Röhr nature reserve north of Hachen

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The Röhr nature reserve north of Hachen with an area of ​​8.8  hectares is located northwest of Hachen in the urban area of Sundern and in the Hochsauerlandkreis . The area was designated as a nature reserve (NSG) by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis in 2019 with the Sundern landscape plan . Before that, today's NSG was designated from 1993 as part of the Röhrtal landscape protection area north of Hachen . The NSG area has been part of the FFH area Röhr (DE-4513-303) since 2004 . The NSG goes from the eastern location of Hachen to the city limits in Arnsberg . The Wolfsbeil nature reserve borders directly to the north .


The LSG includes the Röhr and the floodplain there . In the NSG, the Röhr has a stony river bed, gravel banks and steep walls up to three meters high. On the banks there are sections of tall herbaceous vegetation and extensively used pasture grassland. The river itself is lined for the greater part of the set route by wooded banks made of alder and willow. In the NSG there is partly a richly developed underwater vegetation and almost all geomorphological structural elements of near-natural flowing waters in the Sauerland . The landscape plan explains the NSG: "... takes an excellent place in the development of a state-wide network of biotopes and is also an important refuge for species communities of near-natural flowing waters."

Protection purpose

According to the landscape plan, the designation was made for:

  • "Preservation and development of a near-natural river section with its water structures and species communities;"
  • "Ensuring the coherence and implementation of the European system of protected areas Natura 2000. "
  • "The NSG also serves to sustainably secure habitats that are particularly worthy of protection according to § 30 BNatSchG and the occurrence of rare animal and plant species."

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b c landscape plan Sundern. (PDF) In: hochsauerlandkreis.de. December 2018, p. 20 ff , accessed on May 1, 2018 (update status 2010).

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