Professional fire brigade Vienna

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Professional fire brigade Vienna
Coat of arms of Vienna Office of the City of Vienna
Professional fire brigade
Founding year: 1686
Steyr fire trucks at the Am Hof ​​station
Extinguishing action (staged scene)

The professional fire brigade Vienna (officially: Magistratsabteilung 68 - Fire Brigade and Disaster Protection ) is the oldest professional fire brigade in the world, founded in 1686. She looks after a protected area of ​​415 square kilometers.



The exact date of foundation of the Viennese professional fire brigade is not known. In an instruction from the year 1686 from a Mr. Unterämmerer at Gem. Vienna , the remuneration of four firemen with two guilders a week is mentioned. This year is therefore considered to be the founding year of the Vienna Fire Brigade.

In the event of a fire, these four men were recruited from artisans, mainly carpenters and chimney sweeps. Otherwise they were available to the city of Vienna for manual work. They were stationed in the lower chamber office at Am Hof 9.

Emperor Leopold I (1688) and Maria Theresia (1759) issued new fire extinguishing regulations. Maria Theresia also strengthened the team and the staff was constantly employed.

Since 1527, the tower keeper of St. Stephen's Cathedral had been given the task of indicating the direction in which he had discovered a fire with a red flag or a red lantern. A speaking tube that had been used up until then was replaced in 1836 by a sheet metal tube in which screwable leg balls with a written message rolled down, in order to be taken to the fire fighting facility at Am Hof. In 1855 a telegraph connection was set up between the Türmerstube and the central fire extinguishing station at Am Hof. In 1866 the tower keeper on the south tower of St. Stephen's Cathedral was replaced by firefighters who received an allowance for this service .

The year 1786 brought the uniforms of the fire fighting teams. They were awarded the city livery (long white double skirt, long white pair of pants, black top hat with city coat of arms). This uniform was worn until 1854. Then there was a change to a uniform with a military cut: black pants, blue blouse, black leather boots. After a few changes, the helmets of the disbanded Municipal Guard of Vienna were used as fire helmets.

A new fire extinguishing ordinance issued by Emperor Franz I in 1817 contained new building and fire regulations. Roasting chestnuts on the street or smoking on wooden bridges were banned . The fire fighting personnel was increased, in 1818 there were already five large syringes and 12 water trucks in the city. In 1820 some rooms in the Zeugstadel ( civil armory , Am Hof ​​10) were allocated to the fire extinguishing facility .

When the suburbs were incorporated into Vienna as districts 2 to 9 in 1850 and 1861 (division of the 4th district) , the fire brigade set up the first branches and doubled the workforce.

From 1865 the first volunteer fire brigades were founded in what was then the suburbs in what is now the city area ( Pötzleinsdorf and Simmering ); in 1878 there were already twelve. The 10th district was created in 1874 .

Historic fire alarm in Vienna around 1900

In 1878 a rescue hose and jumping sheet were used for the first time, the first steam syringe was put into service and the first electric fire alarms were set up in the streets of the city.

Although the Vienna fire brigade was able to save 130 people with a jumping mat and another 18 with an extension ladder in the fire in the Ringtheater in 1881, 386 people were killed. The fire brigade, which until then had been subordinate to the Vienna City Building Office , has now been separated from it and given a new organizational statute:

"§ 1: The fire brigade of the City of Vienna is a professional fire brigade. It is organized militarily, barracked and uniformed.
§ 2: At the top is the fire brigade commander, who is the immediate superior of the fire brigade. He is responsible for managing the entire fire extinguishing process. "

- Statute of May 9, 1884

The crew number was increased to 7 officers, 200 men and 101 assigned (excluding the coachman). The fire water supply was improved by setting up hydrants . Another direct consequence of the ring theater fire was the private foundation of the Vienna Voluntary Rescue Society . On May 16, 1884, a major fire destroyed the city ​​theater built in 1871 . But nobody was harmed.

As a result of the city expansion in 1892 ( districts 11-19 ), 34 volunteer fire departments came to the city of Vienna.

In 1895 some changes were made: the first gas syringe and the first carbon dioxide fire-fighting vehicle were put into service. In addition, firefighters, machinists, stokers and telegraphists were given permission to marry after ten years of service. The urban area of ​​Vienna was divided into three fire protection zones. The City of Vienna had 459 men in the professional fire brigade, 982 men in the volunteer fire brigades and 120 horses for the fire engines. In 1899 the first were Magirus - turntable ladder and the first pneumatic extension ladder into service provided. In 1900 the 20th district was formed from part of the 2nd district.

On July 29, 1903, the Breitenfeld fire station was the first motor-driven fire engine to put a gas syringe into service, after electric vehicles had been tested in 1902.

The incorporation of nine Marchfeld communities created the 21st district of Vienna ( Floridsdorf ) in 1904/1905 . This brought another nine volunteer fire brigades to the city of Vienna; the team of the professional fire brigade increased to 8 officers, 475 men and 5 assigned.

The year 1909 brought another reorganization of the fire brigade. In the headquarters in Am Hof, in the newly built fire station in Favoriten and in 13 other branches, 508 firefighters were on duty with 33 electric vehicles and 98 horse-drawn vehicles. 1,420 men and 204 horse drawn wagons were organized in the 44 volunteer fire brigades. In 1910 the branch in Neubau (7th district) was moved into , in 1912 the Wache Margareten (5th district) and in 1914 in Mariahilf (6th district).

The Viennese professional fire brigade was "protected by the state" through an ordinance of July 25, 1914, one week before the start of the First World War . 15 guards of the volunteer fire brigade were manned by telegraphists, coachmen, stokers and machinists from the professional fire brigade. Extinguishing operations beyond the city limits were restricted; They were only possible after a personal request from the respective mayor or an official body. The personnel shortage that occurred during the war was attempted by taking on men, horses and carriages from Chernivtsi , which was temporarily occupied by Russia. Nevertheless, in 1917 only 337 men were available for service operations.

First republic

March 1, 1919 brought some major changes to the Viennese fire brigade:

  • The previously common 72-hour service has been replaced by 24-hour service, followed by 24 hours of free time.
  • The professional fire brigade took over the supervision of the smoke catcher trade (inspection smoke catcher).
  • The fire brigade's sports and cultural association (SKV) was founded.

