Figures from Breaking Bad

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This is a list of characters from the Breaking Bad television series .

main characters

Walter White

Bryan Cranston (2012)
Walter "Walt" Hartwell White ( Bryan Cranston ) is a super-qualified high school - chemistry teacher from Albuquerque , New Mexico at the age of 50 years, lung cancer is detected. As a result of the diagnosis, he begins to manufacture the drug crystal meth in order to use the proceeds to pay for the treatment not financed by his health insurance and, if necessary, to ensure the financial security of his family beyond his eventual death.

Together with his fellow student Elliot Schwartz , he founded Gray Matter Technologies after completing their studies . While Walter, as a brilliant chemist, tended to contribute the scientific solutions, Elliot managed the economic problems they faced. After ending the relationship with his laboratory assistant Gretchen , he met Skyler Lambert and later married her. When Skyler got pregnant, Elliot paid Walter off; For $ 5,000 he gives up his founding stake in the company and takes a job as a chemistry teacher. In the following years, the company made it to the top of the world and was most recently valued at over two billion US dollars, which Walter regularly kept up to date. At first, Walter is a very weak personality who cannot exercise any authority. In order to pay his bills, he has to work in a car wash in addition to his job as a teacher, where he regularly lets his boss Bogdan persuade him to work overtime. Walter is treated with good-natured condescension by his brother-in-law, Hank , a DEA agent. With the knowledge of his cancer, however, Walter becomes considerably more daring and appears more self-confident, as he realizes that he has little to lose. According to his own statements, he can then sleep properly for the first time in years. At the beginning of the series, Walter uses violence very hesitantly. Over time, however, he has fewer and fewer problems carrying out criminal acts. Nevertheless, he felt scruples about the use of force until his death, even if he was able to suppress it better and better. Walter makes a name for himself on the methamphetamine black market under the pseudonym Heisenberg . Over time, he takes pride in his ability to manipulate people and get his competitors out of the way. With his in-depth knowledge of chemistry, he can often solve problems unconventionally and yet effectively. This ranges from the synthesis of monophosphane and fiery mercury to the extraction of ricin and the construction of a self-firing system. Walter's rise in the criminal underworld increasingly alienates him from his family. Nevertheless, he remains loyal to her and worries about Hank, even though the latter poses a threat to him with his investigation. Walter dies of a gunshot wound in the last episode.

Skyler White

Anna Gunn (2013)
Walter's wife Skyler White ( Anna Gunn ), mother of his son Walter Junior and later his daughter Holly , with whom she is pregnant at the beginning of the series, had various, mostly smaller jobs as a trained accountant . Walter met her when she was working as a hostess in a diner across the street from his former employer . After her marriage, she also wrote short stories and sold small items on eBay . Some time before, she had been working in her trained profession at Beneke Fabricators , where she had an affair with the managing director , who hired her again in the course of the second season. She worries deeply for Walter, but becomes estranged from him due to his secrecy and unexplained absence resulting from his criminal activities. After Walter reveals his illegal activities to her, she helps him by taking over the management of the car wash bought for this purpose, in which cars are laundered for camouflage, but in reality mainly Walter's drug money. Despite the knowledge that her husband is over dead bodies in the drug business, Skyler worries about Walter and keeps her sister and her husband Hank silent. Working together on money laundering brings her closer to Walter again, but also realizes Walter's unscrupulousness, which repels and increasingly scares her. After Walter's escape and his exposure as Heisenberg, she out of necessity moves into a small rented apartment with Walter Junior and Holly and then works part-time in a taxi company.

Jesse Pinkman

Aaron Paul (2012)
Jesse Bruce Pinkman ( Aaron Paul ) is Walters former student and now his partner in the drug business. He grew up in good circumstances but was kicked out by his parents because of his drug addiction. He then moved in with his aunt, whom he looked after until her death, and then stayed in her house, which he believes she has bequeathed to him. He has a younger brother with whom he has a good relationship. Over time, Jesse learns to show initiative instead of just reacting, but this does not always have positive effects. When the two save each other's lives several times, a father-son relationship develops between Jesse and Walter. However, the trust between the two suffers when Jesse realizes that Walter often manipulates him for his own purposes. With the increasing experience he gains from working with Walter, Jesse is becoming more and more equal to his former teacher as a methamphetamine cook. After he realizes that Walter has put the son of his friend Andrea in danger for his own purposes, Jesse finally turns against Walter and tries to bring him down through cooperation with the DEA. After being forced to cook meth as a slave by Todd for an extended period of time , he escapes his captivity thanks to Walter. " El Camino " shows Jesse finally escaping to Alaska .

