European Art Museum

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Noervenich Castle
Nörvenich Castle Front 2017

The European Art Museum , Art Museum e. V. is located in Nörvenich , Düren district , North Rhine-Westphalia . It opened in 1985. The cultural commitment concentrates on the presentation of works from the field of visual arts from all European countries . It includes the promotion of contemporary artists through exhibitions and participations.

General and development

The European Art Museum began its national work in 1991. The first exhibition entitled “Salvador Dalí and Artists of Europe” had Federal Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher and the Spanish heir to the throne at the time, Prince Felipe , who is now King Felipe VI. of Spain, opened in Nörvenich. In 1996 an exhibition "Art from Europe" with works by Allesandra Della Valentina, the artist friends of the "Golden Triangle": Salvador Dalí , Ernst Fuchs , Arno Breker as well as Pierre Peyrolle, Kurt Arentz , Henry Moore and Renate Stendar-Feuerbaum shown.

The cultural institution is located in the historic Nörvenich Castle . It is independent of government subsidies and public funds. Themed exhibitions of the museum are organized by the non-profit European Culture Foundation e. V. (EKS) supported. The museum also has collections of contemporary artists such as Kurt Arentz, Birgit Sewekow, Renate Stendar-Feuerbaum, Detlef Krebs, Johannes Günter Patzelt, Raphael Lunau and others. a. as well as graphic collections by Chagall , Miró , Picasso , Dalí, Maillol , Cocteau , Fini , Rainer Arke , Georg Cadora , Christo , Siegfried W. Lunau , Elke Seimetz and others. a. that are made available as loans for exhibitions in cultural institutions and municipal buildings. The sponsors of the museum's founding included personalities connected to the European idea, such as Hans-Dietrich Genscher and several of his political contemporaries, as well as the Joe F. Bodenstein family of publishers, the art historian B. John Zavrel (USA), Elfie Wörner , Peter Ludwig , Ruth Zucker (Jerusalem), Roger Peyrefitte , Paul Seimetz and others.

traffic connection

The European Art Museum can be reached via motorways and federal highways. In public transport there is a direct bus connection on the Düren circular railway from Düren to the museum with the Schlosspark stop , where the monument is located.


The museum's exhibition concept is to bring together internationally known names with the work of contemporary artists . This is intended to draw more attention to living artists in Germany and the states of the European Union.

Hohberger collection in the museum

For its 80th birthday in 2019, the Museum Europäische Kunst opened an exhibition hall entitled “Peter Hohberger Collection” in order to permanently honor the contemporary artist of the classical sculpting tradition. He is thus in the circle of leading European artists of the 20th and 21st centuries such as the "artist friends of the Golden Triangle: Salvador Dalí, Arno Breker and Ernst Fuchs" as well as Marc Chagall, Picasso, Jean Cocteau, Kurt Arentz and old masters of the Sculpture: Aristide Maillol and the French Rodin and Charles Despiau. In an interview, Hohberger said in the anniversary year: “My artistic work is suitable for all art lovers and collectors. You should not only be informed about my life and work. At the same time, the viewer should be encouraged to maintain the love and loyalty to classical sculpture and the beautiful memory of antiquity. Art lovers and artists depend on each other. They are an important basis for the preservation of our thousands of years old culture in Europe ”.

Exhibitions for contemporary artists

Since 2015, the museum has given contemporary artists the opportunity to present their sculptures and objects in the open-air exhibition in the park around the monument. The main aim of this is to make works by artists from EU countries known to visitors. The museum board of trustees provides information.

Photo art as special exhibitions

The photographic art of the 20th and 21st centuries also attracts attention. Works by Man Ray (artists), Karl Lagerfeld (fashion) and Arno Breker (portraits) were shown in exhibitions . Dietmar Friton (architecture) (Berlin), Mathias Richling (body landscapes), Ronald Hirle (contemporary history) Paris, Horst Niesters (Adler and Wild Life) as well as other master photographers.

The portrait collection

The museum has a unique collection of portraits of important contemporaries of the 20th and 21st centuries. They were captured by various artists as portrait busts, reliefs, plaques, medals, drawings, graphics and photographs. Those portrayed include the Federal Chancellors Konrad Adenauer , Ludwig Erhard , Willy Brandt , Helmut Schmidt , Helmut Kohl and Gerhard Schröder . Also portrayed were: the Federal Presidents Richard von Weizsäcker , Roman Herzog , Johannes Rau and the former SPD Bundestag President Wolfgang Thierse . In the museum's collection of graphic portraits of women, the large-format portrait of Mildred Scheel by the US pop artist Andy Warhol and the painting Ezra Pound are worth mentioning .

Among the foreign statesmen are the US Presidents Ronald Reagan , George HW Bush and Bill Clinton as well as the bronze busts of Charles de Gaulle and Václav Havel (Czech Republic).

From the field of sport there are u. a. Busts of Ulrike Meyfarth , Boris Becker , Steffi Graf and Henry Maske . Religious leaders include a. represented: Pope Benedict XVI. , Josef Cardinal Frings , the Dalai Lama . Portraits of Salvador and Gala Dalí , Jean Cocteau, Ernst Fuchs , Richard Wagner , Ludwig van Beethoven, Gerhart Hauptmann , Ernst Jünger , Axel Springer and Ludwig Erhard belong to the field of art, music, literature and business .

