List of Latin and Greek words in biological systematics

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The list of Latin and Greek words in biological systematics is for understanding scientific names of organisms. The binary nomenclature and some names for higher taxa , e.g. for orders , are mainly based on Latin and ancient Greek .

When Carl von Linné (1707–1778, also known as "Carolus Linnaeus") published the books that are now considered the basis of binary nomenclature, the language of science in Western Europe was Latin, and scientific names were Latin or Greek. Linné continued this practice.

Often a generic name or a species name is simply the Latin or Greek word for the living being, so canis is Latin for "dog". These words are not included in the list if they only appear in a few taxa. The list of terms contains words that appear in species of different genera.

There are three different cases of Latin adjectives : If only one ending is given, it is a single-ended adjective - the given ending applies to masculine, feminine and neuter (example: velox ; participle like reptans ). If two endings are given, one applies to masculine and feminine and the other to the neuter (examples: acaulis , -e ; borealis , -e ). For three-ended adjectives, all three gender endings are given.

Often, Latin and Greek numerals are used as components of the species epithet when the number of a certain feature is characteristic of a species. The numerical words are therefore listed in advance; in the alphabetical list, reference is made to the numerical one.

For the sake of simplicity, only the roots of the words are sometimes mentioned.

Word list

Legend: L = Latin, G = Greek


Numeral Latin / Greek Examples
1 L un-; G hen ἕν Monotropa uniflora
2 L you (o), bi (s); G dyo, di (s) δύο, δίς Dipodium punctatum
3 L tres, tria; G tria, tri (s) τρία, τρίς Kittiwake , Rissa tridactyla
4th L quattuor; G tettares, tetra (kis) τέτταρες, τετράκις Four-leaved nailweed , Polycarpon tetraphyllum ; Land vertebrates , tetrapoda
5 L quinque; G pente πέντε Chalcides pentadactylus
6th L sex; G hex ἕξ Ludwigia hexapetala
7th L septem; G ἑπτά, ἑβδο- Seven-spotted ladybird , Coccinella septempunctata
8th L octo; G okto ὀκτώ Common octopus , Octopus vulgaris
9 L novem; G ennea ἐννέα Nine-banded armadillo , Dasypus novemcinctus ; Oxalis enneaphylla ; Diamondfish, Enneacanthus obesus
10 L decem; G deka δέκα Colorado beetle , Leptinotarsa ​​decemlineata ; Nordic slime head , Beryx decadactylus
11 L undecim; G hendeka ἕνδεκα
12 L duodecim; G dodeka δώδεκα Dodecatheon hendersonii , Dodecatheon hendersonii
13 L tredecim; G τρεῖς καὶ δέκα Thirteen-point ladybug , Hippodamia tredecimpunctata
14th L quattuordecim; G τέτταρες καὶ δέκα


word origin meaning Examples
acaulis, -e G ἄκαυλος trunkless Koch's gentian , Gentiana acaulis ; Stemless thistle , Cirsium acaule
acutus, -a, -um L. pointed, pointed American crocodile , Crocodylus acutus ; Pintail , Anas acuta
agrestis, -e L. from the field, wild Earth vole , Microtus agrestis ; Field speedwell , Veronica agrestis
albus, -a, -um L. White Snow ibis , Eudocimus albus ; American white oak , Quercus alba ; White berry mistletoe , Viscum album
americanus, -a, -um L. American American black bear , Ursus americanus
ampullatus, -a, -um L. bottle-shaped Northern duck whale , Hyperoodon ampullatus
angustifolius, -a, -um L. narrow-leaved Narrow-leaved vetch , Vicia angustifolia ; Narrow-leaved hollow tooth , Galeopsis angustifolia
anthropos G ἄνθρωπος human Paranthropus
archaeo- G ἀρχαῖος, ἀρχαιο- primeval, old Archeopteryx
arctos G ἄρκτος bear Grizzly bear , Ursus arctos horribilis ; Real bearberry , arctostaphylos uva-ursi
argentatus, -a, -um L. silver, silvery Herring gull , Larus argentatus
arvensis, -e L. from the field Skylark , Alauda arvensis
astron, astro, astero G ἄστρον, ἀστρο-, ἀστερο- star Starfish (class), Asteroidea
aureus, -a, -um L. golden Golden jackal , Canis aureus ; Staphylococcus aureus (bacterium)
australis, -e L. southern Southern right whale , Eubalaena australis


