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Coat of arms of Neyruz
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of FriborgCanton of Friborg Freiburg (FR)
District : Saanew
BFS no. : 2211i1 f3 f4
Postal code : 1740
Coordinates : 571 524  /  179 783 coordinates: 46 ° 46 '7 "  N , 7 ° 3' 57"  O ; CH1903:  five hundred seventy-one thousand five hundred and twenty-four  /  179,783
Height : 692  m above sea level M.
Height range : 581–751 m above sea level M.
Area : 5.53  km²
Residents: 2567 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 464 inhabitants per km²
Church of Neyruz

Church of Neyruz

Location of the municipality
Greyerzersee Lac de Seedorf Schiffenensee Kanton Bern Kanton Bern Kanton Bern Kanton Waadt Kanton Waadt Broyebezirk Broyebezirk Broyebezirk Glanebezirk Greyerzbezirk Seebezirk (Freiburg) Sensebezirk Arconciel Autigny FR Avry Belfaux Chénens Corminboeuf Cottens FR Ependes FR Ferpicloz Freiburg im Üechtland Gibloux Givisiez Granges-Paccot Grolley Hauterive FR La Brillaz La Sonnaz Le Mouret Marly FR Matran Neyruz Pierrafortscha Ponthaux Prez FR Senèdes Treyvaux Villarsel-sur-Marly Villars-sur-GlâneMap of Neyruz
About this picture

Neyruz ( Freiburger Patois Néru ? / I ) is a municipality in the District de la Sarine (German: Saanebezirk) in the canton of Friborg in Switzerland . The former German name Rauschenbach is no longer used today. Audio file / audio sample


Neyruz is 692  m above sea level. M. , 8.5 km west-southwest of the canton capital Friborg (linear distance). The street village stretches out in a panoramic position at the height north of the lower Glânetal , in the Molasse hill country of the Freiburg Central Plateau .

The 5.5 km² municipal area covers a section of the Molasse Heights north of the Glâne. The southern border runs along the Glâne, cut deep into the molasse layers, the slopes of which are partly crossed by sandstone rocks. From here, the community soil extends northwards over the height of Neyruz and the adjacent valley of the Bagne to the forest height La Râpe ( 695  m above sea level ). On the ridge of Neyruz, the municipality extends northeast into the Bois des Morts forest and west into the Bois Simon . On the Grande Fin corridor is 750  m above sea level. M. reached the highest point of Neyruz. In 1997, 13% of the municipal area was in settlements, 26% in forests and woodland, 60% in agriculture and a little less than 1% was unproductive land.

Extensive new residential areas belong to Neyruz, including Le Marchet ( 670  m above sea level ) northeast of the village, the hamlets of Nierlet-le-Toit ( 685  m above sea level ) on the slope above the Glânetal and Les Allys ( 710  m above sea level). M. ) on the north side of the ridge as well as some individual courtyards. Neighboring municipalities to Neyruz are Avry , Matran , Hauterive , Cottens and La Brillaz .


With 2567 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2018), Neyruz is one of the medium-sized communities in the canton of Friborg. 89.9% of the residents are French-speaking, 6.8% German-speaking and 0.7% speak Italian (as of 2000). The population of Neyruz was 555 in 1900. During the 20th century the population fluctuated between 560 and 620 inhabitants. Since 1970 (654 inhabitants) there has been a marked increase in population combined with almost tripling the number of inhabitants within 30 years.


Until the second half of the 20th century, Neyruz was a predominantly agricultural village. A mill and a sawmill used to be operated by the water power of the Glâne. Even today arable farming , fruit growing , dairy farming and cattle breeding have a certain place in the income structure of the population. Further jobs are available in local small businesses and in the service sector, including in companies in the building trade, metal construction, scaffolding and in precision engineering workshops. In the last few decades the village has developed into a residential community thanks to its attractive location. Many workers are therefore commuters who mainly work in the Freiburg region.


The community has good transport links. It is located on the main road from Freiburg to Romont . The closest connection to the A12 motorway (Bern-Vevey) is around 2.5 km from the town center. On September 4, 1862, the railway line from Freiburg to Lausanne with a train station in Neyruz was put into operation.


The first written mention of the place took place in 1137 under the name Nuruols . Later the names Nuerus , Nuirus (1142) and Nuruos (1150) appeared. The place name goes back to the Latin word nucariolum (walnut grove ). The name of the neighboring hamlet Nierlet-le-Toit , which was mentioned in 1170 as Nuarler , has the same origin .

The area of ​​Neyruz belonged to the Lords of Glâne in the High Middle Ages and came into the possession of the Hauterive Monastery in the middle of the 12th century . In 1442 at the latest, the village came under the rule of Freiburg and was assigned to the old landscape (Neustadtpanner). After the collapse of the Ancien Régime (1798), Neyruz belonged to the district of Friborg during the Helvetic and the following period, before it was incorporated into the Saane district in 1848 with the new cantonal constitution.

On December 1, 1901, Etienne Chatton murdered his cousin Louise Mettraux in Neyruz. He was subsequently the last to offenders in the canton of Friborg and the whole Romandie after a civil trial sentenced to death and in Freiburg on August 1, 1902 executed .


The parish church of Neyruz received its present form in the 19th century. The artist Jean Tinguely , who settled in Neyruz in 1968, is buried in the cemetery . A movable installation is placed on his grave. There is a chapel near Nierlet-le-Toit.

Web links

Commons : Neyruz  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. Permanent and non-permanent resident population by year, canton, district, municipality, population type and gender (permanent resident population). In: bfs. . Federal Statistical Office (FSO), August 31, 2019, accessed on December 22, 2019 .