Magerweide nature reserve on Hömberg

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The nature reserve Magerweide am Hömberg with a size of 0.4  ha was located north of Estinghausen or east of the district road 1 in the urban area of Sundern (Sauerland) . The area was designated as a nature reserve (NSG) by the Hochsauerlandkreis in 1993 with the Sundern landscape plan . When the Sundern landscape plan was re-established in 2019, the NSG status was no longer applicable and the area was added to the landscape protection area of ​​the grassland complex north of Estinghausen .

Area description

Meager pasture with individual shrubs and smaller bush complexes, a steep slope exposed to the west and at the same time the edge of the forest. Hardwood and coniferous wood stands to the east and an intensively used horse pasture to the west. From the former poor pasture with individual shrubs and smaller bush complexes, a dense, almost impenetrable sloe-hawthorn bush with individual junipers has developed over time due to lack of use or implementation of suitable care measures. At the time of the NSG designation, the herb layer was rich in species.

At the time of the NSG designation, species such as field scabious , round-leaved bellflower , sage germander , juniper and forest strawberry were found.

In the specialist information system of the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection in North Rhine-Westphalia , measures to protect the area were listed as: Debushing, preserving the landscape structures, extensive grassland management, grazing and using grassland. None of the protective measures were enforced. When the Sundern landscape plan was drawn up, the area was completely covered with bushes.

Protection purpose

According to the Sundern landscape plan, the following was designated:

  • "For the preservation of communities or habitats of certain wild plants and wild animal species,"
  • "For scientific, natural history, regional or geological reasons,"
  • "Because of the rarity, special character or outstanding beauty of an area or part of the landscape."
  • “Preservation of an endangered biocenosis, in which a Red List plant species occurs, which finds its southern limit of distribution here (biogeographical significance); Refuge biotope; Complex well trained. "

Loss of NSG status

In 1993 the area was a poor pasture with individual bushes and smaller bush complexes with species such as field scabious, round-leaved bellflower, sage germander and juniper. At the time of its designation in 1993, the herb layer was rich in species. In the course of time, due to lack of use or the implementation of suitable care measures, a dense, almost impenetrable sloe-hawthorn bush with individual junipers has developed from the former poor pasture. In the specialist information system of the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection in North Rhine-Westphalia , measures to protect the area were listed as: Debushing, preservation of the landscape structures, extensive grassland management, grazing and grassland use. None of the protective measures were carried out. The owner was approached by the Lower Nature Conservation Authority (UNB) as to whether he would carry out nature conservation measures or use or allow other people to do so. The owner refused to cooperate with the UNB. Since the UNB does not order or enforce any measures to maintain the area, which would be possible according to the applicable laws, the value of this area was permanently lost.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority (ed.): Landscape plan Sundern , Meschede 1993, p. 24 ff.
  2. Landscape plan Sundern - reorganization, p. 158. (PDF) Retrieved on May 5, 2019 .
  3. Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority (ed.): Landschaftsplan Sundern , Meschede 1993, p. 24.
  4. Martin Lindner: New establishment of the landscape plan Sundern legally binding. Irrgeister 36, 2019: 17-22

Coordinates: 51 ° 22 ′ 41.5 ″  N , 7 ° 56 ′ 40.1 ″  E