Route national 374

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / FR-N
Route nationale 374 in France
N 374
Basic data
Overall length: 88 km

Regions :


Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Historical route until 1973 with today's names
Street as D 374
Aube department
Locality Nogent-sur-Seine D 619 (formerly N 19 ) / D 951 (formerly N 51 )
D 443 (formerly N 443 )
Locality Fontaine-Mâcon
Locality Soligny-les-Etangs
Locality Trancault
Locality Bourdenay
Locality Bercenay-le-Hayer
Locality Marcilly-le-Hayer D 440 (formerly N 440 )
Locality Villadin
Locality Pâlis
crossing D 374 A (formerly N 374 A )
crossing D 660 (formerly N 60 )
crossing D 374 B (formerly N 374 B )
Locality Aix-en-Othe
Locality Villemoiron-en-Othe
Locality Saint-Mards-en-Othe
Locality Maraye-en-Othe
Locality Eaux-Puiseaux
Locality Auxon N 77
Locality Ervy-le-Châtel
Locality Chessy-les-Prés D 443 (formerly N 443 )
crossing D 443 (formerly N 443 )
Locality Marolles-sous-Lignières
crossing D 905 (formerly N 5 )

The Route nationale 374 , or N 374 or RN 374 for short , was a French national road .

The street number was added to the national road network in 1933.

The route ran from Nogent-sur-Seine to a junction with the national road N5 east of Flogny-la-Chapelle . The total length of this route was 88 kilometers.

In 1973 it was  downgraded to the D374 department road .


The N374 A was a French national road and at the same time a 1 km long branch of the national road N374.

The road connected the N374 with the national road N60 in Villemaur-sur-Vanne .

The national road was added to the national road network in 1933. In 1973 the graduation to Département-Straße  D374 A took place .


The N374 B was a French national road and at the same time a 1 km long branch of the national road N374.

The road connected the N374 with the national road N60 about 1 kilometer west of the junction of the N374 with the N60.

The national road was added to the national road network in 1933. In 1973 it was  downgraded to D374 B département road .

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