With the receipt of the first wireless dispatch on July 19, 1924, the radio age began for the Vienna fire brigade. The machinist, stoker and driver posts were abandoned and the steam sprayers decommissioned. The last fire-fighting horse was retired in 1925, and the first pump truck with a front-mounted pump was put into service. In 1926 Pölzholzwagen, animal rescue vehicles, light equipment vehicles , foam fire extinguishing vehicles and chimney sweepers followed. On July 7, 1926, the first light diving equipment was purchased.

On July 15, 1927, as a result of the Schattendorfer Trial , an essentially peaceful mass demonstration took place in front of the Vienna Palace of Justice, during which arsonists started the Vienna Palace of Justice . The fire brigade was prevented from accessing the fire brigade by violent people who had mingled with the peaceful demonstrators and threatened while the fire was being extinguished, although Mayor Karl Seitz tried to guide the fire brigade on the spot, standing in an emergency vehicle get released. (As a result, the police received a shooting order from the federal government and fired indiscriminately into the crowd and at refugees, causing 85 civilian deaths; four police officers were murdered by demonstrators.) The fire lasted until the next day. Under the impression of the events, Mayor Karl Seitz issued the instructions to set up the Rathauswache , a fire station stationed directly in the Vienna City Hall , which could also be used for security services. (It still exists today.)

Apart from these dramatic events, the professional fire brigade began experiments with shortwave radio between the Ottakring guard and the headquarters in Am Hof. The Döbling, Heiligenstadt, Kaiserebersdorf and Stadlau guards were taken over by the professional fire brigade, further guards were carried out by employees together with volunteer firefighters.

The division of the city into three fire protection sections, which had been in force since 1895, was abandoned and replaced by a division into seven sections. Each of these sections received a main fire station and two to five secondary guards, which meant that every location in Vienna could be reached within about five minutes.

At the end of 1929 there were only three volunteer fire brigades and five community fire brigades left in Vienna; the rest had been closed or taken over by the professional fire brigade. Courses (pioneer service, lifeguarding , driving school, machine service) have been introduced for members of the professional fire brigade . Also in 1929, with the assistance of the fire brigade command, new sweeping regulations for Vienna were issued. Within the next eight years, the objections of the inspection chimney sweeps due to insufficient maintenance of the chimneys by the licensed chimney sweep responsible for the respective area increased fivefold.

In 1931, 201 motorized vehicles were in use at the Vienna Fire Brigade, including tricycles and motorcycles with sidecars. This year four fire trucks with three-axle chassis, two Tatra 30s and two half-track Citroën Kegresse C6 vehicles with 45 hp were put into service for operations in impassable terrain on the outskirts of Vienna and for clearing snow on Vienna's Höhenstraße .

Street sign with additional sign

In the course of the civil war and "February uprising" in 1934, the trial of some Social Democrats, against the initiated, the Austrofascism aspiring Dollfuss dictatorship to fight back, the fire officer was George Weissel as Conservation Union commander arrested the Social Democrats, was judicially convicted and executed on February 15, 1934 . The Weisselgasse and the (no longer existing) Georg-Weissel-Bad - a drip bath - were named after him on February 5, 1946 . Twelve other firefighters were also arrested and sentenced, and subsequently suspended from duty. " Red Vienna ", which has been active since 1919 , has now been replaced by a city administration appointed by the dictatorship.

After a probationary period of around two years, the light metal helmet with spider ("Vienna helmet") was introduced in 1935 . It was not until 1989 that it was finally retired from the Viennese professional fire brigade and replaced by a synthetic helmet.

The rotunda , a huge exhibition hall, built in the Vienna Prater for the Vienna World Exhibition in 1873 , burned down on September 27, 1937. In the same year, the professional fire department was the first fire department in the world to introduce wireless radio communication.

Nazi era

The "annexation" of Austria to the German Reich in 1938 also brought numerous changes to the Viennese professional fire brigade.

Fire police helmet in Vienna
Danube Park - Kagran shooting range
  • The Viennese professional fire brigade became part of the fire protection police : with green uniforms and green paintwork of the fire engines, which were red until 1938 and after 1945. The steel helmet of the German Wehrmacht was introduced in place of the light metal helmet . The previous 1,100 men were increased to 3,877 men through so-called FE readiness (fire extinguishing and detoxification service).
  • The previously private " Vienna Voluntary Rescue Society " was taken over by the Vienna municipality on July 25, 1938 and joined the fire brigade on September 1, 1938.
  • Greater Vienna , which was created through the incorporation of 97 surrounding communities in autumn 1938, was divided into eastern, western, southern and northern areas for fire services.
  • From April 1, 1941 in were regular police force ranks introduced at the Vienna fire department.
  • From 1943, the fire brigade was only assigned German standard fire engines ( Henschel , Opel Blitz , Mercedes-Benz instead of the Austrian Austro-Daimler and Austro-Fiat). The police green disappeared because of "war-related simplification measures" from the vehicles, which were only delivered in a beige base paint. The fleet grew from 213 vehicles by 1945 to 680 vehicles.

SS -Standartenführer Johann Stanzig became the commander of the Vienna fire police. During the “Reichskristallnacht” on November 9th and 10th, 1938, 42 synagogues and prayer houses in Greater Vienna were either stolen from the flames or destroyed in some other way. The fire department had been ordered not to extinguish; the police were not allowed to intervene against arsonists and vandals. The city ​​temple in Seitenstettengasse in the 1st district of Vienna was devastated, but not set on fire, as the Vienna fire brigade could not guarantee the safety of the neighboring houses.

In 1944, 46 firefighters were charged with resisting the Nazi regime. Two of them were executed on October 31 at the Kagran military firing range. All firefighters who were off duty and those who were not absolutely needed in their offices were required to be in uniform. The air raids on Vienna that began this year also damaged fire brigade facilities. For example, the headquarters of the fire police at Am Hof ​​was badly hit and was therefore housed for a long time at the neighboring Judenplatz 6. The main fire stations in Mariahilf and Favoriten were also hit by bombs. War-related staff shortages made it necessary to increase the number of staff with supplementary workers from Ukraine, Russia and Czechoslovakia.

At the beginning of the Battle of Vienna in April 1945, 627 vehicles and the teams of the fire police had to leave Vienna for the west on the night of April 6th. Only six vehicles remained (one of them ready for use) and 18 men who stood helplessly in the face of the countless fires (the most prominent buildings affected were the Burgtheater , the Parliament , the State Opera and St. Stephen's Cathedral ).