Hank Schrader

Dean Norris (2012)
Hank Schrader ( Dean Norris ) is a reckless, somewhat rowdy, but successful DEA investigator and Walter's brother-in-law . With a lot of ambition he searches for Heisenberg, but for a long time without realizing that it is Walter. After an unsuccessful attempt at murder by Tuco's cousins, twin brothers Leonel and Marco Salamanca , he is initially paralyzed, but can get upset again due to expensive physiotherapy, which is financed without Hank's knowledge from Walter's drug money, and learns to walk again, even if he is his previous mobility no longer achieved. Especially at the beginning of the series, Hank often seems rough and a little primitive, which is also due to his vulgar language. Behind it, however, is a brilliant mind, especially in forensic matters. In the middle of the fifth season, he identifies Walt as Heisenberg. Fearing that he would be entangled himself, he and his colleague and close friend Steven Gomez decide to investigate on their own. Although the two can trick Walter into looking for his hiding place in the desert and arrest him there, they are shot shortly afterwards by Jack and his gang, who had previously been summoned by Walter and who can no longer stop him after he recognized his brother-in-law.

Marie Schrader

Betsy Brandt (2012)
Marie Schrader ( Betsy Brandt ) is Hank's wife, Skyler's sister and thus Walter's sister-in-law, who works in a medical practice as a medical-technical radiology assistant. She does not hesitate to give good advice to others, but has problems of her own, including a tendency to kleptomania , which is why she receives psychotherapy. When the depressed Hank doesn't want to leave the hospital, she manages to convince him to go home with her by winning the bet that manual stimulation can give him an erection . After learning of Walt's involvement in the drug trade, she turns on her brother-in-law at her husband's side, but continues to try to protect Skyler and the children, partly because her sister does not tell her how long she has been about Walt's illegal activities Machinations knew. She almost always wears purple-colored clothes and always refers to Hank's mineral collection as stones , which annoys him very much.

Walter White Jr./ "Flynn"

RJ Middle (2013)
Walter Junior ( RJ Mitte ) is a teenager and the son of Walter and Skyler White. He was born with infantile cerebral palsy and therefore has difficulty speaking and walking, which is why he has to rely on crutches. His father's strange behavior leads him to want others to call him "Flynn" . When Walter and Skyler separated for the first time, he stuck to his father. Walter Junior is only informed about his father's criminal machinations by his mother and aunt in the last few episodes. In the subsequent argument between his parents, he takes his mother's side and moves into a rented apartment with her, while his father fled. He later hands over his remaining money of 9.7 million US dollars to Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz and forces the two to pay this money to his son on his 18th birthday in the form of an irrevocable trust without telling him where it came from originates.

Saul Goodman

Bob Odenkirk (2013)
Saul Goodman ( Bob Odenkirk ), whose real name is James Morgan McGill , is a self-confident attorney who is not always too strict about the law. Although his law firm is located in a cheap shopping center and he aggressively solicits clients for accident consequences and product liability claims on local television, he is a highly competent lawyer who is always able to find loopholes for his clients . Walter and Jesse use his good connections in the criminal milieu several times and entrust him with their income from the drug business for money laundering and storage. He is very profit-oriented and always looking for his own benefit , but occasionally also shows himself to be a benevolent advisor. When Walter White is exposed, Saul decides to go into hiding, as he fears on the one hand that he will be murdered as an accomplice. On the other hand, he is afraid of the law enforcement agencies. He goes to Nebraska and starts a fresh start there as a branch manager in a Cinnabon under the name Gene Takovic.

The character will later have its own offshoot based on their previous life, see → Better Call Saul

Gustavo Fring

Giancarlo Esposito (2012)
Gustavo "Gus" Fring ( Giancarlo Esposito ) comes from Chile and lived in Mexico before his immigration to the USA. He is the head of the largest and most influential methamphetamine cartel in the American Southwest. He is very careful and disguises himself, among other things, behind the fast food restaurant chain Los Pollos Hermanos, which he runs, and various charity events. The lawyer Goodman puts the contact to Walter White. In the course of the series he hires Walter White, who is supposed to produce methylamphetamine for him in a specially built super laboratory, which is hidden under a laundry. Gus respects Walter, but does not trust him and, as a tough businessman, has no qualms about getting any dangers out of the way.