word origin meaning Examples
baccatus, -a, -um L. Carrying berries European yew , Taxus baccata
bi- L. 2 Mussels , bivalvia
blandus, -a, -um L. flattering, enticing Balkan anemone , Anemone blanda
borealis, -e L. north Northern smooth dolphin , Lissodelphis borealis
brachion G βραχίων poor Arm pods , Brachiopoda (animal strain), Brachiopoda ; Brachiosaurus
brachys, brachy- G βραχῦς, βραχυ- short Saddleback toads , Brachycephalidae (family)
bradys, brady- G βραδῦς, βραδυ- slowly Three-toed sloth (family), Bradypodidae
branchia L, G βράγχια Gills Gill pods , Branchiopoda (class)
brevis, -e L. short Silver cheek hornbill , Bycanistes brevis


word origin meaning Examples
caecus, -a, -um L. blind Blind mole , Talpa caeca
caeruleus, -a, -um L. blue Blue tit , Cyanistes caeruleus ; Blue passion flower , Passiflora caerulea
canadensis, -e L. Canadian Bighorn sheep , Ovis canadensis
canus, -a, -um L. gray (hairy), pale Gray woodpecker , Picus canus
cauda L. tail Tail tit , Aegithalos caudatus
caul- G καυλός Stem, stem Kochscher gentian , Gentiana acaulis
cephalic G κεφαλή head Black- headed gull , Larus melanocephalus
chilensis, -e L. Chilean Seven-color tangare , Tangara chilensis
chlorοs G χλωρός green Common Common Rail , Gallinula chloropus
clavatus, -a, -um L. club-shaped Club moss , Lycopodium clavatum
cnem- G κνήμη Lower leg, (shin) leg Blue feather dragonfly , Platycnemis pennipes
corax G κόραξ Crow, raven Common raven , Corvus corax
coronatus, -a, -um L. crowned Crowned Lemur , Eulemur coronatus
costatus, -a, -um L. ribbed Line horned catfish , Platydoras costatus
crassus, -a, -um L. thick River mussel , Unio crassus ; Salt cress , Lepidium crassifolium
cristatus, -a, -um L. carrying a comb Aardwolf , Proteles cristatus
crocos G κρόκος yellow Saffron , Crocus sativus ; Field shrew , Crocidura leucodon
cyanos G κυανός blue Blue Magpie , Cyanopica cyana


word origin meaning Examples
dactylοs G δάκτυλος Finger, toe Kittiwake , Rissa tridactyla
deca G 10
decem L. 10
decidua L. Shedding leaves, deciduous European larch , Larix decidua
the MA G δέρμα skin Carbolegerling , Agaricus xanthoderma
di- G 2
dino, dino G δεινο- dreadful Dinosaur , Deinotherium
dioicus, -a, -um G di 2 , οἶκος house dioecious Great nettle , Urtica dioica ; Forest goat's beard , Aruncus dioicus
diplo- G διπλο- double Diploglena capensis , Diploglena capensis
dodeca G 12
dolicho- G δολιχο- extended Anolis dolichocephalus , Anolis dolichocephalus
domesticus, -a, -um L. Home, tame House Sparrow , Passer domesticus
dorsum L. move Back-striped weasel , Mustela strigidorsa
dulcis, -e L. sweet Almond , Prunus dulcis


word origin meaning Examples
eburneus, -a, -um L. ivory colored Ivory Gull , Pagophila eburnea
echinatus, -a, -um G ἐχῖνος prickly Procambarus echinatus , Procambarus echinatus ; Pinus echinata , Pinus echinata
echin- G ἐχῖνος Hedgehog-; prickly Beehive thistle , Echinops sphaerocephalus ; Echinopsis pachanoi
edulis, -e L. edible European oyster , Ostrea edulis ; Common cockle ; Cerastoderma edule ; Purple granadilla , Passiflora edulis
elatior, -us L. bigger, higher Tall cowslip , Primula elatior ; Common oat , Arrhenatherum elatius
electro- G ἤλεκτρον 1. amber
2. electric (modern use)
Flat beak motmot , electron platyrhynchum ; Electric
eel , Electrophorus electricus
enanti G ἔναντι opposite Enantiornithes
ennea G 9
ensatus, -a, -um L. like a sword Dicamptodon ensatus (family of giant cross-toothed newts )
ensis L. Long sword Ensis minor ; Juncus ensifolius
erectus, -a, -um L. upright Homo erectus ("human standing upright"); Upright chickweed , Moenchia erecta
erio- G ἔριον Woolly, woolly Narrow-leaved cottongrass , Eriophorum angustifolium
erosus, -a, -um L. "Gnawed off", jagged Yam bean , Pachyrhizus erosus ; Spiny- edged jointed turtle , Kinixys erosa
erythros, erythro- G ἐρυθρός red Dark water strider , Tringa erythropus ; Dog's tooth lily , Erythronium dens-canis


