NATO bases in Italy

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List of former and current NATO bases in Italy , sorted by region , from north to south. Almost all of the following facilities are or have been operated by the US armed forces , in many cases in collaboration with the Italian military . Some facilities are now only operated by Italy, but are classified as NATO bases.


  • Cameri : NATO military airfield, tri-national tornado logistics
  • Candelo-Masazza ( Vercelli ): US educational institutions



ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on December 10, 1995.

Name of the station: ACE High Station Cavriana - NATO code IMBZ.

Position of the station: 45 ° 21'01.57 "N 10 ° 36'59.96" E

Transmitter connections: western transmitter-scatter connection to the ACE High Station Livorno - NATO code IMXZ. Northern transmitter LOS connection to the ACE High Station Dosso dei Galli - NATO Code IDGZ and from there to the German ACE High Station (Deutsche Richtfunkstation) Feldberg - NATO Code AFEZ. Further northern connection to the Monte Maddalena station, near Brescia.

Miscellaneous: The Cavriana station as such still exists and is open to the public as of November 2009

  • Sorico ( CO ): NSA telecommunications systems


ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on December 30, 1995.
Station name: ACE High Station Verona Tail - NATO Code IVTZ.
Position of the station: 45 ° 33'25.05 "N 010 ° 46'11.08" E (position input Alfa)
Transmitter connections: southwest transmitter-LOS connection to the ACE High Station Cavriana - NATO code IMBZ.
Other: The ACE High Station is located in the West Star bunker with the associated communication bunker - named Bunker San Michele and Bunker Monte Moscal .

  • Lunghezzano (VR): US radar systems
  • Erbezzo (VR): NSA telecommunications systems
  • Boscomantico, Verona : telecommunications systems
  • Conselve ( PD ): Telecommunication systems
  • Ceggia ( VE ): telecommunications systems
  • Lame di Concordia (VE): telecommunications equipment

ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on November 30, 1995.
Name of the station: ACE High Station Lame di Concordia - NATO Code ICEZ.
Station position: 43 ° 44'55.81 "N - 12 ° 52.08.44" E, altitude 30 meters above sea level. d. M., east of Concordia Sagittaria.
Transmitter connections: northern transmitter LOS connection to the ACE High Station Aviano - NATO Code IAVZ. Western transmitter-scatter link to ACE High Station - Cavriana NATO Code IMBZ.

  • Dosso dei Galli (BS): ACE High Network telecommunications system. (The ACE High Network System was shut down on November 15th).

Name of the station: ACE High Station Dosso dei Galli - NATO Code IDGZ.
Position of the station: 45 ° 51'17.53 "N - 45 ° 22'31.11" E, altitude 2196 meters above sea level. d. M., on road No 345 on Passo Dosso dei Galli, between Collio and Passo Croce Domini.
Transmitter connections: Northern transmitter - Troposcatter - connection to the German ACE High Station Feldberg - NATO Code AFEZ. Southern transmitter LOS connection to ACE High Station Cavriana - NATO Code IMBZ.

Miscellaneous: The station Dosso dei Galli was operated by the Italian military from 1969 to December 1995 on behalf of NATO. The station as such still exists and is open to the public (as of November 2009).

Trentino-South Tyrol

  • Naz-Sciaves : nuclear weapons depot ( Site Rigel )
  • Hühnerspiel ( BZ ): telecommunications systems
  • Monte Paganella ( TN ): telecommunication systems

Friuli Venezia Giulia

  • Aviano Air Base : US Air Force (31st Fighter Wing), nuclear weapons depot
  • Aviano: Telecommunication facility, ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on November 30, 1995.

Name of the station: ACE High Station Lame Tail Aviano - NATO Code IAVZ. Station position: 46 ° 01'40.90 "N - 12 ° 36'08.71" E, north of Roveredo in Piano.
Transmitter Connections: Southern transmitter-scatter connection to the ACE High Station Lame di Concordia NATO Code - ICEZ.