In a flashback one learns the reason for his deep hostility to the cartel, to which Héctor Salamanca belonged. After he and Walter became more and more estranged, Gus tried to build Jesse or his protégé Gale against Walt. Hank suspects Gus of being the head of the meth cartel in the US and begins an investigation into him. Gus is killed at the end of the fourth season by a bomb attached to and detonated by Héctor , which was constructed by Walt.

Mike Ehrmantraut

Jonathan Banks (2012)
Michael "Mike" Ehrmantraut ( Jonathan Banks ) is the head of security, cleaner , hit man and the right hand man of Gustavo Fring. He used to work as a police officer in Philadelphia. When Gale is trained to cook methamphetamine on his own, Mike is supposed to eliminate Walter. But after Walter has made himself irreplaceable by Jesse's murder of Gale, Mike regards him with suspicion. Gus and Mike are now trying to build Jesse against Walter. Mike is involved in the assassination of the head of the Mexican cartel around Don Eladio and is seriously injured.

After Walter had Gus murdered, Mike first wants to murder Walter. Out of sheer self-preservation instinct, he first works with him to destroy Gus' video files. Since he is committed to his code of honor, he repeatedly refuses to betray accomplices. After the collapse of Gustavo's cartel, he reluctantly joins Jesse and Walter, but as a result also gets involved with the police relatively quickly. Mike sees Walter as a risk from the start and advises Jesse to avoid it. After the police uncovered the financing system of the former accomplices and watched Mike constantly, Mike decides to get out. After Mike refuses to reveal the names of those in prison to Walter, accusing Walter of his ambitions, he is shot by Walter.

Todd Alquist

Jesse Plemons (2007)
Todd Alquist ( Jesse Plemons ) is an employee of the exterminator company Vamonos Pest, which Walter and Jesse use as a cover. It is later revealed that Todd's uncle Jack is leading a gang that has commissioned Walter to kill ten inmates in three prisons within a time frame of just two minutes. After helping Walter, Jesse and Mike steal methylamine from a train, Todd kills a boy who happened to be there and who would otherwise have been a risk as a witness. He later takes on Jesse's role as a lab assistant after Jesse and Mike retired from the business. After Walt also gets out, he continues to cook for Declan , but is released by the latter after a laboratory accident. Since Declan refuses Lydia's request to work with Todd again, she has Todd kill Declan and his men with the help of his uncle Jack and his gang. Todd is given responsibility for production. To meet Lydia's desire for high quality, Todd persuades his uncle and Walter to spare Jesse for the time being. He holds Jesse prisoner to use him successfully as an assistant. After Walter has eliminated almost the entire gang, Jesse finally manages to strangle Todd with his bonds.

Lydia Rodarte-Quayle

Laura Fraser (2017)
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle ( Laura Fraser ) is head of logistics at Madrigal , a highly diversified conglomerate under the guise of which criminal ancillary business was also carried out. She was responsible for procuring the precursor methylamine for Gustavo Fring. After his murder, she fears the police investigation and tries to have Mike Ehrmantraut and all those who know him murdered. Eventually she becomes part of Mike and Walter White's organization. After Mike's death she works with Walter and also takes over the distribution of methamphetamine in the Czech Republic . She then allies herself with Declan , but then lets Jack's gang eliminate him and his followers , with whom she then works together. Shortly before his own death, Walter White told Lydia by phone that he had poisoned her with ricin , whereupon Lydia presumably died.

Minor characters


Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Steven "Gomie" Gomez

Agent Steven Gomez ( Steven Michael Quezada ) is an investigator at the DEA field office in Albuquerque and partner and a close and loyal friend of Hank , whose derogatory remarks about Mexicans do not provoke him. Despite initial doubts, he supports him when the investigation turns against Gustavo Fring . He and Hank are shot by Jack.

George Merkert

Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) George Merkert ( Michael Shamus Wiles ) is initially the head of the DEA branch in Albuquerque and therefore Hank's superior.

SAC Ramey

Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Ramey ( Todd Terry ) is the director of the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) and manager of George Merkert, whom he later replaces with the promotion of Hank.


Agent Vanco ( JD Garfield ) is a DEA agent who works at EPIC and criticizes Hank for not speaking Spanish. The explosion of Tortuga's severed head ripped off one of his lower legs.