Cultural work and cooperation

As part of European cultural work, the museum offers art exhibitions that can be shown in art associations and corresponding exhibition rooms in cities and municipalities, health establishments, organizations, companies and banks. There are also concepts for galleries. The primary purpose of the non-profit initiative is to show the work of artists from the EU area.

According to the curators, external exhibitions are possible with works by the following artists, among others: Salvador Dalí ( Dante : The Divine Comedy), Ernst Fuchs, Kurt Arentz, Jean Cocteau, Leonor Fini , Peter Hohberger , Lajos Tar (portrait drawings), Bernhard Rebmann (PsychoArt ), Günter Thelen , Detlef Krebs, Heinz Spilker , Christian Peschke , Fernand Mourlot (original lithographs as art posters), Young Art (XXIth century, contemporary work), Christian art ARS SACRA of the nun Maria Geroldine Dörpinghaus (SND), John Marcó, Elke Seimetz and works by the Lower Rhine painter August Erkens .


Below is a selection of exhibitions in the museum:

  • 1982 "36 artists for Mildred Scheel ", laudation Dr. Mildred Scheel to the benefit art exhibition
  • 1990 "Amor Vincit Omnia: Arno Breker 90 years", laudation Ernst Fuchs.
  • 1991: “ Salvador Dalí and Artists Europe”, laudation Felipe VI. (Catalog)
  • 1992: "The horse in art" by Jan Künster, laudator Alphons Silbermann .
  • Kurt Arentz : new sculptures (catalog) and poetry reading with Roger Peyrefitte (Paris), 85 years
  • 1993: Jean Schmitz (Düren), calligraphy
  • 1994: Ernst Barlach and Käthe Kollwitz, graphics
  • 1995: From Beuys to Rückriem - contrarian art
  • 1996: Aristide Maillol , wood engravings
  • 1997: Group exhibition: Paul Seimetz , Detlef Krebs, Rudolf Liefke; Retrospective Helga Tiemann
  • 1998: Renate Stendar-Feuerbaum, plastic works (catalog)
  • 1999: Art from France: André Dunoyer de Segonzac
  • 2000: Past and present: Alexander Calder , Joan Miró , Pablo Picasso , Siegfried Lunau, Karolin Donst a. a.
  • 2001: "Portraits of the Century" by Arno Breker
  • 2003: Birgit Sewekow : A painter in Europe. (Catalog)
  • 2004: The Divine Fragrances: Salvador Dalí and His Perfumes (Catalog)
  • 2007: Binjamin Shalumov: Art from Russia and Dagestan (catalog)
  • 2008: Hommage à August Erkens on the occasion of his 100th birthday (catalog)
  • 2009: Portraits of contemporary history: Kurt Arentz - anniversary exhibition for his 75th birthday, (catalog).
  • 2010: Elfriede Luise Vogel - a German sculptor of silence. Work show.
  • 2011: Birgit Sewekow: paintings, watercolors, drawings, bronzes. Retrospective for the 65th birthday.
  • 2012: Jean Cocteau and Arno Breker , an artist friendship, (catalog)
  • 2013: Hommage à Günter Thelen , on the 70th birthday of the sculptor.
  • 2013: Yukio Mishima , graphics and documents from Japan, (catalog)
  • 2014 Hommage a Kurt Arentz, on his 80th birthday, May 2014, (catalog)
  • 2015 retrospective: Joannes Günter Patzelt, European Culture Weeks, Patronage Rita Süssmuth .
  • 2015 Lutz Backes : portraits and likenesses , 2015
  • 2016 Rainer Arke: Pictures - Search for traces, 2016, (catalog "back home")
  • 2017 anniversary exhibition 30 years of international art with special exhibitions for Maria Geroldine Dörpinghaus (catalog), Rainer Arke (catalog), Muna Götze (painting) and Marc Chagall .
  • 2018 Elke Seimetz : Pictures from the "Middle Kingdom" (China cycle)



  • Henk Verbeek: “Land an der Rur”, architectural monuments and European history along the Rur river in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands; 2014 Edition "Kunststrom Rur", municipality of Roerdalen NL.
  • Gerd Schönfeld: "Museums and Collections in the Rhineland", Landschaftsverband Rheinland, 2001. ISBN 3-7927-1843-X

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. European Culture Weeks - Museum of European Art. (PDF; 249 kB) (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on September 6, 2011 ; Retrieved November 6, 2012 .
  2. ^ Art museum at Nörvenich Castle. Retrieved November 6, 2012 .
  3. , anniversary report Hohberger 80 years, accessed on October 15, 2019
  5. Board resolution from June 2014
  6. ^ First benefit art exhibition in favor of the German Cancer Aid Foundation , invitation card for June 10, 1982
  7. ^ Invitation card for July 21, 1990
  8. Official invitation and catalog
  9. Invitation card, patronage Rita Süssmuth .
  10. ^ Herman Lohausen: "Genius of the portrait", Kalkum-Verlag / Narco Editions, Bonn
  11. Düren District Yearbook 2008

Coordinates: 50 ° 48 ′ 29.3 "  N , 6 ° 38 ′ 41.7"  E