Immediately after the end of the fighting in Vienna, the reconstruction of the Viennese professional fire brigade began. The organizational structure with seven fire protection sections that was in force until 1938 was reintroduced. Firefighters returning to Vienna began working with temporarily admitted auxiliary personnel. Mayor Theodor Körner appointed Josef Holaubek head of the Vienna fire brigade on May 29, 1945 , who would later become legendary as police chief.

2nd republic

Opel Blitz - fire engine of the post-war period

Occupation time

After the telephone connection between the fire brigade headquarters Am Hof ​​and the Türmerstube in the south tower of St. Stephen's Cathedral was re-established on August 20, 1945, this observation post was occupied again.

Fire-fighting vehicles brought back to Vienna made it possible to put the tactical unit of the emergency train (team car, tank fire-fighting truck, pump truck and turntable ladder, known as the “Wiener Löschzug” before the war) back into service. On February 21, 1950, the town hall correspondence reported about the return of a 45 meter high Magirus ladder to Vienna. After it was found in Zwettl in Lower Austria, it was brought to the Magiruswerk in Ulm for repairs .

From June 1946, one of the four occupying powers took turns in chairing the “Working Committee for Fire Fighting” every month . Also in 1946, at the request of the American military government, a fire station was set up on the grounds of the Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof .

In 1947, the previous fire director Josef Holaubek was appointed police chief of Vienna by Interior Minister Oskar Helmer . (He nevertheless acted as President of the Austrian Federal Fire Brigade Association from 1948–1972 .) In the same year, nine Vienna volunteer fire brigades that had become redundant were closed.

The restoration of the auxiliary guards of the Vienna fire brigade that had been destroyed or damaged during the war was soon completed, after which the first main fire station, that of Favoriten, was reopened as a partially new building in 1951. With a 52 meter high turntable ladder, Vienna had one of the highest turntable ladders in the world this year.

With the dissolution of Greater Vienna in 1954, 80 of the 97 villages incorporated by the Nazi regime in 1938 fell back to Lower Austria. Vienna lost 77 volunteer fire brigades, only three ( Weidlingau-Hadersdorf , Breitenlee , Süßenbrunn ) remained in the city of Vienna. The FF Weidlingau-Hadersdorf dissolved itself in 1956. In 1954, the Viennese professional fire brigade had 33 locations and a crew of 1,093 men.

Since 1955

After more than 400 years of history, December 31, 1955 was the last working day of the tower keeper of Sankt Stephan , who had acted as fire watcher. In March 1956, the Am Hof ​​fire station was reopened and the newly built Hernals fire station was put into operation. The reconstruction of the Döbling main fire station, which began in 1956 , was completed in 1959; The Nussdorf fire station in the same district was closed on December 15, 1959. A special step forward was the commissioning of a Magirus-Deutz crane truck with 15 tons of lifting power in 1958 . From 1957 to 1960 Adalbert Dufek was the commander of the Vienna fire brigade.

On April 13, 1956, 15 firefighters were injured while extinguishing the major fire at the stock exchange on Ringstrasse . Five years later, on February 8, 1961, the destruction of the ballroom of the Old University in the old town by fire could not be prevented.

From 1960 onwards, numerous older fire stations were replaced by new buildings - sometimes at other locations. For example, the main fire station in Leopoldstadt was relocated to a new building on part of the site of the former Wilhelmskaserne .

The Vienna, founded in 1966 Landesfeuerwehrverband includes the Vienna fire brigade, the two volunteer fire departments Breitenlee and Süßenbrunn, the national association of the company fire brigades of Vienna and the association " Young firefighters and disaster Subsidiary Vienna," the honorary perceives fire department activities and 21 in the group guard Floridsdorf , Am Spitz, is housed. The Vienna State Fire Brigade Association is also organized as an association - in contrast to the other eight state fire brigade associations in Austria, which are set up as corporations under public law by the respective state laws.

On the basis of a new vehicle concept, fire fighting vehicles (RLF) and special fire fighting vehicles (SLF) were put into service from 1973. Another innovation in 1973 was the new name of the department: Magistratsabteilung 68 - Fire Brigade and Disaster Control .

The major fire of a waste paper warehouse in Floridsdorf (21st district) on April 8, 1976 developed into one of the largest fires of all time in Vienna. Alert level 7 became necessary. In a major fire in a bunker system in the 3rd district of Vienna, 250 firefighters were on duty for 32 hours. Another large-scale deployment of the Viennese professional fire brigade took place in 1976 on the occasion of the collapse of the Reichsbrücke .

During the major fire in the Gerngross department store , 7th, Mariahilfer Strasse , on February 7th, 1979, eight fire fighters from the Viennese professional fire brigade, volunteer fire brigades from the Vienna area and a fire fighting unit from the Austrian Armed Forces had no chance. A major fire on August 30, 1979 required the deployment of 383 men with 76 vehicles in the Austrian National Bank . A fire in the Augarten Hotel, 2., Heinestrasse, on October 28, 1979 claimed 25 lives. Not only because of these sensational major fires, 1979 was the year with the most fires in Vienna's post-war history.

Main building of the main fire station Floridsdorf (Section VII)

From the 1980s, vehicles from the manufacturer Steyr were mainly procured. On September 4, 1987 Friedrich Perner became fire director of the Viennese professional fire brigade. The fire in the redoubt halls of the Hofburg on November 28, 1992 caused a worldwide sensation . On October 2, 1996, the opening of the main fire station in Floridsdorf , the largest in Europe, was celebrated. Five days later, Vienna received its 9th fire protection section with the upgrading of the Donaustadt train guard to the main fire station. In order to get to the scene more quickly on Vienna's city highways, a motorcycle squadron with two motorcycles was put into operation in 1997 in the Favoriten Fire Station, which is located near the city ​​motorway known as the southeast bypass . Since 1998 the expression “firefighters” in the Viennese professional fire brigade has been incomplete: the first woman started her job. In 2010, three women worked in fire services, one of them as an officer.

In a major fire on August 16, 2001, the listed Sofiensäle were destroyed by flames. 518 firefighters were in action with 140 vehicles.

On June 21, 2007, a storm brought down the slewing crane. The crane driver was killed and the central fire station was badly damaged.

During two severe storms on June 21 and 22, 2007, a crane used to renovate the Am Hof ​​central fire station was overturned and hurled at the former civil armory. The crane operator was killed and the building was badly damaged.

In mid-2009, fire director Perner, who had worked since 1982, was followed by his deputy Gerald Hillinger to head the Vienna fire brigade.