Albuquerque Police Department

Tim Roberts

Detective Tim Roberts ( Nigel Gibbs ) is an APD homicide investigator and a friend and former colleague of Hank. He is investigating the disappearance of Walter in the second season and is also involved in the investigation into the Boetticher case.

Detective Kalanchoe

Detective Kalanchoe ( Gonzalo Menendez ) is an investigator for the APD. He and his partner Munn question Jesse after he told the treating doctors that Brock's poisoning was caused by ricin. In a later interrogation they try to find out from Jesse why he threw large amounts of money out of a moving car, but then leave him to Hank.

Detective Munn

Detective Munn ( Jason Douglas ) is, like his partner Detective Kalanchoe, an investigator for the APD.


Detective Getz ( DJ Qualls ) is an undercover cop for the APD who arrests Badger for selling methamphetamine.

Gus' organization

Maximino Arciniega

Maximino "Max" Arciniega ( James Martinez ) is the partner of Gustavo Fring, who financed his training as a chemist at the University of Santiago and with whom he goes to Mexico to found the Los Pollos Hermanos fast food chain , as well as producing methamphetamine for the cartel. He is shot by Héctor on the orders of Eladio Vuente in front of Gustavo.

Gale Boetticher

Gale Boetticher ( David Costabile ) is a chemist specializing in X-ray crystallography , who received a grant from Gustavo Fring and designed the “Superlab” for him. The vegan , who describes himself as a libertarian and nerd , admires Walter's technical skills, whom he assists in methamphetamine production, and gives him the book of grass by his favorite author Walt Whitman along with a dedication . Jesse replaces Gale as laboratory assistant. However, Gus later reinstates him to build him up as Walter White's successor. Walter has Gale murdered by Jesse, making himself irreplaceable for Gus. The book puts Hank on Walter's trail last season.

Duane Chow

Duane Chow ( James Ning ) is the owner of Golden Moth Chemical , which supplied the precursor methylamine to Gustavo Fring.

Ron Forenall

Ron Forenall ( Russ Dillen ) is a foreman at a Madrigal warehouse in Houston , where he acts as Lydia's contact for methylamine diversion. After his arrest, Lydia wants to have him removed, but Mike protects him. After Walt shot Mike, he and nine other employees were murdered in prison by liaison officers from Jack's gang on behalf of Walter White .

Barry Goodman

Dr. Barry Goodman, MD ( JB Blanc ) is the chief medical officer of the medical crew that Gustavo Fring hired and stationed in Mexico to provide emergency medical care for him, Mike and Jesse after the cartel attack. Despite having the same surname, he has no relation to Saul Goodman.

Tire putty

Tyrus Kitt ( Ray Campbell ) is a follower of Gustavo Fring and takes over the duties of Victor after his death. He is killed together with Gustavo by the pipe bomb built by Walter White, which Héctor Salamanca detonates.

Chris Mara

Chris Mara ( Christopher King ) is a member of Mike's security team. After Gus' death and the confiscation of all dangerous allowances, the confidentiality of the employees was jeopardized, which is why, contrary to Mike Lydia's order, he accepts Lydia's order to murder the employees, which he also succeeds at Duane Chow. When trying to lure Mike into a trap, he is shot by the latter.

Dennis Markowsky

Dennis Markowsky ( Mike Batayeh ) is the manager of the Lavandería Brillante laundry , where the hidden superlab is located. He is murdered in his prison cell by Jack's liaison officers pouring a flammable liquid over him and setting it on fire.


Victor ( Jeremiah Bitsui ) is a loyal follower of Gustavo Fring, for whom he carries out various responsible jobs, but who kills him unprepared with a box knife in front of Walter, Jesse and Mike .

Dan Wachsberger

Daniel "Dan" Wachsberger ( Chris Freihofer ) is a lawyer who legally represents nine employees of Gustavo Fring after his death and who paid them via secret lockers, for which he himself was arrested. He and his clients are murdered in prison by Jack and his gang's liaison officers.

Juarez cartel

Juan Bolsa

Juan Bolsa ( Javier Grajeda ) is a senior member of the Juárez cartel under Don Eladio and responsible for contact with Gustavo Fring . He orders the cousins to behead the DEA informant Tortuga and attaches the severed skull to a turtle using a mercury switch connected to "four to five ounces" of plastic explosives , killing one police officer and injuring three others, some seriously . Bolsa was later shot dead by Mexican federal police officers in his own property on the initiative of Gustavo while he was on the phone.