word origin meaning Examples
familiaris, -e L. common; domesticated, domestic Domestic dog , Canis lupus familiaris
ferrugineus, -a, -um L. rusty, rust-colored Rust-leaved alpine rose , Rhododendron ferrugineum ; Rust-colored carpet shark , Parascyllium ferrugineum
flavus, -a, -um L. yellow Yellow pitcher plant , Sarracenia flava ; Yellow-necked mouse , Apodemus flavicollis
flor- L. flower Evergreen Magnolia , Magnolia grandiflora ; Large-flowered forest lily , Trillium grandiflorum
foetidus, -a, -um L. smelly Smelly hellebore , Helleborus foetidus
folium L. leaf American beech , Fagus grandifolia
fulvus, -a, -um L. ocher, brown Siberian golden plover , Pluvialis fulva ; Yellow ground squirrel , Spermophilus fulvus
fuscus, -a, -um
fuscatus, -a, -um
L. dark, dark brown Black tern , Onychoprion fuscata ; Notomys fuscus


word origin meaning Examples
gaster G γαστήρ Stomach; belly Black-bellied fruit fly , Drosophila melanogaster
geo- G γαία, γῆ earth Common dung beetles , Geotrupes [Auger] stercorarius ; Geosiris aphylla
glaber, glabra, glabrum L. smooth, bare Smooth sumac , Rhus glabra ; Lymnaea glabra (pond snail)
glyc- G γλυκύς sweet Soybean , glycine max
gyrinos G γυρίνος tadpole Gyrinophilus porphyriticus ; Crassigyrinus ; Proterogyrinus


word origin meaning Examples
haemo-, haem- G αἷμα blood Haemosporida ; Haemophilus
halo-, hali- G ὁ ἄλς / ἡ ἅλς salty; from the sea Gray seal , Halichoerus grypus ; Abalones , Haliotis
haplo- G ἁπλόος easy
hedra- G ἕδρα Seat
heli-, helio- G ἥλιος Sun Sunflower , Helianthus annuus ; Midsummer Spurge , Euphorbia helioscopia
hen G 1
hepta-, hebdo- G 7th
hexa- G 6th Thelocactus hexaedrophorus
hippo- G ἵππος horse Seahorses , hippocampus ; Lesser horseshoe bat , Rhinolophus hipposideros
hirsutus, -a, -um L. haired Hairy foam herb , Cardamine hirsuta
homo L. human Human , Homo sapiens ; Neanderthals , Homo neanderthalensis
hortensis L. Garden- Orpheus warbler , Sylvia hortensis
hydro G ὕδωρ, ὑδρο- water Water deer , Hydropotes inermis
hyper- G ὑπέρ over Real St. John's wort , Hypericum perforatum
hypo-, hyp- G ὑπό under Zebra catfish , Hypancistrus zebra ; Common piglet weed , Hypochoeris radicata


word origin meaning Examples
indicus, -a, -um L. Indian Black-backed tapir , Tapirus indicus


word origin meaning Examples
lateralis, -e L. laterally Black paw rock kangaroo , Petrogale lateralis
leucο- G λευκός White White-winged tern , Chlidonias leucopterus
lineatus, -a, -um L. lined, striped Colorado potato beetle , Leptinotarsa ​​decemlineata
luteus, -a, -um L. yellow, golden yellow Yellow vetch , Vicia lutea


word origin meaning Examples
macro- G μακρός long, big Ferocactus macrodiscus
macularius, -a, -um
maculatus, -a, -um
L. spotted Common sandpiper , Actitis macularius
major L. greater Great tit , Parus major
malabaricus, -a, -um L. from Malabar
mauro- G μαυρο- dark black
maximus, -a, -um L. greatest King tern , Sterna maxima
megas G μέγας big Megalodon , Carcharodon megalodon
melano G μέλανος black Black- browed albatross , Thalassarche melanophris
micro- G μικρός small Epithelantha micromeris
minimus, -a, -um L. smallest Garden tyrant , Empidonax minimus
minor L. smaller Great frigate bird , Fregata minor
mono- G μονο- easy
montanus, -a, -um L. Mountain- Tree Sparrow , Passer montanus
morpho- G μορφο- shape
mys G μῦς mouse Phoberomys and Telicomys , see Dinomyidae