* Emergency call:

The Viennese professional fire brigade can be reached directly and free of charge on the emergency number 122, both via landline and mobile phones. In addition, around 1,500 objects are connected to the message center in the central fire station at Am Hof via automatic fire alarm systems.

* Message center:

On the basis of the information received in the message center (deployment address, type of deployment, additional information), the alarm dispatcher, with the support of the operations control computer system, alerts the emergency services to the relevant fire station (s).

* Alerting a fire station:

In order to achieve the shortest possible disengagement times (a maximum of 30 seconds during the day, a maximum of 60 seconds at night), the emergency services are alerted with computer support.

The light is switched on, a gong sounds and a verbal loudspeaker announcement informs about the moving vehicles, the address and the type of operation. In addition, the most important alarm information is transmitted in writing to the alarmed guard (s).

For this purpose, the Viennese professional fire brigade has its own cable network with a total length of approximately 180 kilometers. The maintenance and improvement is one of the tasks of the fire brigade employees (news construction).

* Release order

All conceivable deployment situations and the emergency services to be alerted are specified in the release order. Together with the fire stations distributed across the entire city, this should enable the first emergency services to arrive within approximately seven minutes.

* Alert levels

The alert level called corresponds to the number of full extinguishers required for the operation. A fire-fighting team (fire-fighting train) consists of around 28–30 emergency services with a command vehicle, four fire-fighting vehicles and any special vehicles.

* Statistics

In 2002 the Viennese fire brigade was deployed 30,983 times, an average of around 80 times a day or every 18 minutes.

    • 26.77 percent: fires
    • 26.39 percent: other technical assignments
    • 22.26 percent: traffic
    • 21.64 percent: saving people and animals
    • 2.93 percent: pollutant use

In 2006 there were 33,565 missions for around 1,700 fire fighters and three fire fighters, 53 of whom were injured in the process. One third of the operations were fire operations and two thirds were technical operations. At least one fire engine had to move out every 15 minutes on average.

The hurricane Kyrill was in Vienna triggered some 700 missions the fire department. The reasons for this were, among other things, covered roofs and partially collapsed scaffolding , which made it necessary to shut down a tram line for several hours.

Civil protection

The tasks of the Viennese professional fire brigade also include disaster control , disaster alarms and emergency response.

* Civil Protection Plan

A disaster control plan was drawn up by the municipality of Vienna in conjunction with the fire brigade of the city of Vienna and other specialist departments, which contains an overview of all the emergency services and other auxiliary workers and aids available, as well as the means of communication available for combating disasters.

* Disaster response plan

Corresponding countermeasures are recorded in the disaster response plan for all conceivable disasters. The alarm processes and responsibilities are also laid down in it.

* Alerting

If the number of emergencies arriving at the fire brigade information center exceeds a certain threshold value, the disaster pre-alarm is triggered and the guard at Vienna City Hall is notified.

The members of the town hall guard occupy the disaster control center and inform the head of the municipal directorate for crisis management and emergency measures MDKS and the mayor about the large-scale operation. Based on the size of the operation and its type, it decides on the convening and composition of the crisis team . Until the crisis management meets, the fire director is the head of the disaster response.

Both the message center and the disaster control center have the option of triggering the warning and alarm system and warning the population via siren systems and radio.

* Mobilization in the event of a disaster

In order to be able to quickly activate the reserve forces in the event of a disaster, the urban area was divided into five disaster control sections, for which the off-duty team can be called up separately by telephone or radio. In addition, friendly organizations are also activated.

If necessary, the disaster relief service of the Vienna State Fire Brigade Association can be alerted. This means that there is enough personnel for two more fire engines. The KHD Vienna and its vehicles are stationed at the Am Spitz police station.

* Supply of the emergency services

Each of the nine main fire stations has a warehouse with a reserve of equipment and materials. The largest such camp is located in the main fire station in Floridsdorf.

* Statistics

Of the approximately 32,000 missions by the Vienna fire brigade every year, only very few can be classified as disaster operations. Since more than one vehicle usually drives out during an operation, there are around 100,000 vehicle movements annually. During the fire in the Sophiensäle, with 450 firefighters deployed, there were around 190 vehicle movements with one mission number.

* Disaster Relief Agreement

So-called disaster relief agreements have been concluded between the provinces of Vienna and Lower Austria , the Lower Austrian municipalities surrounding Vienna and other cities in Austria and abroad for disaster cases that exceed one's own capacity .

The advantage of this mutual aid pact is cost savings, as not every fire brigade has to be materially prepared for the super disaster. In addition, the resources are stored in a decentralized manner.


The profession of “firefighter” is also open to women (the first started work in 1998). These must meet the same admission requirements as the male aspirants:

* Employment requirements

* completed vocational training
* Minimum age 20 years, maximum age 26 years
* Citizenship of an EU country
* Impeccable repute (no entry in the criminal record)
* positive completion of various aptitude tests

* Education

Apart from the eleven-week basic training, the training of the new firefighters is largely based on the dual principle of theory and practice.

Pollutant recovery (staged scene)

* Teaching methods

* Theoretical lessons, mostly in connection with multimedia elements or manual practice and experiments
* Self-awareness through tasks that the trainee has to master
* team-building measures (especially during basic training)
* Self-study to deepen what you have learned in the courses
* practical exercises
* Drilling skills that must be learned at all times

After reaching the batch grade, every firefighter also becomes a trainer at the same time.

It takes four to five years for the new firefighters to become fully fledged firefighters (rank: senior firefighter). During this time, the following courses must be successfully completed:

  • Basic training
  • Environmental protection training ("pollutant course")
  • Technical assistance course
Accident recovery (staged scene)
  • Fire service course

In the batch schools - an internal "foreman school" - there is the possibility of specialization:

  • Fire service
  • Driving and machine service
  • News service and news construction

In addition, there are also optional courses and special courses ( divers , skippers and so on) to be completed, but this depends on the needs of the Viennese professional fire brigade.

Officer training

A technical Matura or a university degree are a prerequisite for admission to officer training. The firefighter and batch training is followed by a two-year special training in all subjects necessary for everyday fire-fighting.