Gaff ( Maurice Compte ) is Don Eladio's security chief and envoy for his concerns north of the border, in the latter function as the successor to Tuco after his death. He leads the first attack on a “Pollos Hermanos” refrigerator truck that is carrying a shipment of methamphetamine, and later informs Gustavo of the cartel's ultimatum to hand over the formula for the blue methamphetamine. He later kills one of Gustavo's employees on the chicken farm with a sniper rifle from almost a kilometer away, but spares Gustavo, who opposes him as a target. Gaff is present when Gustavo poisons the leaders of the cartel and is killed by Mike with a garrotte .


Gonzo ( Jesus Payan ) is Tuco's brother-in-law and one of his leading followers. While trying to give his colleague No-Doze a funeral, he is trapped in the auto parts junkyard, almost completely severing his arm and bleeding to death.


No-Doze ( Cesar Garcia ) is also one of Tuco's leading henchmen who gave him a rude remark to Walter and Jesse that they should always remember who they were working for (which makes this one angry) Beats Faust to death.

Hector Salamanca

Héctor "Tío" (Spanish: "Uncle" ) Salamanca ( Mark Margolis ) is the uncle of Tuco and his cousins ​​Leonel and Marco Salamanca and has been a high-ranking member of the Juárez cartel under Don Eladio for a long time . He is dependent on a wheelchair and cannot speak, but can articulate himself over a bell. He spent 17 years in San Quentin without ever cooperating with the authorities. He and Gustavo Fring share a deep enmity that goes back to the time when Héctor shot Gustavo's partner Max on the orders of Don Eladio . Gustavo takes revenge on Héctor by ensuring that all male members of his family die before him. Héctor finally allies himself with Walter, who constructs an explosive device with which Héctor blows himself up as well as the Gustavo and his follower Tire who are present .

Leonel & Marco Salamanca

The twins Leonel and Marco Salamanca ( Daniel and Luis Moncada ) are the nephews of Héctor, who has impressed on them the importance of family since their earliest childhood. Later both work as contract killers for the cartel, where they carry out their murders without any visible emotions and always without a word, preferably with a steel ax . After her cousin Tuco was killed, she instructs her uncle Héctor to murder Walter White, but Gustavo Fring, informed by Mike, prevents this at the last second and asks her to spare Walter for three months while he is still working for him. Instead, Gustavo releases Hank for them to shoot down, although such direct conflicts with the police north of the border are actually avoided. He himself also warns Hank by phone shortly before the cousins ​​arrive, which gives him the opportunity to run over Leonel in the car and shoot him with his gun and a hollow-point bullet that Marco had previously dropped. Leonel is seriously injured and taken to the hospital, where both lower legs have to be amputated. There Gustavo distracts the police present with food he has donated, while Mike, who has been assigned by him, kills Leonel with an injection.

Tuco Salamanca

Raymond Cruz (2009)

Tuco Salamanca ( Raymond Cruz ) is a sociopathic drug lord in Albuquerque, for whom Walter and Jesse initially produce methamphetamine for a short time, and the main antagonist of the first two seasons. His unpredictable violence is directed against both Jesse and his own people, but not against Walter, whom he respects for his superior product, intelligence, business style and courage. Because his followers are arrested by the DEA after Gonzo's disappearance and he himself fears being caught, he kidnaps Walter and Jesse in his car to a remote hut in the desert and plans to have his cousins ​​bring them both to Mexico. where they are supposed to cook methamphetamine on a large scale in a super laboratory hidden in the jungle for the cartel. Walter and Jesse try to poison him with ricin, but he is warned by his paralyzed uncle Héctor , who can only articulate himself over a bell. Tuco brings Jesse outside to kill him, but Jesse manages to knock down Tuco, who is distracted by Walter, with a stone, take his pistol away from him in a scramble and shoot him in the stomach, but not to kill him in a defenseless state. When Walter and Jesse try to flee with his car, they notice an arriving car that they take to be the cousin's, but it is Hank, who was able to locate Jesse's car using a GPS anti-theft device. After he is attacked by the bleeding Tuco with his assault rifle , he returns fire and kills Tuco with a targeted head shot. Hank then receives Tucos Grill (tooth jewelry) as a gift from the DEA , but later throws it into the Rio Grande .


