List of religions and worldviews

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It is difficult to systematize a number of the world's religions and worldviews , as diverse elements interact and there are different understandings of what constitutes a religion or worldview (this is the subject of religious studies , among others ). The systematisation of religion is shaped by the occidental, and even if the classification is applied to currents in other cultures, there is sometimes no comparable term there.

The world: regionally predominant religions.

Indian origin



Other religions of Indian origin

Abrahamic Religions







Popular Islam

  • contains different manifestations and extensions of the Islamic faith and is particularly widespread in Africa and Asia

Religions of Islamic Origin


Ethnic religions, folk religions, and religions of ethnic-religious groups

Local, non-scripted religions of indigenous peoples , (smaller) folk religions and religions of ethnic-religious groups (mainly main articles due to the large number here)

Oriental religions

Central Asian and Far Eastern religions

African religions

American religions


Ethnic Religions of Europe

Neo-ethnic religions of Europe


African American religions

Indian Christian religions

Buddhist-Christian Religions

Buddhist-Shinto religions


Gnosticism and esotericism

European paganism and neo-paganism



Historical religions and mythologies

Religious parodies


Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Gerald Hödl: Lecture: African Religions I (General Overview), winter semester 2002/2003 ( Memento from August 19, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF file; 689 kB), Institute for Religious Studies, University of Vienna.
  2. “For him, before all other sources of law, the Koran , followed by [...] Sunnah and [...] Hadith . […] If the three sources of law did not lead to any knowledge, Ghulam Ahmad referred to the legal tradition of the Hanafi school of law prevailing in South Asia . ”Dietrich Reetz (ed.): Islam in Europe: Religiöses Leben heute. A portrait of selected Islamic groups and institutions . Waxmann, Münster 2010, p. 95 .