Special areas

Inspection chimney sweeper air pollution control

The special area of ​​inspection smoke collector, which is only available from all Austrian professional fire brigades in Vienna and is stationed in the main fire station in Mariahilf, has three main areas of responsibility:

  • Emergency deployment (due to the Vienna Fire Brigade Act) for fire brigade operations if specialist knowledge, manual skills and / or the special tools of a chimney sweep are required.
  • Provision of an official expert (based on the rules of procedure of the magistrate) in official proceedings as far as combustion systems and air polluting conditions are concerned.
  • Control body for monitoring compliance with the Vienna Kehrordnung

Through the legislation of the State of Vienna, the licensed chimney sweepers were granted quasi official powers and this trade was granted area protection. The inspection chimney sweeper therefore has the position of a supervisory authority to determine whether the legal provisions are being handled correctly.

Fire beekeeper

In the period between April 15 and October 15, the specially trained fire brigade beekeepers are available to the population in emergencies; they are stationed with their vehicle at the main fire station “headquarters”. This special area was created in the 1970s.

The fire brigade beekeeper is used when wasps , hornets , bees or bumblebees (or their nests) are in the immediate vicinity of people (kindergartens, schools, public playgrounds or in apartments). These insects are removed from their place of residence in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and the Species Protection Act .

Fire diver

Only volunteers are assigned to the fire service divers if they are physically and mentally suitable. Your bases are the "Leopoldstadt" and "Kaisermühlen", so that the areas of operation Danube , Old Danube , Vienna Danube Canal and New Danube are covered as best as possible.

The types of operation include rescuing drowning people, people at risk in ship and boat accidents, ice rescue, search for water bodies, security service at water sports events, animal rescue on and in the water, as well as technical diving missions (search and recovery of objects, ...). Since 2010, fire brigade divers from the professional fire brigade have been picked up by the Christophorus 9 rescue helicopter in drowning accidents and flown to the scene with special diving equipment. As a result, the deployment area of ​​the Viennese fire service divers is also extended to the federal states of Lower Austria and Burgenland.

Height rescuer

As with fire service divers, training at height rescuers only takes place upon voluntary notification. The height rescuers are used when the fall protection equipment of a fire fighting group is not sufficient. This is the case, for example, when the two-rope technique is required, i.e. a second rope is required as a failure level. This is always necessary when working with devices hanging in the rope. Each fire fighting group is equipped and trained for the initial measures of rescuing people and for securing when working in exposed areas (for example when removing storm damage on roofs, etc.). In addition to the height rescue vehicle in Hernals, there are also trained height rescuers in each section.

Vehicle fleet

The Viennese professional fire brigade strives to keep its fleet of around 180 vehicles , 40 swap bodies and 40 trailers up to the most modern possible standard. Around 100 vehicles as well as the swap bodies and trailers are always ready for use. The remaining vehicles are either unmanned, ready for use as reserve vehicles or taken out of service for maintenance and repair purposes .

The so-called driving and machine service with around 350 employees - each around 100 men on 24-hour duty - also looks after the vehicles, pumps , compressors and so on at the fire stations to which they are assigned as emergency drivers . In addition, there are around 20 mechanics, electricians, plumber and so on who work 8 hours a day in the car workshop of the main fire station in Floridsdorf.

In accordance with a control and maintenance plan, various checks are carried out at intervals of between daily and every two years. Repairs that have become necessary are carried out either in our own workshops or by specialist firms. A workshop vehicle is also available for repairs during an operation. For repair costs, insurance, fuel, lubricants and so on alone, around 700,000 euros are budgeted .

Current vehicles

These vehicles are currently in service.

  • Vehicles in readiness for fire fighting (fire fighting train):
KDF: command vehicle
Command vehicle on Mercedes chassis
The all-terrain command vehicle serves as a means of transport for the executives of an extinguishing or technical standby as well as for various items of equipment. It is manned by a duty officer, platoon commanders, section driving masters and detectors.
RLF: rescue vehicle
RLF on a Steyr chassis
The fire fighting vehicle is a further developed form of the mountain fire fighting vehicle (BLF) and is to replace it in the medium term.
HLF: emergency fire engine
New HLF on MAN chassis
The rescue vehicle has been used by the professional fire brigade since July 2011 and is intended to replace the RLF in the long term. It is based on a Rosenbauer AT chassis. It has an extinguishing water tank that holds 1200 liters.
TLF: fire truck
New TLF on MAN chassis
The fire truck has been in service with the Vienna fire brigade since October 2012. In the long term, it is intended to replace the universal fire fighting vehicles. The TLF is based on a Rosenbauer AT chassis. In terms of appearance, it can only be distinguished from the HLF by the water and foam cannon mounted on the roof and the inscription on the side, but it differs massively in terms of load. So z. B. twice the amount of water and stowed suction hoses in the roof area. It also has an extinguishing water tank that is twice as large and holds 2400 liters. This makes it clear that this vehicle was mainly developed for fire operations, but it can also be used for an initial attack in the event of a hazardous incident. In order to simplify the machinist training, the crew room is largely identical to the HLF.
DL: turntable ladder
Turntable ladder on a Steyr chassis
The vehicles with turntable ladders (rescue height 30 meters) are used to save human life, carry out fire-fighting attacks and provide technical assistance.
  • Vehicles for fire use:
ATF: breathing apparatus

Special fire trucks:

GLF: all-terrain fire engine
GTF: large tank fire engine

Aerial rescue vehicles:

TMB: Telescopic mast platform 45 meters
TMF: Telescopic mast platform 54 meters
A telescopic mast vehicle with a rescue height of 54 m from the Viennese professional fire brigade.

Swap bodies for fire use:

WLM: Interchangeable fan assembly mobile
WLU: Interchangeable ventilation system
WSL: interchangeable hose assembly
WSM: Swap body foam concentrate
WSR: Exchange structure hose reserve

Trailer for fire use:

SRA: Jump rescue trailer with jump rescue
  • Vehicles for technical use:
BGL: backhoe loader
The backhoe loader is transported to the deployment site on telescopic low-loader trailers (TTL). He is permanently tied up on this.