Danny Trejo (2009)

"Tortuga" ( Danny Trejo ) is a DEA informant in El Paso with direct connections to the innermost circle of the cartel. On the instructions of Juan Bolsa , he was beheaded by Tuco's cousins . His head was attached to a turtle (span. "Tortuga" ) that was left running in the desert at the meeting point agreed with the police, including the greeting message "HOLA DEA" ( Eng . "HELLO DEA" ) written on the tank . Removing the head detonates an explosive device hidden inside , killing one officer and wounding three others.

Eladio Vuente

Steven Bauer (2008)

Don Eladio Vuente ( Steven Bauer ) is the head of the Juárez cartel and client of Juan Bolsa , Héctor Salamanca and " the cousins ". He first met Gustavo in 1989 when he and his partner Max suggested that he produce methamphetamine for the cartel. Because they had manipulated him for the meeting, he had Max shot by Héctor, but spared Gustavo on the grounds that he knew his past from Chile, and later used him as the main person responsible for distributing his methamphetamine in the US Southwest. After the death of Juan Bolsa as well as the cousins ​​and Gustavo's decision to produce the methamphetamine himself with Walter's help, he seeks retaliation by having Gaff kill Gustavo's followers and intercept deliveries of methamphetamine. Gustavo pretends to accept his demands (the formula for Walter's blue methamphetamine, a chemist, and 50% of the income) and travels with Mike and Jesse to Don Eladio, where Jesse successfully demonstrates Walter's recipe. Gustavo uses the subsequent celebration to use a ruse to poison ten capos present, including Don Eladio, as well as his bodyguard and chief chemist.

Independent drug dealers


Declan ( Louis Ferreira ) is the leader of a methamphetamine cartel from Phoenix . Mike contacts him to sell him the methylamine, but the deal falls through because of Walter, who does not want to give up his stake. Instead, Declan buys the finished methamphetamine from Walter and, after his resignation, commissions Todd with the production. After this causes a fire, Declan refuses to cooperate, which is why he and his followers are murdered by Jack's gang on Lydia's behalf .

Emilio Koyama

Emilio Koyama ( John Koyama ) is a school friend of Jesse's and has cooked methamphetamine with him on a small scale. After he was arrested during a raid and soon afterwards released on bail, he thinks Jesse is a spy and forces him to bring him and his cousin Krazy-8 to Walter, whom he recognizes from the raid. Before they intend to kill Jesse and Walter, they want the latter to demonstrate the recipe for his high quality methamphetamine, but Emilio is killed by a ruse by instead producing monophosphane .


Domingo "Krazy-8" Molina ( Maximino Arciniega ) was the actual police spy who betrayed Jesse and Emilio's laboratory to the DEA. He survived the monophosphine attack but was held captive in Jesse's house. Walter and Jesse decide who should murder him, but Walter doesn't have the heart to do so at first. When Walter realizes that he cannot release him without being killed in revenge, he strangles him.

Jack Welker

"Uncle" Jack Welker ( Michael Bowen ) is Todd's uncle and the leader of a gang that uses white power symbolism and murders those in prison on Walter's behalf. At first, Jack and his followers prove to be cooperative with Walter, but later it turns out that they do not see him as an authority: Despite Walter's request to the contrary, they go to the desert, where he was arrested by Hank and Steve, and open fire the two. Steve is killed immediately, the seriously injured Hank, however, only afterwards by Jack's hand, although Walter begs him not to. From then on, Walter is hostile to Jack and ends up taking revenge by shooting all gang members.


Kenny ( Kevin Rankin ) is a senior member of Jack's gang and acts as his right-hand man. He is responsible for the technology in the group and uses an AA-12 self-loading shotgun as a weapon . He dies from Walter's self-shot system in the last episode.

Jesse's friends and family

Andrea Cantillo

Emily Rios (2006)

Andrea Cantillo ( Emily Rios ) is a young woman who Jesse meets at a Narcotics Anonymous session, where he was supposed to sell drugs. After learning that she is a single mother, he abandons this plan. Although she turns out to be the sister of Tomás Cantillo, the killer of his friend Combo , the two later have a relationship, which Jesse ends because he is afraid of the moment when he has to confess his illegal activities to her. Andrea is shot dead in front of Jesse's eyes by Todd in the series finale, but her son Brock is left alive to break Jesse's resistance to continuing to cook methamphetamine for the gang.

