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State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of FriborgCanton of Friborg Freiburg (FR)
District : Saanew
Municipality : Avryi2 w1
Postal code : 1645
Coordinates : 572 242  /  181979 coordinates: 46 ° 47 '18 "  N , 7 ° 4' 30"  O ; CH1903:  five hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and forty-two  /  one hundred eighty-one thousand nine hundred seventy-nine
Height : 685  m above sea level M.
Avry-sur-Matran (Switzerland)
w w w w
Parish before the merger on January 1, 2001

Avry-sur-Matran is a former municipality in the Saane district in the canton of Friborg in Switzerland . On 1 January 2001, the community was with the former rural community Corjolens to the municipality Avry merged .


Avry-sur-Matran includes the Avry area, new quarters and the Rosé district, which has spread along the cantonal road since the railway station was built in 1880. Mentioned for the first time in 1162 under De Avriei, in German earlier Avry ob Matran. Avry-sur-Matran belonged to the Freiburg Old Landscape (Neustadtpanner) from 1442 at the latest, and from 1798–1848 to the Freiburg district. The inhabitants were always parish in Matran . The Trinity Chapel was built in 1897. A mansion of the de Buman family (before 1704) is in Avry , a country estate of the Bourgknecht in Courtenay (18th century). Immigrant Bernese opened a reformed private German language school in 1879. The significant peat deposits were exploited during the Second World War . The originally rural community has developed into a residential suburb of Freiburg since 1960 and has also attracted various companies: u. a. Sofraver AG (insulating glass) in 1965 and a Migros shopping center in 1973.


Population development Avry-sur-Matran
year 1811 1850 1900 1950 1960 1980 2000
Residents 189 316 409 411 348 853 1'215


Web links

HLS This version of the article is based on the entry in the Historical Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS), which, according to the HLS's usage instructions, is under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - Distribution under the same conditions 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). If the article has been revised and expanded to such an extent that it differs significantly from the HLS article, this module will be removed. The original text and a reference to the license can also be found in the version history of the article.