Towing vehicles:

ASP: Towing vehicle
ASP on Scania chassis
ASL: tow truck

Crane vehicles:

KRF: telescopic crane vehicle 450 kN

Swap bodies for technical use:

WAP: interchangeable structure for pumping devices
WKB: Swap body crane escort
WNA: Swap body emergency power generator 10kVA
WPH: swap body Pölzholz
WPM: swap body post material
WSW: Swap body heavy tool

Trailers for technical use:

ASA: towing axle
NAA: emergency generator trailer
SSA: sandbag filler trailer
TTL: telescopic low loader trailer
The telescopic low-loader trailer is used to transport heavy or slow vehicles and equipment (e.g. backhoe loaders or boats), but due to its technically possible total mass of 36 tons, it can also be used to transport trucks that have had an accident. The backhoe loader (BGL) is permanently loaded on the trailer.
  • Vehicles for the use of pollutants:
DEF: Deco vehicle
UMF: environmental measuring vehicle

Swap bodies for the use of hazardous substances:

WHAT: Replacement body respiratory protection
WBN: Alternating structure of binding and neutralizing agents
WCB: swap body with chemical containers
WDE: interchangeable structure decontamination
WKS: body protection interchangeable body
WSU: Swap body pollutant accident

Trailer for the use of pollutants:

OWA: oil weir trailer
  • Vehicles of the special services:
HRF: Height rescue vehicle
IMF: beekeeping vehicle
Beekeeping vehicle of the professional fire brigade Vienna - The bee is sitting on the blue light
IRF: Inspection smoke collector vehicle
TRF: scuba diving equipment vehicle
TAF: diving vehicle
  • Special purpose vehicles:
EDF: management vehicle
HIO: Command Vehicle Chief Inspector
KDW: command vehicle guard town hall
KGF: small equipment vehicle
KLF: Small tank fire engine
KPF: Tipper vehicle with loading crane
KTF: small tank vehicle
LGF: logistics vehicle
LSF: control center vehicle
MOT: fire engine motorcycle
MZF: multi-purpose vehicle
NAB: communications vehicle
RHF: Town hall vehicle
Town hall vehicle in front of the town hall guard
SGF: special equipment vehicle
WLF: Swap body vehicle
WLK: swap truck with crane
WLL: Swap body vehicle with loading crane
WSF: workshop vehicle

Swap bodies for special purposes:

WBT: Alternating Supervision
WEL: Change structure of operations management
WMU: swap body trough
WOB: interchangeable construction of open containers
WSP: swap body special pumps

Special Purpose Trailers:

HUA: forklift trailer
RHA: rescue dog trailer
SPA: special pump trailer
TSA: portable pump trailer

Large devices for special purposes:

HUB: Remote controlled all-terrain forklift
MPF: mobile motor pumps
  • Watercraft:
Fireboat Harry
Work boats
Multipurpose boats
Water bases

Historic vehicles

These vehicles are out of service. If the name also occurs in vehicles in service, this is the successor generation.

  • Vehicles in readiness for fire fighting (fire fighting train):
BLF: Mountain fire engine
A BLF with the two following vehicle types RLF and HLF (from right to left)
The mountain fire engine was used by the Vienna fire brigade until 2013. It was equipped for fire fighting and technical assistance . In order to be as manoeuvrable as possible, the vehicle width was set at 2,300 millimeters and the wheelbase at 3,400 millimeters. It was replaced by the RLF.
ULF: universal fire engine
The universal fire fighting vehicle was used by the Vienna fire brigade until 2015. It was equipped with special extinguishing agents and special equipment and was used in fires and for operations involving hazardous substances. It was replaced by the TLF.
  • Vehicles for fire use:

Aerial rescue vehicles:

TMB: telescopic mast platform
Decommissioned TMB on a Steyr chassis

Swap bodies for fire use:

WPU: alternating structure powder
  • Vehicles for technical use:

Crane vehicles:

KRF: crane vehicle 300 kN
KRF: crane vehicle 700 kN

Swap bodies for technical use:

WAG: swap body truck towing device
WNK: Swap body emergency power, small
  • Vehicles for the use of pollutants:
UMF: environmental measuring vehicle
Before the new environmental measurement vehicle based on a MAN chassis was put into service, the Vienna Fire Brigade used a vehicle based on a Mercedes Benz panel van.

Swap bodies for the use of hazardous substances:

WOW: swap body oil weir
WSD: swap body suction pressure barrel
WST: swap body sludge tank
WTK: Swap body tank

Trailer for the use of pollutants:

DEA: decontamination tag
HDA: trailer for high-pressure cleaning equipment
  • Vehicles of the special services:
MOT: motorcycle relay
A motorcycle squadron with special hydraulic rescue kits was deployed by the Viennese professional fire brigade to reach accident sites on motorways more quickly. However, due to the high risk of accidents caused by the heavy superstructure, it was closed again after a few years. The motorbikes are now (without superstructures) stationed at the main fire station in Döbling and the fire station in the town hall for special use.
  • Special purpose vehicles:
LSF: control center vehicle
Before the new control center vehicle based on a MAN chassis was put into service, the Vienna Fire Brigade deployed a vehicle based on a Mercedes Benz panel van.
WSF: workshop vehicle
Before the new workshop vehicle based on a MAN chassis was put into service, the Vienna fire brigade deployed a vehicle based on a Mercedes Benz panel van.


Fire protection sections

The protected area of ​​415 square kilometers supervised by the Viennese professional fire brigade is divided into nine fire protection sections with main fire stations and secondary fire stations. These 22 fire stations were distributed across the city so that the first emergency services could reach the scene of action after an average of five minutes from the alarm. Various units or business groups are often assigned to one section. For example, the water service is stationed in Section 2, the fire service batch training and officer training take place in Section 3, and Section 8 mainly deals with pollutant training.

In addition, the urban area is divided into five disaster areas. In the event of a disaster, the centralized fire brigade can be divided into a partially decentralized organization. This is necessary and helpful due to the enormous organizational effort - when it rains in recent years, there have been up to 400 calls in one hour.

The section management is located at the respective main fire station.

Guard occupation

The duty groups (A group and B group) alternate every 24 hours at 7:00 a.m. In addition, every firefighter is entitled to 48 off-duty shifts per year.

  • Main fire station : The minimum equipment of a main fire station includes an extinguishing readiness, which consists of a command vehicle, two fire fighting vehicles for technical use and fire use (rescue vehicle or emergency fire fighting vehicle), a fire fighting vehicle for fire and hazardous substances (universal fire fighting vehicle or fire truck) and a turntable ladder.
In addition, other special vehicles (crane vehicles, large tank vehicles, swap-loaders, breathing apparatus) or special units (inspection smoke catchers, divers, beekeepers, height rescuers, ...) can be stationed there.
  • Train guard : The standard equipment of a train guard includes two fire fighting vehicles for technical and fire operations (emergency fire fighting vehicle or emergency fire fighting vehicle). The additional stationing of special vehicles is possible. There are only two train guards left in Vienna, namely Simmering and Landstrasse.
  • Group guards : The group guards are the smallest form of fire stations in Vienna. They are usually equipped with a fire fighting vehicle for technical use and fire operations (rescue vehicle or emergency fire engine).
However, so-called "Springer vehicles" can also be stationed here, in which a vehicle team can occupy both vehicles; one automatically goes out of service when the other is alerted.
Furthermore, special vehicles (possibly with their own crew, e.g. TAF in Kaisermühlen) can also be stationed here.

