Route national 403

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / FR-N
Route Nationale 403 in France
N 403
Basic data
Overall length: 13 km

Regions :


Route national 403.jpg
Former French national road 403 near the Nécropole Nationale de Douaumont.
Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Historical route until 1973 with today's names
Street as D 913
Meuse department
crossing D 603 (formerly N 18 )
Locality Fort de Tavannes D 913 A (formerly N 403 A )
Locality Mémorial de Verdun
Locality Fleury-devant-Douaumont
Locality Nécropole Nationale de Douaumont (Ossuaire)
D 913 B (formerly N 403 B ) / D 913 C (formerly N 403 C )
Locality Cimetière de Fleury D 913 D (formerly N 403 D )
Locality Thiaumont
Locality Tranchée des Baïonnettes
Locality Ravin de la Mort
Locality Bras-sur-Meuse D 964 (formerly N 64 )

The Route nationale 403 , or N 403 or RN 403 for short , was a French national road .

Their total length was 13 kilometers. The street number was added to the national road network in 1933.

Until 1973, the road led in a north-easterly direction from Verdun to a number of sites of the First World War . When it was downgraded to Département-Straße , it was given the number D913, as the number D903 was assigned to the section of the national road N3 in the Département Meuse, which was downgraded at the same time .

It had four side branches on its short length, which led to further battle sites.

From 1978 to 2006 the number was used again as a side branch of the N3. This was the road that was run as the N3bis until 1973, which branched off the N3 in Livry-Gargan and led to the N370 as far as Clichy-sous-Bois. Today this is the Départementstrasse RNIL403.


The N403 A was a branch of the national road N403. From 1933 to 1973 it led from Fort de Tavannes to Fort de Vaux, about 2.5 kilometers away . Today the street is numbered D913 A .


The N403 B was a branch of the national road N403. It branched from 1933 to 1973 at the destroyed place Fleury-devant-Douaumont and led to the national road N64 (now known as D964). This road is now designated under the number D913 B and has a length of about 4 kilometers.


The N403 C was a branch of the national road N403. The short national road existed from 1933 to 1973. It ran for about one kilometer parallel to the national road N403 on the northwest side of the Ossuaire de Douaumont. Today, the street with the number D913 is C marked.


The N403 D was a branch of the national road N403. It was added to the national road network in 1933. Until 1973 the road ran from Cimetière de Fleury to Fort de Douaumont, about a kilometer away. Today it is number D913 D .

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