Brock Cantillo

Brock Cantillo ( Ian Posada ) is Andreas' rather shy son. Towards the end of the fourth season he is poisoned by Walter with lilies of the valley in the conflict between Walter, Gustavo and Jesse, but survives.

Jane Margolis

Krysten Ritter (2011)

Jane Margolis ( Krysten Ritter ) is the daughter of Donald Margolis and the landlady and temporary friend of Jesse . She blackmailed Walter after he had withheld his share from Jesse because he endangered the joint production of methamphetamine through his drug use. After using heroin together with him, she vomits in her sleep and suffocates from it, which is observed by Walter, who does nothing about it.


Brandon "Badger" Mayhew ( Matt L. Jones ) is a friend of Jesse's, whom he and combo and skinny Pete sell methamphetamine on the street. He is caught and arrested by the police, but is released again through a deal negotiated by Saul with the magistrate, in which he, instead of his real supplier Heisenberg, betrays the prisoner Jimmy In-'N-Out , who is 44 58 years of age in prison and paid $ 80,000 to Saul for his role as scapegoat Walter and Jesse. In the end, he and Skinny Pete work with Walter one last time to intimidate Elliott and Gretchen.


Christian "Combo" Ortega ( Rodney Rush ) is also a friend of Jesse, for whom he also sold methamphetamine on the street until he was shot by Andreas brother Tomás Cantillo on behalf of two competing street dealers. Combo, in turn, had provided Jesse with the RV that Jesse and Walter had used as a laboratory. In his investigation, Hank made a connection between Jesse and Combo.

Skinny Pete

Even "Skinny" Pete ( Charles Baker ) is a friend of Jesse and sold for that methamphetamine on the street, is shot to his colleague combo. He was in jail with Tuco Salamanca for a while and was therefore able to establish contact between him and Jesse. When buying the transport boxes in a music store, he demonstrates that he can play the piano very well.

Adam & Diane Pinkman

Adam Pinkman ( Michael Bofshever ) and Diane Pinkman ( Tess Harper ) are the parents of Jesse and Jake Pinkman.

Jake Pinkman

Jake Pinkman ( Ben Petry ) is Jesse's younger, gifted brother whom her parents think highly of. To protect him, Jesse takes on the blame when the housekeeper finds a joint that belongs to Jake.


Wendy ( Julia Minesci ) is a methamphetamine addicted street prostitute who has helped Jesse on several occasions.

Saul Goodman employees and business partners

Shell babineaux

left Lavell Crawford (2011)

Huell Babineaux ( Lavell Crawford ) is Saul's heavyweight bodyguard and henchman, whose pickpocket skills have been demonstrated twice on Jesse. Huell takes Walter's $ 80 million out of the hiding place on Walter's instructions. Hank later uses Huell for a trick that Walter uses to lead Hank and Gomez to his new hiding place in the desert without realizing it.

Ed Galbraith

Robert Forster (2009)

Ed Galbraith ( Robert Forster ) is a contact person for Saul who specializes in equipping fugitives with a new identity and making them disappear. To camouflage he runs Best Quality Vacuum , a shop with a repair service for vacuum cleaners. For its special services, ask for a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro Model 60 .

Francesca Liddy

Francesca Liddy ( Tina Parker ) is Saul Goodman's secretary and receptionist. She pretended to be a policewoman on the phone on behalf of Walter to lure Hank from the junkyard where Walter and Jesse were hiding in the camper with the news that Marie was seriously injured in the hospital.

Patrick Kuby

Patrick Kuby ( Bill Burr ) is a former Boston cop and co-worker with Huell Saul. As a fake environmental inspector, he helped the Whites buy Bogdan's car wash for a low price. He and Huell later force Ted to pay his tax debts. He also helps Walter and Mike steal the methylamine from the tank truck as a distraction.

James Kilkelly

James Kilkelly aka Jimmy In-'N-Out ( Jimmy Daniels ) is a professional criminal who has spent 44 of his 58 years in various prisons for various offenses and offers the service of going to jail for other people against payment. To play the scapegoat, identified by Badger as the alleged Heisenberg, he receives $ 30,000 and a pound of methamphetamine from Walter and Jesse (another $ 50,000 goes to his attorney, Saul Goodman, as a "referral fee").