In addition, there are the fire stations town hall and general hospital (AKH), ​​which are equipped with special vehicles for the special local conditions.

The last two volunteer fire brigades in Vienna, Süßenbrunn and Breitenlee, each have a fire fighting vehicle for technical and fire operations (currently: rescue vehicle).

List of all Viennese fire stations

position Affiliation Fire station district address Miscellaneous photo
Fire protection section 1
Erioll world.svg Central fire station Inner city At court 7, 9 and 10 only fire station in Vienna with two complete fire extinguishers. The ATF is also stationed here. Inner City Central Fire Station
Erioll world.svg Train guard country road Country road Baumgasse 89 According to a 10-year plan announced in February 2012 for the redevelopment and construction of new guard sites, the Zugswache Landstrasse is to be completely renovated between 2020 and 2022. Train guard country road
Fire protection section 2
Erioll world.svg Main fire station Leopoldstadt Leopoldstadt Engerthstrasse 216 As part of a 10-year plan for the renovation and new construction of guard sites, the main fire station in Leopoldstadt was rebuilt between 2016 and 2018. Main fire station Leopoldstadt
Erioll world.svg Group watch in Kaisermühlen Danube city Wallenberggasse 4 Group watch in Kaisermühlen
Fire protection section 3
Erioll world.svg Main fire station favorites Favorites Sonnwendgasse 14 The main fire station Favoriten is a listed building ( list entry ). Main fire station favorites
Erioll world.svg Simmering train guard Simmering Florian-Hedorfer-Strasse 6 Simmering train guard
Erioll world.svg Rudolfshügel group watch Favorites Stefan-Fadinger-Platz 37 Rudolfshügel group watch
Fire protection section 4
Erioll world.svg Main fire station Mariahilf Mariahilf Gumpendorfer belt 2 The main fire station in Mariahilf is a listed building ( list entry ). Main fire station Mariahilf
Erioll world.svg Group guard Penzing Penzing Nisselgasse 14 Group guard Penzing
Erioll world.svg Weidlingau group guard Penzing Mühlbergstrasse 6 Weidlingau group guard
Fire protection section 5
Erioll world.svg Hernals main fire station Hernals Johann-Nepomuk-Berger-Platz 12 Hernals main fire station
Erioll world.svg Steinhof group guard Ottakring Johann-Staud-Strasse 75 The Steinhof fire station is a listed building ( list entry ). Steinhof group guard
Fire protection section 6
Erioll world.svg Döbling main fire station Dobling Würthgasse 5 Döbling main fire station
Erioll world.svg Group guard Grinzing Dobling Cobenzlgasse 63 The Grinzing fire station is a listed building ( list entry ). Group guard Grinzing
Erioll world.svg Group watch in Neustift am Walde Dobling Rathstrasse 37 The Neustift am Walde fire station is a listed building ( list entry ). Group watch in Neustift am Walde
Fire protection section 7
Erioll world.svg Main fire station Floridsdorf Floridsdorf Josef-Brazdovics-Strasse 4 As part of a 10-year plan for the refurbishment and new construction of guard sites, the main fire station in Floridsdorf was expanded to include a new fire brigade school between 2013 and 2015. Main fire station Floridsdorf
Erioll world.svg Group watch at the Spitz Floridsdorf Weisselgasse 3 In addition to an HLF and an ULF (as a so-called "Springer vehicle"), the disaster relief service of the Vienna State Fire Brigade Association is also stationed with its vehicles at the Am Spitz group watch. Group watch in Floridsdorf Am Spitz
Erioll world.svg Strebersdorf group watch Floridsdorf Strebersdorfer Platz 1 Strebersdorf group watch
Fire protection section 8
Erioll world.svg Main fire station Donaustadt Danube city Erzherzog-Karl-Strasse 170 Main fire station Donaustadt
Fire protection section 9
Erioll world.svg Liesing main fire station Liesing Siebenhirtenstrasse 10 BW
Erioll world.svg Altmannsdorf group guard Meidling Rothenburgstrasse 1 Altmannsdorf group guard
Erioll world.svg Group watch in Speising Hietzing Speisinger Strasse 36 Group watch in Speising
Fire protection section 10
Erioll world.svg Fire station town hall Inner city Lichtenfelsgasse 2 Fire station Vienna City Hall
Fire protection section 11
Erioll world.svg Fire station Vienna General Hospital (AKH) Alsergrund Währinger belt 18–20 Fire station of the Vienna General Hospital
Volunteer firefighter
Erioll world.svg Breitenlee volunteer fire department Danube city Breitenleerstraße 268 BW
Erioll world.svg Süßenbrunn volunteer fire department Danube city Süßenbrunner Platz 19 Voluntary fire brigade Vienna-Süßenbrunn
former fire stations
Erioll world.svg Fire station Leopoldau Floridsdorf Leopoldauer Platz The Leopoldau fire station is a listed building ( list entry ). It was closed in 1996, replaced by the new main fire station in Floridsdorf on Josef-Brazdovics-Straße and sold in 2010. Fire station Leopoldau
Erioll world.svg Group watch new building New building Hermanngasse 24 The new group watch building was part of the listed office building for the 6th and 7th district ( list entry ). According to the 10-year plan for the renovation and new construction of guard locations, the guard was closed in April 2012 and handed over to the “helpers of Vienna” as a location for a security competence center. Group watch new building
Erioll world.svg Brigittenau group guard Brigittenau Brigittaplatz 11-13 The Manfred-Ackermann-Hof, a community building with the Brigittenau fire station, is under monument protection ( list entry ). According to the 10-year plan for the renovation and new construction of guard locations, the guard was closed in April 2012 and handed over to the “helpers of Vienna” as a location for a security competence center. Brigittenau group guard
Erioll world.svg Group watch Kahlenbergerdorf Dobling Wigandgasse 25 The Kahlenbergerdorf fire station is a listed building ( list entry ). According to the 10-year plan for the renovation and new construction of guard sites, the guard was closed in June 2012. The further use of the building is still unclear. Group watch Kahlenbergerdorf


Central fire station

Two fire extinguishers are stationed at the central fire station in Vienna's first district. A large part of the administration (day staff) is also located here. During the day, up to 100 people can be on duty at this fire station.