word origin meaning Examples
nanus, -a, -um G νάνος dwarf Pineapple nanus
nodosus, -a, -um L. knotty, knot-like Gnarled figwort , Scrophularia nodosa
notho- G νόθος false, bastard, sham False beeches , Nothofagus (genus)
notos G νότος southern Australian jumping mice , Notomys (genus)
novaehollandiae L. from New Holland (Australia) Great emu , Dromaius novaehollandiae
novaeseelandiae L. from New Zealand New Zealand cuckoo owl , Ninox novaeseelandiae
noveboracensis, -e L. from New York Riparian Warbler , Seiurus noveboracensis
novem L. 9


word origin meaning Examples
obscurus, -a, -um L. dark Black dolphin , Lagenorhynchus obscurus
occidentalis, -e L. western, occidental Occidental arborvitae , Thuja occidentalis
oceanicus, -a, -um G Ὠκεανός Marine, sea Posidonia oceanica
octo-, octa- G 8th
-odon, odonto- G οδων , οδους tooth Megalodon , Carcharodon megalodon ; Autumn dandelions , Leontodon autumnale
odoratus, -a, -um L. fragrant, fragrant Woodruff , Galium odoratum ; Common stork grass , Anthoxanthum odoratum
oeos- G tubular Oesophagostomum , Oesophagostomum bifurcum
officinalis, -e L. medicinal; medical Rosemary , Rosmarinus officinalis
oleum L. oil Luminous olive mushroom , Omphalotus olearius
ops G ὤψ face Triceratops ("three-horned face")
opsis G ὄψις Face, appearance Carolina Parakeet , Conuropsis carolinensis
orientalis, -e L. eastern, oriental Common cockroach , Blatta orientalis ; Oriental arborvitae , Thuja orientalis
ortho- G ὀρθο- straight, upright Orthoptera


word origin meaning Examples
pachy G παχύς, παχυ- thick, broad; strong Pachycephalosaurus
palustris, -e L. Swamp- Marsh crocodile , Crocodylus palustris ; Marsh forget-me-not , Myosotis palustris
pan, panto G πάν, παντός all (s), whole Pantopoda
parvus, -a, -um L. small Bergbilchbeutler , Burramys parvus
pedi- L pes , pedis foot Queen lady's slipper , Cypripedium reginae
pelagic G πέλαγος open sea
penning L penna feather Giant aalk , Pinguinus impennis
pennatus, -a, -um L. winged Booted eagle , Aquila pennata
penta- G 5
perennis, -e L from annus year all year round; persistent, constant Perennial tangle , Scleranthus perennis ; Perennial flax , Linum perenne ; Daisies , Bellis perennis
petra G πέτρα Rock, stone
phyll G φύλλον leaf Multi-leaved lupine , Lupinus polyphyllus
physically G φύσις nature
phyt- G φυτόν plant Astrophytum (genus of cacti)
platy- G πλατύς, πλατυ- flat, wide Anatolian trout , Salmo platycephalus
poly- G πολύς, πολυ- much Bird knotweed , Polygonum aviculare
pratensis, -e L. Grasslands- Meadow foxtail , Alopecurus pratensis ; Meadow Clover , Trifolium pratense
proto- G πρῶτος first Proton , Protozoa
pter- G πτερόν Feather, wing White-winged tern , Chlidonias leucopterus
pubescens L. growing up; fluffy Downy oak , Quercus pubescens
pumilus, -a, -um L. dwarf, dwarf Dwarf iris , Iris pumila
punctatus, -a, -um L. dotted Thirteen-point ladybug , Hippodamia tredecimpunctata
purpureus, -a, -um L. purple Purple dead nettle , Lamium purpureum ; Purple cranesbill , Geranium purpureum ; Purple orchid , Orchis purpurea


