriale
Place: Affing -Mühlhausen
Geographical location 48 ° 26 '39.9 "  N , 10 ° 56' 9.1"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 26 '39.9 "  N , 10 ° 56' 9.1"  E
Height: 515  m above sea level NN
Burgstall Mühlhausen (Bavaria)
Burgstall Mühlhausen
Burgstall behind the parish church

The Postal Mulhouse (Karlberg, Castle Hill) denotes an Outbound Höhenburg to 515  m above sea level. NN about 200 meters north of the parish church of Mühlhausen ( Affing community , Aichach-Friedberg district , Swabia ) on the Lechrain . From the High Middle ministerials - Castle just who earthworks received.



The main castle's neck ditch up to 6.5 meters deep
Northwestern Vorwerk under the main castle cone
View from the plateau of the main castle to the northeast to the outer castle

The Burgstall lies on the edge of a foothill of the Lechleite that juts west into the Lech Valley . The terrain drops off very steeply here.

The approximately triangular main castle (approx. 38 × 38 meters) is secured in the south and east by a neck ditch up to 6.5 meters deep . Excavation traces, piles of rubble and remains of roof tiles tell of the earlier development of the interior. Some remains of the foundation wall just below the surface consist of smaller bricks (6.5 centimeters thick). In addition, there are mortared brook pebbles as building material.

A rectangular outer bailey is presented to the east , which is surrounded by an angular double wall with an approximately three meter deep trench in between . In the southeast, the large former gravel pit is pushed into the castle area.

Another Vorwerk can be seen in the northwest on the slope edge. The tongue-shaped, about 65 meters long plateau is protected in the east by a shallow ditch. Further to the east, another outwork jumps out of the slope. A short piece of rampart was also placed in front of the oval terrace in the north. Certainly the original castle path ran between these outer works. This way security could be an indication of an early medieval predecessor castle. The ring wall in Ottmaringer Holz near Kissing, interpreted as a Hungarian period , has a similar gate security . This weir system is located about 12 kilometers south on the Lechleite.

The Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation lists the ground monument as a medieval castle stable under monument number D 7-7531-0051.

The five castles of Affing

The Mühlhausen fortress is only one of five castle sites in the Affing community , all of which date from the high Middle Ages. The castles in Affing (today Affing Castle ) and Iglbach were in the “ Affinger Becken ”, one was southeast of Haunswies and the castles in Mühlhausen and Miedering were on the Lechrain . The legendary “Goldburg” of Mühlhausen (at today's sports grounds of TSV Mühlhausen) was probably a wood on the “Goldberg”. The Lords of Mühlhausen are said to have buried their treasures here before the castle was destroyed.


  • Helmut Rischert: Castle stables in the Aichach-Friedberg district . Local history articles from the Augsburg area, 1st row, Augsburg 1975.
  • Helmut Rischert: The castles in the Affing community . In: Aichach-Friedberg district (ed.): Altbayern in Schwaben 2007 . Reports and research results from the Aichach-Friedberg district, Matthäus Günther Verlag, Friedberg 2007, pp. 27–46.
  • Irmgard Hillar: Medieval fortifications or castle stables in the Aichach-Friedberg district . In: Aichach-Friedberg district (ed.): Altbayern in Schwaben - Aichach-Friedberg district 1984–1987 . Aichach 1987, ISSN  0178-2878 , p. 227.
  • Aichach-Friedberg district (ed.): The five castles in the Affing community . Archaeological monuments in the district of Aichach-Friedberg No. 6, leaflet on the “ Open Monument Day ”, text: Helmut Rischert, Aichach 2006.
  • MGW: Only one ground monument remained of the proud castle. Notice board: Few citizens can relate to the term "Burg Mühlhausen" . Aichacher Nachrichten of August 2, 2008, No. 179. (with castle map)

See also

Castle in Miedering

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / geodaten.bayern.de