Main fire station Leopoldstadt

A diving vehicle is stationed at this fire station, as is the Kaisermühlen group station, which is also part of Section 2. The water service is also located here.

Main fire station favorites

For the listed building, see the main fire station in Favoriten

As a special feature, one of the two motorcycle squadrons - consisting of two motorcycles - of the Viennese professional fire brigade has been stationed here since October 14, 1997. The main areas of use are the Viennese city highways, in order to get to the place of use more quickly through traffic jams, especially in the event of an accident. In 2010, however, it was decommissioned again due to the high risk potential. The superstructures on the motorcycles were dismantled again. The motorcycles are now used at major events related to the fire service, for example the Vienna fire service run. A motorcycle stands in the fire station town hall.

Main fire station Mariahilf

For the listed building see main fire station Mariahilf

The specialty of the main fire station in Mariahilf are the inspection smoke collectors of the Viennese professional fire brigade, who are responsible for all of Vienna and have their only base in the city with their specially equipped vehicles.

Main fire station Donaustadt

This watch is a so-called pollutant main watch, it has special vehicles for the use of pollutants as well as specially trained staff. The pollutant training takes place on this guard and the two other guards belonging to Section 8.

Fire stations

Fire station town hall

Fire station town hall

Main article: City Hall Fire Station

The fire station Rathaus or coll. Town Hall Station is a fire station in the Vienna City Hall . It is subordinate to the professional fire brigade Vienna, but does not belong to any of the nine fire protection sections.

In addition to the standard fire protection tasks in the town hall, it operates the Vienna disaster control center, which is one of the nine state warning centers . It is responsible for convening the necessary staff in the event of a crisis. In addition to the preventive fire protection in the town hall, she is also responsible for the other official buildings of the municipality of Vienna.

In addition to fire protection tasks, the town hall guard is responsible for personal security in the town hall and in all municipal offices. Another area of ​​responsibility is the issuing of "emergency passports", ie passports that are required at short notice during the night or on weekends and public holidays.

Today (2008) 95 rescue workers are on duty at this station.

The town hall guard was decided by the Vienna City Council under Mayor Karl Seitz as a result of the July revolt in 1927 . She was immediately subordinated to the BF Vienna. Only in the time of Austrofascism from 1934 and then under National Socialism were both the tasks and the command structure changed.

Immediately after the Second World War , it was reinstalled as a fire station for the professional fire department under Mayor Theodor Körner .

Until 1970, the official name was the watch department of the Vienna fire brigade . The employees did not lead the fire brigade, but the police ranks.

AKH fire station

The fire station in the general hospital is run as a company fire brigade, but is integrated into MA 68 and draws its employees from there.

It has a specialized fleet of vehicles and is responsible for fire protection and the maintenance of fire alarm systems in and around the AKH.

Fire school

While the training was previously carried out at a fire station, as is not usual with other fire brigades, restructuring began in 2012. In the course of this restructuring, a fire brigade school was built at the location of the main fire station in Floridsdorf . Around 60 people are expected to complete basic training there each year and 150 firefighters will take advanced courses. In addition, 1,600 places are to be offered for fire house and body protection training courses. Trial operation began in 2012. The official opening took place on September 28, 2015.


In order to remain self-sufficient in the event of a disaster and not have to rely on the supply of others, each of the fire stations also has its own kitchen run by fire service members, which is also responsible for everyday supplies.

Fire Brigade Museum

The Vienna Fire Brigade Museum developed from the exhibits put together by the Vienna Fire Brigade for the 1901 Berlin exhibition “ Fire Protection and Fire Rescue Services ”.

The Vienna Fire Brigade Museum is located on the 1st floor of Am Hof ​​7.


  • Professional fire brigade Vienna: The professional fire brigade of the City of Vienna . Professional Fire Brigade Vienna, Am Hof ​​9, 1010 Vienna, ISBN 3-9501775-0-7 (2nd edition published in 2012).
  • Helmut Bouzek: Vienna and its fire brigade: history and present of fire fighting in Vienna . Vienna State Fire Brigade Association.
  • Hans W. Bousska: Die Wiener Feuerwehr , 2013 Sutton Verlag ISBN 978-3-95400-126-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Mischinger: Die Österreichische Feuerwehrhelme , 2006 page 16, ISBN 3-200-00574-2
  2. indictment against John Stanzig for erase inhibit the burning synagogues in Vienna / November pogrom. (Vg 12f Vr 1379/46, Johann Stanzig, excerpt) (PDF; 442 kB). In: . Retrieved June 2, 2020.
  3. Change at the top of the Vienna fire brigade to ORF -Wien from June 30, 2009, accessed on July 6, 2009
  4. What does the seven alert mean? In: . November 11, 2002, accessed July 11, 2019.
  6. Use of the fire brigade in disaster control -, accessed on April 23, 2013
  7. ^ Professional fire brigade Vienna: The professional fire brigade of the city of Vienna. Professional fire brigade Vienna, Am Hof ​​9, 1010 Vienna, ISBN 3-9501775-0-7 (2nd edition)
  8. a b c City of Vienna reforms the training system of the Viennese professional fire brigade. City hall correspondence, February 16, 2012, archived from the original on April 26, 2012 ; accessed on July 9, 2018 .
  9. a b c d Restructuring of the Viennese professional fire department. In: 2011, archived from the original on September 11, 2012 ; accessed on July 9, 2018 .
  10. a b c Stefanie Rachbauer: The Vienna fire brigade will need a lot of money in the coming years. In: Courier. February 16, 2012, archived from the original on April 24, 2016 ; accessed on July 9, 2018 .
  11. a b Vienna is getting a future-oriented competence center for security. City hall correspondence, April 12, 2012, archived from the original on May 4, 2016 ; accessed on July 9, 2018 .
  12. Web service of the City of Vienna: Notpass: Passport for certain cases - issue
  13. ^ BF Vienna: New training center opened in Floridsdorf , on, accessed on September 13, 2016
  14. ^ New fire brigade school for Vienna . In: , February 16, 2012, accessed on August 24, 2013.
  15. Fire brigade cooks: Recipes for the disaster on ORF of November 22, 2016, accessed on November 22, 2016

Web links

Commons : Professional Fire Brigade Vienna  - Collection of images, videos and audio files