Other characters

Hugo Archuleta

Hugo Archuleta ( Pierre Barrera ) was a janitor at Walter White's High School until his criminal record led to the suspicion of stealing laboratory equipment that Walt had actually stolen, after which a search found marijuana in his car.

Ted Beneke

Theodore "Ted" Beneke ( Christopher Cousins ) is the managing owner of Beneke Fabricators , a construction materials maker where Skyler White was an accountant. He has a brief affair with Skyler. After he refuses to pay his tax debts, Skyler tries to force him with Huell and Kuby. When the two managed to get Ted to sign a check, he tried to escape and stumbled over a fold of carpet, breaking his neck, but survived. It is mentioned that he may remain paraplegic forever. His further fate is no longer spoken of in the series.


Clovis ( Tom Kiesche ) is Badger's cousin, who runs a towing service and a car repair shop.

Louis Corbett

Louis Corbett ( Kyle Swimmer in season 1, Caleb Landry Jones in season 2) is a schoolmate of Walter Jr. , who helped him set up the PayPal account for donations on the website.

Dr. Delcavoli

Dr. Delcavoli ( David House ) is Walter White's doctor and one of the top ten oncologists in the country.

Group leader

The group leader ( Jere Burns ) heads the Narcotics Anonymous group, to which Jesse also temporarily went. He once accidentally ran over his own daughter while intoxicated.

Old Joe

Old Joe ( Larry Hankin ) is the owner of a junkyard. He helps Walter and Jesse to make the mobile home, in which they previously cooked methamphetamine and which the police noticed, disappear. He also keeps Jesse and Walter Hank off their necks, who were led straight to the junkyard by Jesse. He later sold them the electromagnet, as well as 42 car batteries and the transporter, with which Gustavo Fring's laptop was destroyed in the evidence room . Most recently he also builds parts of their mobile laboratory for Walter and Jesse.


Jim Beaver (2011)

Lawson ( Jim Beaver ) is an arms dealer from whom Walter buys his Ruger LCR with a filed serial number and later an M60 .

Donald Margolis

John de Lancie (2012)

Donald Margolis ( John de Lancie ) is Jane's father, whom Walter met by chance in a pub. After her death, he is in despair and makes a fatal mistake while working as an air traffic controller. Two planes collide and 167 people lose their lives. The last thing Walt hears from him is that he is being rushed to the hospital for a gunshot wound he inflicted on himself.

Carmen Molina

Carmen Molina ( Carmen Serano ) is the assistant principal at the school where Walt worked as a chemistry teacher. When she confronts Walt about his deteriorating performance, he tries to kiss her. Since he recently learned of Skyler's affair with Ted, he probably has more of an act of revenge in mind in his confused state. Carmen then fires him.


Pamela ( Julie Dretzin ) is Skyler's divorce attorney.

Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz

Gretchen ( Jessica Hecht ) was Walt's chemistry assistant at college and was in a relationship with him at the same time, he and Elliot Schwartz ( Adam Godley ) were the co-founders of Gray Matter Technologies . After Walt leaves Gretchen without a reason and has his shares in the then still small company paid off, Gretchen marries Walter's student friend Elliot, whereupon the two of them start the company, which was based on Walter's research results, into a company worth over US $ 2 billion - Build up dollars. Walter ends up using the two of them to give his family the rest of his money.

Drew Sharp

Drew Sharp ( Samuel Webb ) is a boy on his journey by motorcycle in the desert to tarantulas catch, happened to witness is a methylamine theft from a tank truck. That's why he is shot by Todd.


"Spooge" ( David Ury ) is a drug addict who stole methamphetamine from Skinny Pete and is later intoxicated in the presence of Jesse by his drug addict girlfriend who, after repeatedly insulting her, found the support of a stolen one ATM removed causing him to crush his head.

Holly White

Holly White (Season 4: Haven Tomlin, Season 5: Elanor Anne Wenrich and Moira Bryg MacDonald) is Walter and Skyler's daughter, who is born in the second season. In the fifth season, Walter abducts her temporarily when the other family members turn against him for good.

Bogdan Wolynetz

Bogdan Wolynetz ( Marius Stan ) is Walt's employer in the A1A car wash. Walter and Skyler later buy the plant from him and operate it themselves in order to use it to launder Walter's drug money.


Individual evidence

  1. Sean T. Collins: Betsy Brandt on Marie's Purple Reign , August 22, 2013