  • Ancona : logistics base at Marina di Montemarciano and Chiaravalle
  • Monte Conero ( AN ): Monitoring and radar systems
  • Potenza Picena ( MC ): radar systems


  • Camp Darby ( PI ): US logistics base for the Mediterranean, the Near and Middle East.
  • Pisa Airport : Air Transport Base
  • Livorno : US naval logistics base
  • Coltano ( PI ): Arms depot, NSA communications center
  • Livorno: telecommunication system

ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on September 30, 1995.

Name of the station: ACE High Station Livorno - NATO code IMXZ.

Station position: 44 ° 19'17.82 "N - 10 ° 07'30.06" E, north of Comano, on Monte Giogo.

Transmitter connections: Northern transmitter scatter connection to the French ACE High Station Nice - NATO code FNIZ. Southern transmitter scatter connection to the Italian ACE High Station Rome - NATO Code ITLZ. Eastern transmitter scatter connection to the ACE High Station Cavriana - NATO Code IMBZ, from there further north via the ACE High Station Dosso dei Galli - NATO Code IDGZ - to the ACE High Station (German radio relay station) Feldberg - NATO Code AFEZ.

Miscellaneous: The Livorno station as such still exists and is managed by the ARI - Gruppo Microonde Scatter Monte de Giogo.


ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on November 30, 1995.

Name of the station: Rome - NATO Code ITLZ. Position of the station: 42 ° 09'02.30 "N - 11 ° 54'32.10" E, 616 meters above sea level. d. M., north of Allumiere on Monte Le Grazie.

Transmitter connections: Northern transmitter scatter connection to ACE High Station Livorno - NATO code IMXZ. Southern transmitter scatter connection to the ACE High Station Neaples - NATO Code IICZ.

Miscellaneous: The Rome station as such still exists and is managed by the ARI - Gruppo Microonde Scatter Civitavecchia.


ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on November 30, 1995.

Station name: ACE High Station Neaples - NATO Code IICZ. Station position: 40 ° 43'51.33 "N - 13 ° 54'07.30" E, near Fontana on the island of Ischia.

Transmitter connections: Northern transmitter scatter connection to the ACE High Station Rome - NATO Code ITLZ. Southern transmitter scatter connection to the ACE High Station Catanzaro - Monte Mancuso - NATO Code IMMZ. Eastern transmitter LOS connection to ACE High Station Monte Nardello - NATO Code IMNZ.

Other: The station is still used by the military, as of November 2009

  • Monte Vergine ( AV ): telecommunications systems




  • Crotone : telecommunications systems
  • Monte Mancuso ( CZ ): telecommunication facility

ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on November 15, 1995.

Name of the station: ACE High Station Catanzaro - NATO Code IMMZ.

Transmitter connections: Southern transmitter scatter connection to the ACE High Station Monte Lauro in Sicily - NATO Code ICZZ. Eastern transmitter scatter connection to the Greek ACE High Station Kephallina - NATO Code GKFZ.

Other: The IMMZ station as such still exists and is used for military purposes at times.

  • Sellia Marina (CZ): telecommunication systems
  • Monte Nardello ( RC ): telecommunications and radar systems

ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on November 15, 1995.

Name of the station: ACE High Station Monte Nardello - NATO Code IMNZ.


ACE High Network - The ACE High Station was shut down on November 30, 1995.

Name of the station: ACE High Station Monte Lauro - NATO Code ICZZ. Position of the station: 37 ° 06'51.85 "N - 14 ° 51'19.29" E, south of Buccherie on Monte Lauro.

Transmitter Connections: South Transmitter LOS connection to ACE High Station Malta . Northern transmitter scatter connection to the ACE High Station Catanzaro - Monte Mancuso - NATO Code IMMZ.

Other: The ICZZ station as such still exists and is used for military purposes.


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US Army

US Navy

US Air Force

armed forces