word origin meaning Examples
repandus, -a, -um L. curved upwards Bread stump mushroom , Hydnum repandum
repens L. 1. crawling (rēpens)
2. suddenly, unexpectedly (rĕpens)
Creeping buttercup , Ranunculus repens ; White clover , Trifolium repens
reptans L. creeping Creeping cinquefoil , potentilla reptans ; Creeping Gunsel , Ajuga reptans
reptilis, -e L. creeping Reptiles , reptilia
rhis, rhinos G ῥις, ῥινός nose Golden round-leaf nose , Rhinonicteris aurantia
rhiza G ῥίζα root Nodule bacteria , Rhizobiaceae
rhynchos G ῥύγχος Beak, snout Mallard , Anas platyrhynchos
rhyti- G ῥυτῖς wrinkled, wrinkled Great Kranzmoos , Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus ; Rhytidodon
rostrum L. Beak, snout, trunk Crossbill , Loxia curvirostra
rostralis, -e
rostratus, -a, -um
L. beaked Hop-billed owl , Hypena rostralis
ruber, rubra, -um L. red Red spurflower , Centranthus ruber ; Red maple , Acer rubrum
rufus, -a, -um L. reddish, red Red wolf , Canis rufus


word origin meaning Examples
sanguis L. blood Canadian tormentil , Sanguinaria canadensis
sapiens L. wise Homo sapiens ("wise man")
sativus, -a, -um L. sown, d. H. cultivated Pea , Pisum sativum
saura G σαύρα lizard Lance fish , alepisaurus ; Maiasaura (dinosaur)
sempervirens L. evergreen Common boxwood Buxus sempervirens
septem L. 7th Nordic striped fern Asplenium septentrionale
new year's eve, silvestris, silvestre L. out of the woods; wild Wild cat , Felis silvestris
sinensis, -e L. from China Tea (plant) , Camellia sinensis
speciosus, -a, -um L. beautiful, well formed; deceptive Queen flower , Lagerstroemia speciosa ; Magnificent lily , Lilium speciosum
sperm G σπέρμα Seeds Parodia microsperma
sphen- G σφήν wedge Bridge lizards , Sphenodon punctatus
stoma G στόμα Mouth, opening
striatus, -a, -um L. striped Mangrove Heron , Butorides striatus
suchοs G Crocodile (from Egyptian ) Eusuchia , see crocodiles ; Koolasuchus , see Temnospondyli
sylvester, sylvestris, sylvestre
sylvaticus, -a, -um
L. out of the woods Forest vetch , Vicia sylvatica ; Field chervil , Anthriscus sylvestris


word origin meaning Examples
tardus, -a, -um; tardi- L. slowly; late
tele-, tel- G τῆλε far away Waratah, Telopea speciosissima
tenuis, -e L. thin, slim, tight
tetra- G 4th
tinctorius, -a, -um L. suitable for dyeing Woad , Isatis tinctoria
tomentosus, -a, -um L. furry Kalanchoe tomentosa
tredecim L. 13
tres, tris, tri- L, G 3
thrix, trich- G θρίξ , Gen. τριχός hair
triquetrus, -a, -um L. triangular Bell leek , Allium triquetrum


word origin meaning Examples
unus L. 1
urens L. burning Small nettle , Urtica urens ; Burning palm , Caryota urens


word origin meaning Examples
variabilis, -e L. changeable, impermanent
variegatus, -a, -um L. different colored Croton (plant) , Codiaeum variegatum
velox, veloci- L. fast Kitfuchs , Vulpes velox ; Velociraptor
ventral, -e L. Belly- Blue-crowned amazon , amazona ventralis
vernus, -a, -um
vernalis, -is, -e
L. Spring Spring gentian , gentiana verna ; Spring Adonis , Adonis vernalis
verrucosus, -a, -um L. warty Javanese pustular pig , Sus verrucosus
verus, -a, -um L. for real Real aloe , aloe vera ; Real bedstraw , Galium verum
villosus, -a, -um L. shaggy, hairy Hairpecker , Picoides villosus ; Shaggy vetch , Vicia villosa
viridis, -e L. green Green alder , Alnus viridis ; Green hollow tongue , Coeloglossum viride
virosus, -a, -um L. toxic Poison lettuce , Lactuca virosa ; Water hemlock , Cicuta virosa
volans L. flying New worldly flying squirrels , Glaucomys volans
vulgaris, -e L. common, common, common Common octopus , Octopus vulgaris ; Common privet , Ligustrum vulgare

W, X, Y, Z

word origin meaning Examples
xantho- G ξανθός yellow Carbolegerling , Agaricus xanthoderma
zygos G ζυγός connected; paired Zygoptera

Notes and sources

  1. File: Ananas nanus 20060514-2.jpg
  2. according to the English article: en: List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names # S

Web links

See also